The OGers: The Third Generation Page 5

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Pages in the The OGers: The Third Generation Archive
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*El Cent-Saurio is about to open the door when it's blasted open by a sudden explosion that tosses him and the armed guard back into the far wall. Andy storms out accompanied by the other three Fusion Kids.*

Andy: (sees all the OGers) You see? They've brought in professionals to eliminate us! Get 'em!

*Andy immediately lifts Steve and drops him down on Ramsey. Betty swiftly grabs Aither before he can blind and flings him into a wall. Arun's spells trap Lynel, Straw Man, Slort and Luigi_64 within a circle of fire. Suzie fires a pair of Jawbreaker Rays that turn Prince Cobalt and the Guard into jawbreakers.*

Andy: Well done, well done. But there's only one way to stop them from trying to destroy us! We must conquer this kingdom and make our own laws!

Betty: But... but Andy...

Andy: But nothing! Follow me, or get killed by them! I have the power! I can do anything! So are you in, or... (plops the Guard Jawbreaker into his mouth and shatters it in one bite) ...Out?

*All the other Fusion Kids gulp and meekly nod. Andy leads them all towards the throne room. Soon Aither finds a fire extingusiher and puts out the flaming walls.*

Slort: Thanks Aither.

Straw Man: What are you thanking him for? I did all the work.

Lynel: (covers ears) If I don't listen he doesn't exist... If I don't listen he doesn't exist...

Luigi_64: Yo where those little punks at? I gonna pop some in dey skulls next time I see dem.

Ramsey: Calm down. They're mere younglings.

Steve: Well they're as close to adults as they'll ever get and combined they might be stronger then anything. We have to stop them if we're going to live long enough for me to kill you all.

Slort: Guys, cut it! We've gotta get to the throne room quick- Sapphire is in danger!

*Everyone starts to rush off. Aither remembers to pocket the Cobalt Jawbreaker before leaving. Soon they arrive at the throne room, which is filled with jawbreakers. Only Sapphire remains in her normal form, held in the air by a magic bubble.*

Andy: Oh great, they're back for more. Come to think of it, I forgot to give them some permanent treatment last time! Arun! Suzie! Finish them!

Arun: No prob bro!

Suzie: Um... um... (Andy glares) Allright! RIP Beam!

*Suzie blasts a deadly beam which everyone dodges while Arun casts a fire spell that everyone also dodges. And in the meantime Arun releasing his concentration from the bubble allows Sapphire to escape. She grabs Betty and takes her behind an overturned table.*

Andy: Dammit, do some Jawbreaker Rays!

Suzie: Stop shouting!

Andy: What was that?

Suzie: Um... sorry!

*Suzie blasts multiple Jawbreak Rays which hit Lynel and Slort. Luigi_64 takes out his double pistols and starts blasting, only to have them blocked by Arun's magic shield. Aither turns up his light and starts to blind the kids, but Arun also counters this by using a darkness spell to cancel the attack out. Both become jawbreakers in seconds. Soon only Ramsey, Steve, Straw Man and El Cent-Saurio are left standing.*

*FUTUREwhile, GORE and EVIL Scientist Dude have finished repairs to the Flying Monkey.*

GORE: Excellant. Let's check on the OGers' progress now.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Sure sure. (checks a map screen) According to this they're at Turquoise.

GORE: WHAT? (narrows eyes) Cent-Saurio. Well let's hurry. We have an island to catch.

Luiigii of the Pipes[edit]

~Back on the other while~

Ramsey: Well, I hope you're happy.

El Cent-Sorio: We simply need to get close enough to immobilize them. These random acts of violence are easy to exploit for one such as myself.

Ramsey: How?

El Cent-Sorio: You'll see. But how to get closer?

Ramsey: We can hide behind Steve. It's a known fact across the galaxy that all forms of magic and beams bounce off of armor.

SteveT: Ha ha no. How about this? ~picks up Straw Man and throws him into the open~

Straw Man: Ack! If only I had one more minute of life, I could h-- ~is jawbreakered~

Ramsey: That doesn't really help us, though.

SteveT: It helps me a great deal.


SteveT: Fine. Let's go.

~El Cent-Sorio gets close behind SteveT, and the two make their way toward Andy. Arun and Suzie do the smart thing and fan out to get behind SteveT.~

SteveT: Brilliant plan, by the way.

El Cent-Sorio: I thought so t-- ~is jawbreakered~

Ramsey: What now?

SteveT: They'll probably come FOR you, since you're the only one left.

Ramsey: Oh g-- ~is jawbreakered~

SteveT: ~sigh~ I hate having to be the good guy.

~SteveT stands at the center of the three Fusion Kids. Suzie uses a Jawbreaker Ray. SteveT takes a second or so to calculate, then turns himself just a bit so that the Jawbreaker Ray reflects off of his smooth sheen and hits Andy's left hand, which turns into a jawbreaker instead of his whole body for no particular reason.~

Andy: Dammit! You mean we're NOT like Cyclops and Havok? What's the point of being siblings, then?!

~Arun hits SteveT with a lightning spell, giving him an electric charge. He runs forward and punches Andy in the gut, severly shocking him.~

Suzie: Y'know, we have to kinda wonder why we used these attacks when we knew they wouldn't do anything.

Arun: Andy makes us. And it's not so bad.

Andy: F-f-fi...nish... him...

Suzie: Andy's kinda down. Do we really have to listen to him anymore?

Arun: He'll be angry later.

Suzie: He's always angry, though.

Arun: Yeah. I guess we surrender.

SteveT: Good. ~starts picking up the jawbreakers~

Suzie: Did you want me to use an anti-Jawbreaker Ray on them?

SteveT: Not yet. Evil.gif

Arun: Hey, where's Betty, anyway?

~With Betty and Sapphire~

~Sapphire drags Betty through a hall by her ear.~

Sapphire: There will be considerable consequences, you understand. I can't have you four destroying MY palace. I never wanted the place, but if I'm going to be stuck here, it's going to be to my specifications.

Betty: B-but Miss Blue...

Sapphire: Queen Blue.

Betty: Andy made us! There's something wrong with him. And... and... a...

Sapphire: And what?

Betty: ~eye twitches~ And.

Sapphire: Suzie?

Betty: I'm Betty.

Sapphire: I know that. What's wrong?

Betty: ~eye twitches faster~

Sapphire: Oh sh--

~Betty runs forward, dragging Sapphire behind her.~

Betty: Balcony. Balcony. Balcony. Gallows.

Sapphire: ...gallows?

Betty: Yes. Gallows.


~Below the Rocketsville HQ. Masamune stands with his sword held behind his back, looking up dramatically~

Masamune: That wall is too high... we'll never climb it.

Lt. Snagret: Yeah, well see that wire?

Masamune: Yeah.

Lt. Snagret: That looks to me like a golden wire of hope.

Masamune: But it leads DOWN, not up.

Ashley: So now what?

Masamune: We take the elevator.


*Masamune and his crew all stand in the elevator silently. Beside them is a businessman who looks a tad uncomfortable*

Businessman: Birdwatchers, are you?

Lt. Snagret: Why I oughtta...

Ashley: Not quite.

Businessman: You and your husband have quite a nice collection of pets.

Masamune: We're not married. And this is my crew of pirates.

Businessman: ... ah. *quickly presses a button to leave*

Fairy: Bugger off, mister.

~End Elevator~

Lt. Snagret: I heard about this place before. Every floor above the 60th is special and not easy to get to even for employees. Must be where they took the S.S. Dodo. The security's pretty light now. Let's go!

Ashley: Wait a second! You're not thinking of just going right through the main entrance, are you?

Lt. Snagret: Well what else does it look like!? I'm gonna kick some Rocket butt and then I'm gonna-

Ashley: That's not going to work! We've got to find another way...

Lt. Snagret: Ain't gonna be no other way! If we keep wastin' time like this, the S.S. Dodo will be...

Masamune: I know, I know. We'll take the side entrance.

~they go inside~

Guard: Do you have an appointment sir?

Lt. Snagret: WITH YOUR FACE!

~a big dramatic scene breaks out. The birds charge against the Mecha Sonic drones. Wizzrobe starts whipping out spells like a machine gun. Lt. Snagret flips around in the air and starts pecking out their bolts. Kargy tries to eat his fairy. Cataquackers hides under his desk. Masamune and Ashley fight back to back against several Mecha Sonics since that is the sort of thing expected of them.~

Lt. Snagret: That will take care of them.

Masamune: One floor down, a million to go.

~Several floors of fighting later~

Masamune: *is in the bathroom* Dum di dum... *looks up* Oh hey, a vent.

Lt. Snagret: Hurry up.

Masamune: Not so fast, let's go up there real quick.

