Professor Smarter Than You

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Full Name: Obtuse Idiot
Aliases: Straw Man
Species: Flaxian
Creator: SteveT
First Appearance: Galaxy Goers

Professor Smarter Than You is a Flaxian, and a member of the Galaxy Goers era SteveTrio. He differs from Straw Man in that while Straw Man intentionally bends logic to his whim as a means of expressing dominance, Professor Smarter Than You is has no connection with logic or reality at all. He is completely delusional, to the point where even posts from his point of view are disconnected from the reality of the OG around them. One way this manifests itself is that any segments written from the Professor's point of view are written in paragraph form, while the rest of the OG was written in script.

This disconnection with reality is characteristic of Flaxians; after all, they were created by Straw Man.

He is to be addressed as Professor Smarter Than Me.