~the two of them and Ashley, for some reason, go in the vent. After some awkward maneuvering, they somehow find theirself over the Team Rocket meeting room~

Lt. Snagret: Wow, that's a lot of suits.


Meowth: Rocketsville III is still in bad condition. But we're ready to beging reconstruction. It will cost about-

Magikoopa: We're not rebuilding it.

Meowth: Why?

Magikoopa: Lord Lupus wants us to focus our energies on Project U.

Murasame: Perhaps you can extend some funding to the Space Program. We have the technology to build space colonies now.

Magikoopa: The remaining funds will be split between Mecha Sonic and Bomberman.

Bomberman: Woot!

Murasame: Bah.

Magikoopa: I heard there was a disturbance downstairs.

Mecha Sonic: Don't worry, my drones are taking care of it, boss.

Magikoopa: Good. And someone do something about this room, it always stinks.

~later, outside the bathroom~

Ashley: Project V?

Masamune: It's not the S.S. Dodo, so it doesn't matter. We move on.

~magically, one floor up...~

Masamune: Ah, the hangar!

Lt. Snagret: Wow, they've built a lot of Flying Subs...

Cataquackers: Sir! The S.S. Dodo!

Masamune: Awesome, let's get aboard.

Lt. Snagret: Good heavens... look at that ship. Is that the-

~before them is a large ship. It dwarves the subs and the Dodo, it is made of thick steel and is utterly intimidating with its wide variety of guns~

Murasame: The Omnipotence II. Like it? I've made some improvements since you destroyed my old one.

Masamune: *pulls out sword* This time it will be you.

Murasame: I could easily summon some drones, but I think I'll enjoy this more.

Masamune: Lt. Snagret. Take the others and leave.

Lt. Snagret: But sir-

Masamune: You're in command! Now go!

Ashley: I'll stay with you.

Masamune: You go too. I'll catch up with you later.

~she is about to say something, but changes her mind. And they leave on the S.S. Dodo~

Lt. Snagret: She stills sails smoothly, that's something.

Ashley: We got out of there too easily...

Cataquackers: Funny you should mention that.

Lt. Snagret: Why?

Cataquackers: They deployed the subs.

Lt. Snagret: Curses! You swabs, man the turrets! We're not going down without a fight.


*In the Turquoise throne room, the Fusion Kids reluctantly un-Jawbreakerfy the OGers under Sapphire's stern eye.*

Sapphire: Why are you people even here to begin with?

Ramsey: (bows) Your highness, we present ourselves before you to request your aid in defeating Team Rocket Omega.

Sapphire: Those losers are still around? Sorry, but I don't deal with that stuff. But the King will be back soon. I have him take care of all this stupid alliance business.

Aither: King?

Ramsey: King?

Luigi 64: KING?

Sapphire: Yea- (loud noises are heard) Sounds like he's back now.

*Everyone spins around in total unison as the large doubledoors swing open, and the King of Turquoise enters.*

Donkeyman: Hello, Ruby. I'm home.

Sapphire: I told you to stop calling me that! Anyway, the Fusion Kids went insane again. We might need your brute strength to punish them this time.

Donkeyman: Alright, alright. Whatever you say. ...Say, who are these people? Some friends of your's?

Sapphire: No, they're some beggers looking for aid to get rid of Team Rocket. They did help to restrain the Fusion Kids...

Donkeyman: You don't say. Well lookee here, kids. I'll give you all the aid I can, once Turquoise is properly positioned over Team Rocket's headquarters.

Sapphire: Oh! And those two (nudges to Cent-Saurio and Chibi-Devil) gotta go, or the deal's off!

Cent-Saurio: Oh come on, Sapphire! We got off on the wrong foot, but you can trust us in a lickety-split!

*GORE-ILLA and EVIL Scientist Dude burst in.*

GORE-ILLA: There you kids are! We've been worried sick about you!

Aither: They smell like evil!

EVIL Scientist Dude: That's EVIL! EVIL! Spell it right, you blonde-haired mor- er, legendary hero. Still getting used to this being good thing.

Cent-Saurio: Begone, rancid sinners!

GORE-ILLA: Hey, you see here....

Sapphire: Donkeyman, can you escort them out? They're bothering the kids.

Donkeyman: I locked the kids in their room.

Sapphire: Yeah, well, they're annoying the hell out of me!

*Donkeyman opens his mouth, and a black gust of wind is emitted. It blows the OGers and company through the throne room doors and back outside. One of the photos, of Ashley, is dropped by EVIL Scientist Dude in the meantime and lands on the floor. Cobalt picks it up and examines it intently. Outside...*

Cent-Saurio: Okay kids! This way!

GORE: Where? We're the ones with transportation!

Straw Man: I'd just like to remind you all that me and my companions are here. That will be all.

SteveT: I will seriously kill you all.

Aither: How can we trust you? We heard about what you did to the OG Six.

GORE: I did not kill them.

Straw Man: I was there, I saw it! The glove does not fit, end of story!

GORE: Well, it was me. But not the me you're speaking to right now.

SteveT: Oh please, not another dramatic flashback.

The year 2020ish. GORE stands over the bodies of the last of the OG Six and weeps. With his massacre complete, he is back to normal. Then the Velvet Monkey appears.
Velvet Monkey: Well done, my pet. You are becoming more and more like me.
GORE: You monster! You were using me all along! They're all dead because of you!
Velvet Monkey: You ingrateful brat. I'm dead too, but I was able to borrow this body after beating Death in a few rounds of parchese. Now that all of your pitiful friends have been eliminated, you have nothing holding you back from achieving your destiny. Take my place and take the cosmos. Everything can be yours!
GORE: No... throw your physics to the dogs! I'll kill you!
*GORE leaps up and winds up for a punch.*
Velvet Monkey: A pity... SOUL ERASER!
*The Velvet Monkey unleashes a flash of light. GORE drops lifelessly to the ground.*
Velvet Monkey: Goodbye, Good GORE. Forever. Your soul... is now... nothing.
*GORE rises and stabs the Velvet Monkey through the heart with his last victim's sword.*
GORE: No more hiding... not anymore.
Velvet Monkey: How... (falls over, dead for good)
GORE: The name's Dark GORE. But now... I'm the only GORE.

Ramsey: So you're this... Dark GORE fellow?

GORE: Yes. I had time to do some thinking in that Void. And I'm embraced this second chance to do what my better half would have done. EVIL Scientist Dude was a little reluctant, but I was able to convince him this was the best way.

Luigi 64: Yo chizza that story was rockin to the max cept for that whack-ass monkey.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Alright, now! Everyone aboard the Flying Monkey! Let's get a head start on this Team Rocket business!

*The OGers go aboard.*

Aither: I'm still not sure if we can trust him. Even if he didn't kill the OG Six exactly, he's still got "Dark" in his name.

*Outside, EVIL Scientist Dude is about to head off when Cobalt approaches him.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: What does your stupid highness want this time?

Cobalt: Can I... can I join your group?

EVIL Scientist Dude: (flips through pictures but sees nothing resembling Cobalt) This ain't just a babysitting agency, kiddo. Do you even have any special powers?

Cobalt: Well... I...

EVIL Scientist Dude: You snooze, ya lose!

*EVIL Scientist Dude enters the Flying Monkey and shuts the hatch. Then he opens it again.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Were you snoozing?

Cobalt: No-

EVIL Scientist Dude: Then you lost anyway! (slams hatch shut)

*The Flying Monkey departs from Turquoise. Little do they know, Cent-Saurio and Chibi-Devil are clinging to the hull of their ship. Cobalt, remembering a story his mother told him, quickly ran upstairs to the wardrobe room, making sure his donkey tail didn't stick out of his pants.*


*Minutes later, EVIL Scientist Dude enters the control room to find a red-garbed figure at the controls. He does a double take and then spits out his coffee, causing one of the air bags to malfunction and explode.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: You're one of the guys from the photos! How did you get on board?

*The person spins around. He is dressed similarly to a red mage, with a red fedora and a red bandana covering his mouth. He twiddles a rose in his hand.*

???: I have many talents. You couldn't care less about my name. But if you wish to call me anything, call me The Gentleman in Red.*


*Elsewhere in the throne room, Sapphire and Donkeyman are drinking coffee. Donkeyman thinks back to a battle he and Sapphire had with an evil Pudding spirit.*

Donkeyman: Sapphire? ...Thanks for helping me find my heart.

*Sapphire thinks back to when she first met the Donkeyman, after recovering her body and the Fusion Kids but spending months wandering alone with no sign of Golem or Vorpal or any of her old friends.*

Sapphire: Oh, and Donkeyman? ...Thanks for helping me find mine.


~The Flying Monkey flies in the air. But the silence is interrupted by the radar~

SteveT: Hey. Excuse me... there's a red blinking thing here.

ESD: What!? *looks* That's another ship on the radar. Who made you a pilot!?

SteveT: None of your- *flashback bombinator rolls on the floor and hits him* Oh bugger.

Lynel: What does the T stand for anyways?
SteveT: Nothing.
Straw Man: It stands for a MODEL T! Like a pilot bot! That might be released in the future! Quick! Man the controls!
SteveT: No.
SteveT: Fine!

ESD: Oh. Good enough for me. GORE, who is that other ship?

GORE: It's registering... as the S.S. Dodo.

Slort: *spits up coffee* Who is on board!?

GORE: Not sure yet. We'll send a message over.

Gentleman in Red: It's the Haminar girl.

Slort: How would you know?

GiR: Trust me on this.

~the comm opens~

???: Hello? Hello?

ESD: This is the Flying Monkey, over. Identify yourself.

???: Whew! Are we glad to see you! Acting Captain Snagret of the S.S. Dodo reporting in! We could use some backup here!

ESD: ... backup?

SteveT: There's some more red blips showing up.

GiR: We've got Rocket Subs moving in!

Slort: *jumps on ESD's lap and moves to the mic* Where is Ashley?

Snagret: She's with us. She's working the cannon right now.

ESD: Get offa me! *tosses Slort down on the ground* Where's Masamune?

Snagret: He stayed behind to... ***radio interference*** ... shracking hell!

ESD: What!? What!?

GiR: We've lost communications!

GORE: The S.S. Dodo is taking damage! Do we move in?

ESD: ....

Ramsey: We can't stay here! We have to move in!

ESD: Shut up! Just shut up!

Luigi_64: Those fuggy fools dead, yo. Let's get outta before we toast too!

Ramsey: Nobody asked you!

GiR: Missiles away.

ESD: What!? I didn't order no missiles!

GORE: We have contact! One sub down!

SteveT: Er. It looks like there's tiny little dots coming out of the big ones... and they're coming to another big dot that looks like us.

ESD: Dammit! Evasive maneuvers!

~the Flying Monkey starts weaving through the air. Several of the Sub torpedos sail harmlessly past them, but one makes contact and hits the hull~

Aither: *comes running into the control room* We're taking on air!

ESD: Fire more missiles! Patch that hole! Somebody get that damn armor out of here!

Aither: With what!? We don't have any metal scrap big enough to fit!

GiR: I happen to see a very large metal armor taking up space here.

SteveT: You even think about it and I'll kill you!

GORE: We're losing altitude!

GiR: Well?

SteveT: ... fine! I'll take care of the hole. *pushes Aither aside* By myself.

~Aither climbs in Steve's chair~

Aither: More torpedos en route! The S.S. Dodo is joining up with us.

~Meanwhile, as Steve heads to the hole in the hull (pun), Cent-Sorio and Chibi-Devil sneak in unnoticed through said hole~

GORE: Another sub down! We did it! They're retreating!

~cheers all around~

Ramsey: We beat 'em! We did it!

Aither: Not yet... there's another blip on the radar!

~the radio crackles and a voice speaks up~

????: This is acting captain... Ashley. There's a new ship in sight. It's The Ominpotence II. And we're about to be boarded.

Slort: Quick! We have to get them off of that ship!

GORE: Are you crazy!? That ship has enough cannons to blow us outta the sky twenty times over. We're getting out of here.

Ramsey: Ugh.

Aither: Where to then?

ESD: There's a canyon south of here. We can land in there... that ship will never be able to fit in there. We'll have to walk the rest of the way to the Rocket HQ.

GORE: Setting in a new flight path...

Aither: The other ship seems to be ignoring us. Looks like we're in the clear.


~Soon, the Flying Monkey lands in the canyon.~

ESD: GORE, you're staying here.

~GORE nods. The rest of the crew gets out and walks quickly towards the Rocketsville Headquarters.~

ESD: TRO just lost a good number of subs and the S.S. Dodo escaped. While they're busy, we might be able to take advantage of lowered security.

Aither: To do what, exactly?

Slort: Take a sub, board Omnipotence II, stop Murasame.

SteveT: I might just kill you all now for using me as scrap metal up there.

ESD: No, we're going to sabotage their communication systems. First, we send a message through to all Rocketsville HQs, something along the lines of... "All OGers are to be treated with the utmost respect and given top security clearance." Then we send the Gamechamp virus through their network ~holds up flash thumb drive~, which will disable all outgoing and incoming messages to all Rocketsville HQs, at least for a while.

Ramsey: Before that, allow me to send a message to my superiors.

ESD: Do you know how to get a message to them?

Ramsey: Well, no, b--

ESD: We can't waste any time in there. I'm not sure we can get the Gamechamp virus through before we're caught.

Ramsey: But you're sending a message through yo--

ESD: Yes, that'll take two seconds.

Ramsey: I really don't think that's the wisest course...

ESD: Are you in or are you out?

Luigi_64: We'se best get going now.

GiR: Yes, time is of the essence. Let's just stick to ESD's plan, he knows this line of work.

Luigi_64: No, I mean dey's closin' in on us.

~Luigi_64 points to the horizon, full of dust, just in front of Rocketsville HQ.~

GORE: Mecha Sonics.

SteveT: Lucky for you, this will relieve the urge to kill... somewhat.

~In 30 seconds, the Mecha Sonics halt several yards away from the OGers.~

A Mecha Sonic: State your business. ~his head is immediately punched off by SteveT~

~The Mecha Sonics open fire. As ESD makes a break for the headquarters, Aither uselessly shines light at the Mecha Sonics. Ramsey fires energy bolts at them through his Mecha Sonic hands and the Gentleman in Red uses a rapier to slice up the leftovers. Lyger scraps a few, as well, with his claws, and Straw Man doesn't think Mecha Sonics exist.

The crew rushes on ahead to the headquarters.

At the front gate, after having thrown aside some guards violently...~

ESD: Now, as for entry,--

Luigi_64: No prob. I got us covered. Just follow me.

ESD: We're not following you.

Luigi_64: Whoa whoa whoa, youse got a problem wid' me?

ESD: No. We just need surgical procision.

Luigi_64: I ain't no surgeon, yo. If it's a big deal, go ahead.

~Luigi_64 hands ESD an ID card, which ESD runs through a card reader next to the front door. The door opens.~

ESD: Guards should be light due to the S.S. Dodo fiasco, but there should still be some guards around. Keep your eyes peeled.

~Meanwhile, lots of floors up, Magikoopa lounges, playing Neo Geo...~

Hawt anime girl: Magikoopa, sir, Luigi_64's ID card was just used to enter this building.

Magikoopa: Who?

HAG: Luigi_64.

Magikoopa: Oh, right, him... cool.


*Elsewhere, several posts ago...*

Vlad: (looks in horror at his hands as they melt into molten cheese) AAAAUUUUGGGH!!!

*Lupus is slumped on his throne watching.*

Lupus: Now it's just boring. (snaps fingers, returning Vlad's hands) You know the price of failure now, right?

Vlad: Yeah, I won't mess up this time. My nephew got in the way last time-

Lupus: I don't care about your whiny backstory. What I do care about is killing the last of these so-called OGers. It is the will of I, your god.

???: Lord Lupus, I plead of you! Send me to kill them in his place!

*Out of the shadows steps MON-KILL, sleek and completely metallic.*

Lupus: Sure.

MON-KILL: Really?

Lupus: Yeah, I always hated you so I figure you're expendable enough. Don't even pretend that you're gonna try targeting any of them besides the old ape. Vlad, you can handle the rest.

Vlad: I won't let you down this time.

MON-KILL: Thank you master! At last, vengeance shall be mine!

Lupus: Yeah whatever, just get out of my face.

*Vlad and MON-KILL quickly scurry out.*

Koopa's Brain in a Jar: Sir, do you honestly think they'll kill the OGers?

Lupus: No, but I never liked them anyway. I figure I might as well get rid of my boring minions first so that when these new guys meet me, we can have some reeeeaaaal fun!

*Lupus's one eye begins bulging. He scoops Koopa's Brain out of the jar, turning it into a golden cheese nugget, and begins juggling it while singing some ancient Nazi anthem.*

*Back to the present, at the Flying Monkey, where GORE sits along and pensively.*

GORE: I never got to start a jazz band... never skied in Turkey... I did beat up a hooker though...

*Suddenly MON-KILL tears through the side of the Flying Monkey with his claws.*

MON-KILL: You don't know how long I've waited for this!

GORE: Hm, I don't see this going well at all. (rolls up invisible sleeves)


Magikoopa: Not to self, hire underlings with more attractive acronyms.

HAG: Did you say something, sir?

Magikoopa: Huh? Oh nothing.

*Suddenly, from the deepest obscurities of the story Colt materializes.*

Colt: Rare Neo Geo... more drug cash!

*Colt reaches down and swipes the Neo Geo, but Magikoopa's other hand lashes out and grabs hers.*

Colt: Wha?

Magikoopa: Sorry babe, but years of having my games stolen from me have sharpened my reflexes! And dealing with time/space travelers has helped too. Wanna be my new servant girl?

Colt: Err... maybe being part of the plot again was a bad idea...

*Elsewhere, the others make their way through the halls of Rocket HQ, with Straw Man riding on Lynel's back and making him eat all the enemies in their path.*

Lynel: I'm... I'm full.

Straw Man: Anorexic wimp! You'll never be ready for the Olympic paddle-balling team like this! Don't you want to be played by Tom Hanks?

Lynel: Y...yes.

Straw Man: Then do as I say! Now take it all off...

*Aither, Ramsey with his Mecha Sonic jetboots, Gentleman in Red and SteveT continue to cut through the various enemies that pile up. EVIL Scientist Dude enters the control room with Slort and Luigi 64. He takes out his floppy with the Gamechamp virus and does a quick hacking of the computer.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Here we go! (grabs the microphone) A-

*Suddenly Luigi_64 shoves EVIL Scientist Dude out of the way and is about to speak into the microphone when Slort headbonks him and then speaks into the mike instead.*

Slort: Attention, all members of Team Rocket! Everyone pull back to Rocket HQ! We have an intruder alert, repeat intruder alert! The S.S. Dodo has been moved to low priority. The S.S. Omnipotence, all subs and all other personnel are ordered to back off from them and come here instead to destroy the OGers!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Why yo-

*Slort bites EVIL Scientist Dude's hand, making him release the hard drive in pain, and Slort inserts it into the hard drive, releasing the virus.*

Luigi 64: You one cool little guy, Goomba!

*Slort goomba-has the computer while EVIL Scientist Dude examines his hand.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Even as a Goomba, I know that tooth structure anywhere... Luiigii?!

Slort: ...

Luigi 64: Why you stretchin' my i's, son?


ESD: It's you, isn't it?

Slort: Doesn't matter if I am. The S.S. Dodo is safe, we can handle the rest of them.

ESD: If I didn't think you'd come in handy, I'd have GORE crush your face in.

~all the other OGers gather nearby and prepare to make their final stand~

GORE: Damn. There's a ton of them coming.

SteveT: Sounds like fun.

Ramsey: We'll make the best of it.

Aither: Right. Hey wait, where's the new guy?

ESD: He's slipped away! *looks around* Dammit, and so has Luiigii!

Luigi_64: Chillax dude, I'm right here, dig?


~On board the Omnipotence II which I'm not going to bother italicizing anymore. Ashley and the other pirates are all tied up, including Masamune~


Murasame: ~approaches Ashley and lifts her chin~ Well well well. So this is the little lady that has little brother's eye now, eh? You like them younger and younger, don't you?

Masamune: You cheated! Let's finish this for real!

Murasame: Tsk tsk tsk. You're a desperate man, brother. You think I'm really willing to let all your bottled up anger get the better of you and end our so-called curse? I happen to be enjoying immortality. More than that, those years you spent trapped by Lupus were some of the best times I ever had.

Masamune: You USED my sword!

Murasame: You got it back, didn't you? Though I think not this time. I've got a Master Pie in the oven baking just for you. This time I'm going to simply get you out of the way. I'll go on to live for the rest of eternity without you getting in the way.

Ashley: Look this is all interesting, but really. We're not exactly together. We just met like... yesterday. Really.

Murasame: *smirks* My brother is fast.

Lt. Snagret: And yet you're working for Magikoopa?

Murasame: He's a patsy. All I have to do is outlive him, then I get everything. And you know my brother and I... we're so good at outliving everyone.

Snipes: *runs on deck* Bossss! We're being ordered to withdraw!

Murasame: Ignore it.

Snipes: But the OGers-

Murasame: *grabs Snipes by the neck* I will deal them AFTER I've finished with this.

Snipes: *choking* Yes sir!

Murasame: *unsheaths his sword* Now then, Masamune. Simply turning you to stone and dropping you in the bottom of the sea is far too considerate a fate for someone I hold so dear to my heart. No, you see, I'm going to slaughter your crew. One. By. One. But first, since she apparently means so little to you, I'll go ahead and start with this lovely little lady here.

Masamune: You bastard!

Murasame: Blame our father, not me! *swings sword, but another blade stops it*

~standing in front of Murasame is a man dressed all in red, holding up a sword in his hand~

Murasame: That sword...!?

Gentlemen in Red: I'm afraid I can't allow you to strike a lady.

Murasame: *smirks* Well well well. If you've got the sword of the Flying Arabdude, then that must mean you're half Burro. All the better for me.

~their swords clash again. Murasame clearly has the upper hand in strength and Red breaks off and slips away. He attempts to break the bindings on the ropes, but Krunk's axe gets in the way. He finds himself staring down the kremling Krunk and lizalfos Snipes. Murasame steps away while the two advance on the Gentlemen in Red~

Red: Two on one? That's hardly fair at all.

~the two reptiles swing and the Gentlemen avoids both their blades~

Red: You two don't stand a chance at all.

~meanwhile, Murasame is back with the others~

Murasame: I know you're here.

Masamune: Yeah, I'm still right here.

Murasame: Not you. *turns to the far edge of the ship* In the shadows! Do you really think someone like you could ever face me?

Slort: *steps out* Probably not, but I can buy time.

Murasame: I admire your stubbornness. In another time and in a place where you had more arms, I might have considered you for a minion. *brandishes blade* But here, you're only good for pizza toppings.

Luiigii of the Pipes[edit]

Slort: For the Shire!

~Slort waddles towards Murasame, who stares down at him for a bit and then shrugs and steps on him.~

Ashley: You're the worst not-dad ever.


MON-KILL: I will make you suffer...for all 998 lives that were lost that day!

GORE-ILLA: That's like the most cliche thing ever. You know what's totally NOT cliche? Forgiving me because I repented and stuff. So you should be doing that right now and not--

~MON-KILL slams into GORE headfirst, flinging him into the other side of the Flying Monkey's hull.~

GORE-ILLA: H-hey...! Come on...! I haven't...haven't even taken my pills yet!

MON-KILL: ~leaps up to GORE with his claws bared~ Don't-- ~slash~ --mock-- ~slash~ --the elderly!

~The last slash leaves GORE upside down. He catches himself on his hands and grabs MON-KILL's head with his feet, then swings said noggin forward into and through the hull. GORE rolls out from under his adversary and starts winding up a punch, but robotic eye stalks slide out of MON-KILL's shoulder blades and spot the other. He slams his claws into the wall, sticks his legs out in a split and starts rotating at the waist, then swings his impromptu (and blunt) buzz-saw into GORE's chest. GORE goes flying again and ends up sprawled out in a pile of live trout. Seriously, those were there the whole time.~


Dammit. Whoa, that was a long pause. I need more juice...

~GORE fires his laser eye into the edges of the hull surrounding MON-KILL's neck, melting them into place. He climbs out of the pile of fish and casually drags himself into another room, MON-KILL struggling all the while, then comes back with a box of Vorp-Os. Standing just out of MON-KILL's reach, he shakes some into his mouth.~

GORE-ILLA: Ah, that hits the spot. Want some?


GORE-ILLA: Seriously, what, Lupus gave you like two tricks? You should have stuck with the laser sword.

~MON-KILL slashes the hull to either side of himself, then activates the mandatory jet boosters in his kneecaps and bursts through the hull, with only a tiny ring still around his neck, all jagged like a bad-ass collar or something. He swings around and opens a panel on his chest, within which is a winch and chain. GORE braces himself as MON-KILL flies back into the hole he'd just created, but naturally can't stop that much weight and motion and both just go spinning through the hole MON-KILL tore his way into the first time.

~And the Vorp-Os...were scattered!

~When the two apes finally come to a stop, MON-KILL jumps up first and leaps onto GORE's chest in a handstand, pressing him down and digging the claws in. With his feet he pulls the chain out of his chest and ties it around GORE's own feet, then boosts into the air. GORE tries to activate his own boosters, but the intakes have been choked by the chain. He swings himself up and grabs the chain with both hands. At the same time, MON-KILL grabs his end of the chain with a hand, yanks it (and GORE) upwards, and then slams him hard with his other fist. He does this a few times like a yo-yo of pain.

~By now the two have reached Rocketsville HQ. As GORE goes flying down from yet another slam, MON-KILL does a back flip in mid air, which swings GORE into the HQ. GORE slams upwards through a column of floors and windows before finally exiting through the building's roof. MON-KILL continues to flip as he drifts to the left, slamming GORE back into the building and through a fresh set of floors and windows. On the opposite side of the building from where MON-KILL started, Magikoopa and Colt watch.~

Magikoopa: ...I think my rights are being violated here.


*MON-KILL races through various floors of the building, dragging GORE in his wake.*

GORE: There's just no time for this.

MON-KILL: Come on, it's just the hurt I'm looking for!

*MON-KILL stops in a board meeting room, and reels GORE in.*

GORE: You're forgetting one thing...

*MON-KILL punches GORE as he is reeled in, and he is sent through the window.*

MON-KILL: And what's that? (begins to pull him back)

GORE: I'm not the pansy-ass GORE you battled all those years ago.

*This time as MON-KILL reels GORE in, GORE catches MON-KILL's fist and then punches him with his other fist, sending him falling over. GORE than yanks on the chain himself, tearing it from MON-KILL's grip.*

GORE: I am the one that killed your little friends and that pretty female gorilla.

*MON-KILL looks enraged.*

MON-KILL: Finally, you admit it!

GORE: Yeah, see I'm Dark GORE. I dunno, you guys were all jerks to me and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Plus I just loved irritating my better half. And considering that incident wound up creating you, I'd say I was successful in that regard.

MON-KILL: You bastard!

*MON-KILL rushes at GORE and tackles him through the window. They begin falling through the air.*

GORE: Why ain't you activating your stupid jet boots?

MON-KILL: Everyone's always asking me "MON-KILL, you dedicate your life to revenge. What happens when you finally get your revenge?" I say "Hm, good question." That's why I'm making sure we die together... then in my dying moments, I can finally savor my revenge. Poetic, isn't it?

GORE: Not really.

*GORE begins grappling with MON-KILL in midair.*

MON-KILL: You really don't think you can outmatch me do you, old ape? You're just getting what you deserve. You actually confessed!

GORE: True. I do probably deserve this. But I was given this body by an ape much greater than me, and I ain't gonna waste it yet. I still have work to do in his name. Hey this is a pretty long fall, but my point is I ain't letting me die yet.

MON-KILL: Too bad you don't have a choice. I guess I can savor this unusually long drop.

*MON-KILL withdraws his one hands uses it to pull out a small laser-shiv. He begins slashing at GORE, most making stinging marks.*

GORE: That burns pretty bad. Try again!

*GORE suddenly lifts up his legs, which are still bound together, and kicks into MON-KILL's chest at the same time that he swings the shiv so that the shiv slices the wire holding his feet together.*

MON: No!

GORE: Sorry MON. I won't kill you outright, but I sure as hell ain't saving you either.

*GORE then activates his jet feet, blasting off from MON-KILL's chest and scorching it as MON falls to the ground and shatters/splatters. As GORE rockets back up towards Rocket HQ, he takes out solemn look down towards MON-KILL's final resting place, before pressing his attention ahead. As his old jets start sputtering and dying out, he manages to grab ahold of a scaffolding.*

*Back with the others...*


Masamune: Are we the others? I think the other others might be, but when you think about it, a group consisting of Ramsey, Aither, ESD, and Luigi_64? I mean sure they have Steve, but that's not a very compelling group.

Murasame: Do you /ever/ shut up?

Slort: *coughs and sputters, spitting out a Swiss Vorpal Knife*

Flutter: *from the past* I didn't know they made those!

Ashley: *catches the knife with her teeth (eww!) and frees herself from the rope* HA! Oh yuck, Goomba goop! *spit spit spit*

Murasame: You plan to take me on with a knife?

Red: *steps forward after defeating Krunk and snipes* Of course not. With two swords. *tosses Ashley the sword Snipes had*

Ashley: Hm. (He'd almost be dashing, but I think dad would've liked Masamune a lot better. It's what he would've wanted.)

Slort: (No I wouldn't!)

Ashley: (You can't read minds!)

Slort: (Dammit!)

~Ashley takes the sword and she and Cobalt get into combat positions~

Masamune: You could free me. I'm a pretty good swordsman, you know.

~they ignore him and attack. Cobalt fights impressively well for a fruity guy who stole his mother superhero identity, but Ashley falters a bit due to her inexperience using swords that actually have weight. Murasame fends them off for a bit but fighting two swords at once is not easy task. He maneuvers his way around them and picks up one of Krunk's axes and resumes the battle. After a lengthy duel he has taken some cuts and bruises, but he seems all too willing to go for more while Red and Ashley are about spent~

Masamune: Wow. Isn't it amazingly ironic that their names are Red and Ashley? It's like WarioWare, you know? It would be perfect if Red was some kind of demon.

Lt. Snagret: HOW AMAZING

Masamune: Now I feel bad...

Wizrobe: You should. You have every reason to be.

~Ashley is finally smacked away and knocked unconscious and Red is barely holding his own~

Masamune: Someone should untie me. Hey, Slort. Untie me, would you?

Slort: If Ashley wasn't in danger, I'd leave you. But... *hops up and snaps the ropes up with his teeth*

~just before Murasame can stab Cobalt, Masamune intercepts with his arm, leaving a nasty cut that doesn't quite reach bone, he then counters with his own blade and slashes Murasame along the side.~

Murasame: You've gotten desperate.

Masamune: I've gotten bored.

~the two clash blades again while Red drags Ashley to safety. Masamune remains completely on the offensive, attacking rapidly and giving Murasame not time to counter attack. They continue to trade knicks and blows on one another's arms and torsos, but neither show any sign of slowing down. With Murasame being backed into a corner, he allows Masamune to get a slight advantage while he shifts to more an advantageous position on the stairs. With the advantage of high ground, he soon knocks Masamune's blade away.

Realizing his peril, Masamune starts running after his sword just as the ship heads into a cloud system, obscuring everything. He is forced to crawl along the ground looking for his blade while Murasame pursues. As Murasame begins to catch up, Masamune grabs hold of the nearest solid thing he can - Slort - and throws him at Murasame. He finally finds his blade and barely is able to hold back Murasame. He makes an awkward swing, but Murasame dodges and uses his free hand to wring the blade out of Masamune's hands. Now unarmed, Masamune is forced to dodge as Murasame swings both the swords with relative ease. As the Murasame blade comes swinging towards him, Masamune dodges and grabs the blade, turning it behind him just as Murasame himself walks into it~

Murasame: Ugh... you... *drops the Masamune blade* You... bastard...!

Masamune: *grabs a bleeding arm and drops the Murasame* It's over.

~there is a blinding flash and suddenly an old looking fellow with spectacles appears. His hands are tucked behind an extremely long beard and he dresses in ancient robes~

Old Man: Tsk... so it began in bloodshed... it ends in bloodshed.

Red: Who are you!?

Old Man: Myrddin, if you will. Merlin for other times. Most people call me Earl, these days.

Red: Merlin!?

Old Man: Earl. It has a nice ring to it. *sniffles a bit and turns to Murasame and Masamune* Well I must admit I'm disappointed. It could only end one of two ways (well three if you count Argrot here being stabbed by Murasame, but that's neither here nor there now is it?) It seems the two of you never quite learned your lesson. Well, this test is over. You both failed. *holds out his hand and mumbles an incantation*

Murasame: No! No you can't! I--

~Masamune and Murasame are both engrossed in a bright light. Their pointy ears fade and their youthfulness begins to fade. Now stricken mortal, Murasame collapses to his knees as it is no longer possible for him to be alive. Masamune on the other hand begins to rapidly grow facial hair~

Old Man: Well, perhaps you two met a better fate in another time and place. *sniffles again* Well I'll be off. *glances over at Wizrobe* You may want to inform their next of kin. *reaches inside his robes and pulls out a bowler hat* Well I'm off to the home. You crazy kids have fun. *mutters a few words and a door appears in mid air. He steps through it and the door vanishes*

Masamune: So... this is it. *he turns around and finds Ashley, Cobalt, Slort, and his bird crew looking at him in shock*

Ashley: Masamune... is that...

Argrot: No. It's Argrot now. I'm sorry it had to end like this. *walks up to her, seizes her, and plants a kiss on her lips* Maybe Merlin is right. It might have worked out it another life.

Ashley: I...

Argrot: I don't have much time. Once my age catches up to me, I'm a goner.

Red: There's got to be a way to stop it!

Argrot: There's no use, but I can at least finish off with one last good deed. All of you on the S.S. Dodo.

Red: What are you going to do?

Argrot: There's no time! GO!

~Ashley, Cobalt, and the bird crew (dragging along Krunk and Snipes) file into the Dodo which had been towed by the Omnipotence. While they remove the ropes holding it...~

Slort: Looks like I was wrong about you.

Argrot: Are you going to magically pop back into your real self yet?

Slort: It doesn't work like that. You need someone to-

Argrot: I don't think so. *picks up Slort, runs to the edge of the ship, and throws him on the deck of the S.S. Dodo*

Slort: Wait! You can't-- *thud*

Ashley: *runs over and picks up Slort* What is he doing?

Slort: ... Cod Almighty...

~Meanwhile, back inside the HQ on the top floor~

Colt: We might have a problem.

Magikoopa: What, why?

Colt: The Omnipotence is coming back.

Magikoopa: So?

Colt: It's headed right towards us.

Magikoopa: To the Flying Sub!

Colt: There's no time!

Magikoopa: WE'LL MAKE TIME!

~The Omnipotence crashes spectacularly into the building. Special effects~

Luigi_64: What the shrack was that!?

EVIL Scientist Dude: The building's been hit! The entire thing is going to come down on us!

Straw Man: It's just the wind.

Aither: The Flying Sub hangar is a floor above us! If we hurry we can-

Ramsey: Yeah, yeah. We get it!

~the group all run off, except for SteveT who is glaring out the window in the direction of the S.S. Dodo, where Wizrobe stands on the edge of the deck~

Steve: ... FESTIVITY ATTENDER! *takes a running start and throws himself out the glass in the direction of the S.S. Dodo, which happens to be flying by just now with some of the ropes that was used to tow it still hanging off the side, which Steve manages to catch in mid air*


~As Colt takes out her timebox, MagiKoopa swipes it.~

MagiKoopa: I can teleport short distances anyway, so I really don’t need this. I’ll think of some neat way to dispose of it so no one goes around screwing up my empire. ~disappears in a cloud of smoke~

Colt: . . .

~Rocket grunts have all evacuated the room by now. Colt takes the stairs to the roof.

EVIL Scientist Dude, Aither, Ramsey, and Luigi_64 rush through the hallways of Rocket HQ together. Grunts that would normally attack them are instead scrambling for the same place as them: the flying sub hangar.~

ESD: There’s no way there’s enough subs for us all!

Aither: Well…

Ramsey: If we can get through the ceiling, there’s a chance! Luigi_64, you know this place somewhat, right?!

~Though Aither pushes ahead through the mob like the other three, he doesn’t let his eyes leave the ground.~

ESD: Aither! Stay with us here!

Aither: Wait.

Ramsey: What was that?

Aither: I said, “Wait”!

Luigi_64: This ain’t no time fo’ sittin’ around!

Aither: Just trust me here! ~starts glowing~

ESD: He’s glowing. That’s good enough for me.

~Aither, ESD, and Ramsey stop, while Luigi_64 pushes ahead.~

Aither: Duck and don’t look up. ~turns his head to the side~

~With his head turned to the side, and with the others crouching, Aither extends his arms before him. Out of his palms shines an intense light, and screams of agony rise from the mob of grunts while they fall down with scorched backs. He slowly spins in place, catching all grunts in the room, both behind, to the side, and in front of them. A few grunts catch on fire. Luigi_64, having heard Aither say "duck", is not as hurt, as he was starting to crouch when the light passed over him. Groans and screams arise from the mob at scattered intervals.~

Aither: …there. Let’s go on.

~The three run ahead. Luigi_64 manages to pull himself up and is not far behind them.~

Aither: …I thought it’d be … too much to disintegrate them.

~They reach the door to the stairwell and go inside.~

Luigi_64: It’z all the same, they’ll just bite it when the HQ goes down anyway.

~Everyone shoots a glare at L64.~

Luigi_64: What?! It’s true, right?!

~They run up the stairs, exit out of the next door in the stairwell, and before them is the Rocket HQ flying sub hangar.

The room is massive; it must be tens of Vorpals tall and just as many Vorpals wide. Off in the distance, a few subs ride the skies. In the hangar, one sub remains, its engines purring. Grunts and hot girls alike are rushing towards it.

Aither shines an intense light from his hands again, scorching the back of any grunts and hot girls rushing towards the sub. A door near the bottom of the sub is left open where some grunts were trying to enter.~

ESD: They’re starting her up! Hurry!

~The group of four rushes ahead, jumping over any fallen bodies. The sub moves forward slowly, but before it leaves the hangar, the four jump inside.

The sub safely leaves Rocket HQ, which is ready to topple. EVIL Scientist Dude, Aither, Ramsey, and Luigi_64 are safely inside, though Luigi_64 with more of a tan than when he got out of bed. They all breathe sighs of relief.~

Ramsey: Luigi_64, do you care to explain yourself for what you’ve done today? You aren’t on our side, are you?

~Just then,

MagiKoopa appears. (in a cloud of smoke)~

MagiKoopa: ~stepping forward to the group~ Luigiii! You brought these three on my sub. You could’ve done a better job, but still, this is good enough. Good job. ~wraps his arm around Luigi_64’s shoulder~ You’re a good man, Luigi_64.

~Luigi_64 punches MagiKoopa across the face.~

Luigi_64: I’d like it if you didn’t say that about me. Scientist dude, I’m in those pitchas you got, right?

ESD: …Yes. You’re in the third generation.

~Luigi_64 knees MagiKoopa in the stomach as he gets up.~

Luigi_64: Sounds good to me.


*The Council's chambers. A valet floats in.*

Valet: Yo! It's me, Carrotcake King!

Tortilla the Hun: Richard, old boy! What happened to your old Rocket body?

Valet: Those damn OGers... they've gone too far! Rocket HQ is coming crashing down.

Sarugerm: How despicable. These OGers are a plague... and they must be eliminated.

Kirby: True. This world has become like a tumor. So it is time to remove it and begin anew.

Uruguay: Does that mean...?

Kirby: Yes, Uruguay. You have a set a new standard in family formatting, so I trust you first and foremost. Dispense with destruction. Then leave us to construction.

Uruguay: Very well.

Kirby: Hell must know, there have been worse things I've done.

*Elsewhere, the Flying Sub is departing from the crumbling Rocket building as Magikoopa gets up, winded.*

Magikoopa: What have you done?

Luigi_64: L does everythin' right, third time around. You sucka, you goin' down.

EVIL Scientist Dude: You're outmatched, my old friend.

Magikoopa: Damn it all! All I wanted to do was live an easy life as tyrant of America! Is that so much to ask?

*At the same time, Aither is peering out the sub window and thinking about his OWN PAST.*

*A man named Erebrus, looking years older than he is, sits in a hut while Aither impatiently twitches on the floor.*
Aither: Dad, you're the most boring guy I know. You're blind and always talking about the future and stuff.
Erebrus: True. But I have to look out for our future. Your future. The time has come for you to go out on your own.
Aither: What? Why?
Erebrus: The day I've been preparing you for all your life. You must go out there, and find this man... the man from my visions. He will guide you towards your own future.
*Erebrus hands Aither a photo of EVIL Scientist Dude.*
Aither: So that's it. You're kicking me out to find this wacky dude and my destiny? This is stupid!
Erebrus: If I don't kick you out, fate will kick you out. It's the only way. Avenge your mother's death. Carry on our family's light... for all the world to look to.

*Aither snaps back to the present when, as he peers out the sub window, GORE is seen hanging from a scaffold of the collapsing building.*

Aither: GORE! Out there! He is!

Ramsey: (sighs) You humans are as stupid as you are hairy. Doesn't he notice that building collapsing around him?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Ramsey, make a note of this for your memoirs; when people do that, THEY DAMN WANT TO BE RESCUED!

Aither: Fine, let's do this thing...

Ramsey: Ah, I'll have to do a little restructuring...

*Aither burns through the porthole with a concentrated beam of light. Ramsey then jets out with his Mecha-Sonic boots and grabs GORE. He starts to drop several feet from GORE's weight and slowly returns towards the sub. He manages to get close enough that Luigi_64 is able to grab his hands and begins to pull them in.*

Luigi_64: Dis shit's crazy, son!

EVIL Scientist Dude: They operate like a well oiled machine...

Magikoopa: Whatever, creepy scientist man.

*Suddenly the Flying Sub shutters as it is hit by laserfire. Everyone tumbles out and falls to the deck of the S.S. Dodo, which conveniantly happened to be passing by at the moment. A large ship roars into view, obscuring the son as various smaller spaceships buzz around.*

Uruguay: Attention, people of Earth! The end has come for you all!

*On the deck of the S.S. Dodo, EVIL Scientist Dude gets up and helps GORE up, who had landed on an annoyed Slort. All three look up towards the sky.*

Uruguay: Do not think this is our fault; your own sins doom you.

*Magikoopa finds himself atop Wizrobe while the SteveTrio loomes near, all of them also turning their attention towards the skies.*

Uruguay: You dare to upset the balances of the world once again... trying to tip it to good during an age of evil. Do you have no idea what happened to your predecessors?

*Colt slips onto the ship and sees Ashley, who wields what once was the Masamune sword alongside the Gentleman in Red. Aither, Ramsey and Luigi_64 all slowly get to their feet around them.*

El Cent-Saurio: Now do you see? This world was tossed into imbalence by the previous two generations. First by the overwhelming amounts of Party Goers... then by the ever-rising power levels of those OG Sixers.

Chibi-Devil: You can say that again!

El Cent-Saurio: For all those years were good smacked down every threat to the world, to compensate for that balance, those generations both had to come to sudden and startling ends before they got too powerful... too imbalanced. That is our role... to ensure that to maintain balance, evil rules this world for at least as many years as the good wills of the Party Goers and OGers have.

Chibi-Devil: It's only fair.

El Cent-Saurio: That is our goal. The R- and S-Spaces fixed for now, the true problem lays in the balance of good and evil. Since you won't let evil have control, we have no choice but to stop this world and restart it with a new balance. And we shall lead you all to your deaths. For we are the gatesman of He**.

Colt: Hell?

El Cent-Saurio: Watch your mouth, young lady!

Ashley: What if we stand down?

Gentleman in Red: Ashley?

Ashley: What if we let you guys have your way?

El Cent-Saurio: You've already overthrown one of the world's superpowers. We may be able to come to an arrangement, but... no promises. If the world gets remade... sorry kids, but you won't be in it.

Aither: Wait a second! You can't honestly think about giving up, can you? After all we've been through!

Ashley: I never wanted to be a part of this!

Ramsey: Your planet is SERIOUSLY messed up. But I will fight to protect it.

El Cent-Saurio: You can't. This isn't a choice. This is just an explanation before you all die.

Gentleman in Red: I don't think so. I have a purpose now. We all do. We can remake this world ourselves, if we can just destroy all these villains plaguing the world.

Aither: That's right. Do what you will! We'll overcome all that and more. We're the OGers!

Luigi_64: Yeah, shrack all y'all! L_64's got a purpose now, chiggas so you better all fear!

Aither: You ruined it, my declarative statement was supposed to be the last line!

Luigi_64: How da hell should I know, I ain't got no damn script boyy!

GORE: They grow up so fast...

EVIL Scientist Dude: There. You have your third generation. Happy now?

Ashley: Really? How do you expect to take on an entire alien fleet with only one galleon?

Gentleman in Red: With help from the angels above.

El Cent-Saurio: What is going on up there... The Star of Death II should be firing...

*Aither raises a ball of light which illuminates the sky. An island is shown to have joined the spaceships in the sky. Four balls of light tear through various ships and dance around a mule-man with dark wings.*

Donkeyman: Come children, show them how we deal with their kind!

*The Fusion Kids all cheer as they rip Ushutarian and Lobster-Men bodies apart.*

Cent-Saurio: I'm left with no choice. It's time to uncensor you, Chibi-Devil!

Chibi-Devil: Oh boy!

*Cent-Saurio tosses a note into Chibi-Devil's mouth, and he grows to monstrous size as Cent-Saurio leaps onto his back.*

Cent-Saurio: It's time to open a can of whoop-butt.

Mega-Chibi-Devil: You can say that again!

*On the other side of the ship...*

Magikoopa: Hey man, nice wand!

Wizrobe: It's okay, I suppose. I'd like to compare wands but I'm kinda fighting for my life right now.

SteveT: That was mildly entertaining. But now back to killing you, Wizrobe, my dearest father.

Straw Man: I'll kill him instead, with my KGB training.

Lynel: Yawn.

Magikoopa: Hold on! I just met this guy! I won't let him die yet.

Wizrobe: Let this be the hour we draw wands together.

Magikoopa: Sorry, I don't swing that way.

*Magikoopa and Wizrobe teleport around the ship, dodging SteveT's angry axe-swinging.*


Wizrobe: You were an accident!

*Wizrobe shoots a blast of fire at Straw Man.*

Straw Man: I'M MADE OUT OF WATER, I'M MADE OUT OF WATER! (leaps over side of ship)

*At the same time Magikoopa fires a blast of magic that turns Lynel's feet into blocks.*

Lynel: Oh.

*As the other OGers scatter from the approaching Chibi-Mega-Devil...*

Slort: Ash! Over here!

*Ashley turns over to see Slort waiting in an escape boat.*

Ashley: What...?

Slort: Quick! We have to find Golem and leave this realm before this world gets destroyed.

Ashley: I...

Slort: What? You never cared about these people. And your little pirate boyfriend is dead. Now we can watch this world get remade and get on with our lives like none of this ever happened.

*Ashley looks at Masamune's sword in her hands.*

Ashley: No. This is no dream. He died. No quick fix can properly repair that... I'll have to do this myself. Toss myself at destiny and see if I make at least make a bigger indentation than Masa did. His death showed me, I... I have to give up on giving up.

*Ashley turns and runs back to the battle, stabbing into the tail of the beast with the sword. Gentleman in Red, holding what used to be the Murasame sword, stabs into it at the same time. The Devil screeches while Luigi_64 pumps it full of bullets, and Ramsey plants explosives that fully wound it while Colt uses her enhanced abilities to puncture its body in several places with her fists. While it is distracted by this, Aither gives a pumping of light directly into the Mega-Chibi-Devil's eyes, blinding it.*

Cent-Saurio: You fool! It can't even control itself now!

*The Mega-Chibi-Devil begins thrashing wildly and blindly around the ship while Cent-Saurio struggles to assert control.*

*At the same time, Magikoopa and Wizrobe are blasting magic into SteveT at the same time, although he slowly trudges through the beam of the combined magic spells.*

Wizrobe: If we take him down, we can deactivate him.

Magikoopa: How is he still standing after all this?

SteveT: I... am... motivated... by... hate! AFTER... ALL... THIS... TIME... I HAVE TO KILL SOMEONE! SOME IMPORTANT CHARACTER AT ALL!

*At the same time, the Mega-Chibi-Devil now runs towards the one ledge where Ashley and Gentleman in Red are... with no intentions of stopping or turning.*

Cent-Saurio: Stop, damn you, stop!

*Suddenly, Slort leaps forward and somehow, as if using some invisible mystical force, shoves Ashley and Gentleman in Red to the side. He then looks down the maw of the approaching Mega-Chibi-Devil.*

Slort: Ello beastie.

*Slort leaps up and bites onto the Mega-Chibi-Devil's snout as it tears off the side of the SS Dodo and begins falling to the streets below, while Cent-Saurio begins screaming.*


*The six OGers all look down the destroyed portion of the ship.*

Aither: Did... we win?

*Up in the sky, the Star of Death II is seen exploding as Donkeyman flies back with Uruguay's eye-stalks mounted on his sword and the Fusion Kids buzzing around him. The Sun appears again, bathing the world in its light.*

Ashley: I can't believe it...

Luigi_64: We saved da world yo! We heroes!

Colt: I'd say the ass really saved the world technically...

Gentleman in Red: Hey, he's a good man! Don't you say anything about him!

Ramsey: Hm. So what do we do now? What do you humans do to commemorate your victories?

*A small silence follows. Ashley begins tapping her feet impatiently. The Gentleman in Red whips out a harmonica and begins playing along to the beat she forms. Everyone runs out across the ship to get stuff. Aither begins playing a ukelele, while Luigi_64 boom-boxes. Colt dances while Ramsey begins humming in his alien language. GORE and EVIL Scientist Dude come out from their hiding places, and GORE uses a pair of barrels as bongo drums while EVIL Scientist Dude stands off to the side, disinterested for the most part.*

GORE: Good job, guys. You did it. Now we can all redeem ourselves by saving this world from the assholes that have consumed it. We control destiny now. But for now, nothing wrong with us sitting back and enjoying the festivities.

*Suddenly a giant piece of armor is sent flying from the force of the two combined magic blasts and lands near GORE, getting implanted in the floorboard.*

GORE: Ah, I wondered what happened to you, friend. Come, join us.

*GORE grabs SteveT and pulls him out. Steve takes a second to observe the scene, and then drives his hand through GORE's chest.*

GORE: Urgh...

SteveT: There. Now you all look enough like the Festivity Attenders.

*Everyone gapes on in horror. With his other hand, holding his axe, Steve chops off GORE's cyborg arm.*


Aither: No!

GORE: Guys, get the... hell out of here. I won't be able to... look myself in the eye if you die so soon after your... first victory. Just go on... fight the battles you need to... spread our message to the world... You're not... ready for him yet...

SteveT: That's enough talking from the stupid monkey!

*SteveT then boots through GORE's body and tosses him off the side of the ship.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Everyone to the escape boat, now!

Ashley: But-

EVIL Scientist Dude: You heard GORE! We can avenge him later!

*Everyone reluctantly pours into the escape boat as SteveT approaches. The boat jets off, and SteveT is about to leap to it when a shadowy figure wieldly a sword arrives and blocks him.*

???: I can't allow that.

SteveT: What do I care what you-

*The figure dodges SteveT's axe and flips to the side.*

???: You just killed a very good friend of mine. And I know you can't die, but at least this will keep you out of their hair for a while.

*The shadowy figure stabs his sword into the ground repeatedly, such that it caves in beneath SteveT's feet. He falls through every deck of the ship and down to the streets below, landing in a pit of cement that coincidenatlly is set to dry soon.*

SteveT: This'll hold me for two posts tops.

*Back on the ship, Magikoopa and Wizrobe come around to the other side of the ship and notice everyone else gone.*

Magikoopa: Where'd he go?

Wizrobe: We musta over shot and knocked him off the side. Oh well... oh wow the rest of my crew was forgotten.

Magikoopa: Oh well. So I lost my empire apparently. What do I do now?

Wizrobe: Let's start a magic act. Show the world what we can do.

Magikoopa: Yeah... not for the money though. Let's do it for the magic.

*Elsewhere, the shadowy figure rests GORE's dying body on the balcony of a random building.*

GORE: Heh... you really are alive, you cooky old fool...

???: Yeah, well, you know how difficult it is to keep me down.

GORE: Of course... I'll say hi to Yami for you.

???: I'm sorry. If there was anything I could do-

GORE: No... it's good this way. I... lived a full... two different lives. In the end... I really was capable of... doing the ultimate good... by bringing these children together... Too bad that rule... also made my good half capable of... the ultimate evil...

???: It's all in the past now.

GORE: It's... weird, y'know? Never... really got to know... love. Must be... nice for you, old friend... Next time... you see her... you should thank Chizu...

*With that, GORE's ape eye closes, while his mechanical eye shuts down.*

*The OGers are all gathered at the Flying Monkey.*

Aither: So what next?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Whatever the hell you kids want. I'm done now.

Ramsey: Whatchou talking about, EVIL?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Sorry kids, I was only really in this for Dark GORE. He might not have been the criminal mastermind he used to be... but eh, I enjoyed his company. And out of respect for him, I'll let you guys do what you must for now.

Ashley: That's it. Sheesh...

*EVIL Scientist Dude turns away and takes off in the Flying Monkey.*

Colt: I wasn't even to swipe any meds from him...

Luigi_64: Yo dawgs, let's all party again awright?

*As EVIL Scientist Dude pilots away, he speaks to himself.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Weird, ain't it? Sending XB-0TT into the future to find out about the new OGers before they appeared... of course it was fatally damaged in the process, but the photographs it took of them survived. Dark GORE was so eager to play fate and bring this new generation together. And we all got what we wanted. Dark GORE got to die thinking all his work was in vain... and I got to inject one of them with the same virus I gave GORE when I made him. The one not even Velvet Monkey knew about... heh, and he thought it was some "curse"... heh, heh. heeee heeee.... HA! HA! HHUUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAhAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

*Elsewhere, in the shrine beneath Las Vegas, Golem sulks around when someone steps up from behind a pillar, assuming the same stance depicted in the statue of said person which is right next to her.*

Sapphire: Long time no see.

Golem: Sapphire! Do you have any idea what you've done by helping those kids?

Sapphire: That's the kind of greeting I get. Do you have any idea what I've been through in the last years?

Golem: From what I've heard, the same as usual. Chasing your own inconsitent whims and fancies, hooking up with jackasses, acting like you have no responsibilties and cares in the world!

Sapphire: I'd rather be free to follow my own dreams than be bound to being a puppet to a bunch of villains. And shut your mouth about Donkeyman.

Golem: Villains? If it weren't for The Council, we all would have died back in Australia! They're doing the best they can to make this world a better place! And I am fulfilling my destiny as their emissary. Don't act as if you know!

Sapphire: Hmph. And while you played puppet for them I was left alone and scared in the mountains with those damn kids. I couldn't find any of you anywhere! Stuck with all those damn kids who were likely to blow me up at any moment... until I met the Donkeyman. He was there for me! He made me happier than I ever believed I could be, and he had the arm to keep the kids in line. And all this time you've been hiding in the ground... Did you ever even wonder what happened to me?

Golem: Get your head out of your damn clouds! You're as reckless now as you always have been. Just like the old days, switching sides whenever you're bored, and being reckless with all of us and our hearts! And now you've put the entire world at stake.

Sapphire: Really? Last I checked, I saved the world. Didn't that used to be your job? And it was your guys who were trying to destroy it. And don't act like you understand me. I won't let this world fall apart. And for your information, I believe in this new generation. Just like I used to believe in you. They can make something of this damn world.

Golem: They'll send it to Hell in a shoe.

Sapphire: ... I don't know why I even bothered coming here. It's only been stupid to see how much you' ve changed.

Golem: Fine! Don't come back again!

Sapphire: Don't worry, Golem. I won't this time.

*Sapphire strolls off, leaving Golem alone in the desolate hall of Party Goers statues.*

Luiigii of the Pipes[edit]

To my peers and colleagues, my friends and loved ones:

~Ramsey stands outside of Johnny Rockets, using a stylus to hand write a letter on his datapad.~

This is likely to be the last time you shall ever see or hear from me. I am sorry. My mission to observe the destroyed Earth has failed, though a much greater mission has taken hold of me.

Earth is here, mostly unharmed. Its people are unaware that it was ever destroyed. But that is irrelevant. There are forces here who have instigated a terrible game, destroying and rebuilding the planet as they please, all for the sake of their own ideals. I have chosen to protect this planet, for we all know but will not say how crucial it is to the survival of the rest of the universe. Its breed of heroes is unique amongst all galaxies; on the brink of death, I was rescued by one named Moondo, a spirit who I have uneasily formed a bond with. I have also found myself among a group of them, known as the OGers, of which I was apparently fated to be a member.

~Within Johnny Rockets, the other OGers mingle. Luigi_64, Aither, and Colt sit in a booth where the former entertains the latter two with tales of his vital role in the creation of the Party Goers. Though Aither is hesitant and Colt is still frustrated over the loss of her goods and lifestyle, they eventually warm up and are laughing along as he jumps up to hit on the waitresses. Ashley and Cobalt sit apart from the others at the bar, somewhat less boisterous as Ashley wallows in her losses and Cobalt tries to comfort her.~

The six of us will protect this world, of that you can be certain. Our adventure has already been quite grand, from its humble beginning...

~ESD pilots the Flying Monkey through the night, looking back at the empty crew compartments with a tinge of remorse. He passes overhead as Straw Man and Lynel horribly fail to pull SteveT out of the cement, though SteveT is less annoyed and more pleased than usual.~ its tragic conclusion. We have made great allies...

~Donkeyman, Sapphire, and the Fusion Kids sit down in a park in Turquoise for a relaxing picnic. Elsewhere, Kirby and the Council order take-out as they decide their next action.~

...but also great enemies. We have changed some hearts...

~A bloodied and beaten Slort drags a headstone to a cemetery, where SwordMaster has finished burying GORE-ILLA between two sets of graves, representing the First and Second Generations. Slort sets the headstone, marked Argrot McFeller, next to a loved and lost NES...oh, and Dodo. Meanwhile, Golem swings a sledgehammer through his statue of Masamune, then the rest of the statues in a rage. He lingers on the figure of Sapphire, but breaks it too, then drops the hammer and falls to the ground.~

...and hardened others. We have done much good...

~Magikoopa and Wizzrobe practice their new magic routine aboard the S.S. Dodo, which they have named themselves co-captains of. At the same time, Lupus and his minions aggressively take and buy out the territories of the western hemisphere now that TRO is no longer in their way.~

...but may have unwittingly aided evil as well. Yet I say this once more. We are the Third Generation of OGers. No matter what trials should come before us, we will find a way to succeed.

Ramsey Tungsten

~Ramsey transmits the letter and steps inside the restaurant. Standing atop a mesa far out in the desert, Rhyx finishes intercepting and processing the transmission. He stands silent for a moment, then turns and makes his way over to Vlad, lying beaten nearby and unable to move. Rhyx plants a foot on his throat.~

Rhyx: Lupus sent you to kill the OGers, did he?

~Vlad doesn't answer, as his windpipe is nearly crushed.~

Rhyx: I know now why I was awakened. Those people aren't the Third Generation. Perhaps they were, but they aren't anymore. XB-0TT took those pictures from the future, but the future is ever changing. Fate too becomes different with time, and they are no longer fated to be the OGers. I have seen it. ...I am the Robotic Heroic Yeoman to Xenodestiny, the servant of that fluctuating fate. And as such, it is my duty to see that they be replaced by the successors destiny has now chosen.

Vlad: I--

Rhyx: Hmm?

Vlad: My English is a bit rusty, I'm sure, but...I don't think that's how you use the prefix "xeno-". It's not changing, it's different, as in--

~Rhyx activates his jet booster and waits a minute, then steps away. He turns to see five figures within the gloom, only their silhouettes showing.~

Rhyx: So, my fellow OGers. Let's talk about 3G.

Pages in the The OGers: The Third Generation Archive
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