Galaxy Goers

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Start: July 18, 2005
End: October 15, 2005
Timeline: Good Timeline
Writers: Luiigii of the Pipes, Masamune, SOAP, GM, Golem, Fred, Nintenfreak, SteveT, GORE-ILLA, Vorpal, Yoshiman.
Main Cast: Luiigii of the Stars, Masamune, Murasame, GM, Ashley, SteveT, Lord Desperation, Delta Ray, Don Miguel, Depkon, Rhykette, Tiffa, Nefertina, General Nergal, Rhade, please don't make me say any more
Archive: Read it here!


An OG taking place in space. It takes place in the Good Timeline and stars the decendents of the characters from Gamehiker Member OG and a few other characters. It started out simple enough, but then it became a whole clusterfudge of needless subplots and characters. The first installment ended, but the series would be discontinued in the second installement.

It is ideal to call this story "Galaxy Goos."

Plot Summary[edit]

In the Milliways restaurant, volcano diver Luiigii of the Stars is approached by Captain Absolutely Nobody and Sometwo Else, who hire him to retrive a boot from a volcano on the planet Syntax. Along with his bodyguards Slorg and Splot, Luiigii is soon joined by Rhykette, Slort and the bounty hunters GM and Don Miguel. After stealing a ship called the Pies N' Cakes from the Bask bounty hunter named Depkon, they become Galaxy Goers.

Masamune continues his pirate life on his ship the Bladechappe and has a price put on his head by the Neko-Neko Empire. Masamune uses his temporal displacer to bring his wife Ashley to the present time and save her from a death in the vacuum of space. Ashley becomes afraid of all the things that have changed in the galaxy. Depkon convinces the pirates to help him get his ship back. Masamune's mysterious employer, The Darth, also brings Dark Ditto from the past to be their new crewmate. Masamune reluctantly accepts him, and Darth also assigns him to kill the Galaxy Goers.

The Galaxy Goers soon begin to lose members. Slort is ditched by the ship after he ejects himself to fight off the Smorgs that N summoned to test the Galaxy Goers. Don Miguel is captured by the Lead Zeppelin XII, a ship captained by SteveT with the aid of Straw Man and Felix. Eventually they are also joined by a young scientist named Triple-X.

In Milliways, Datana is with her brothers Kolan and Lother when she meets with her old friend from school, Tiffa. Tiffa also has an uncanny resemblance to the Neko-Neko Empress Nefertina. By some strange concidence Nefertina soon comes to the restaurant herself. During an ensuing shootout, Kolan's group leaves the restaurant in a stolen police cruiser, but they accidentally take Nerfertina instead of Tiffa. Nefertina spends the ride using her acting skills to manipulate the other three. As for Tiffa, she is confused with the Neko Empress and leaves with them. She convinces the guards to have mercy on their prisoners, a Hispanic janitor named Jorge and his sexbot Andromeda.

Masamune has a few more run-ins with the Neko-Nekos. During one, Dark Ditto is severely injured. He is saved with mechanical parts, making him into Ditto-Tron. At one point they steal equipment for a new temporal displacer for the Bladechappe from the Neko-Nekos, and to do so they take Tiffa captive, along with Jorge and Andromeda. They soon allow the three to escape to a Neko ship. After Darth sends Ditto-Tron some Force equipment, Ditto-Tron changes his name to Master Ditto.

Kolan, Lother and Datana eventually meet up with Tiffa on the Neko ship. General Nirgal is certain that Tiffa is actually the legendary Tifara, even though the Tifara legend was only made up by Tiffa's mother to get people to find her missing daughter. Nefertina is executed by being sent through an airlock into space by the radical Nirgal. This group then splits up. First Datana and Tiffa leave and hide on Syntax. Kolan and Lother defeat Nirgal, revealing some secrets about their past in the meantime. Jorge is taken prisoner by SteveT's crew, and Andromeda leaves with a mysterious Neko-Neko named Rhade. Rhade tells Andromeda the truth about her past and has her fusion with the spaceship Andromeda Ascendant. Rhade sets course for Syntax.

The Galaxy Goers arrive at Syntax. They leave the Pies N' Cakes in the care of Slorg and Splot, but it is still stolen by a Eotian named Gravve with his computer, PREDIC. Unaware of this event, the Galaxy Goers successfully retrieve the boot. However, they are soon sent on a detour when they meet Delta Ray, a native of the planet who wields the Vorpal Sword. Delta Ray shows the Galaxy Goers to his tribe, but secrets are afoot. At night the Syntaxians try stealing the Galaxy Goers' blood in secret. Professor Beta finds that Luigi of the Stars has blood similar to a prisoner kept by the Syntaxians. After Rhykette is sent to the Syntaxian Badlands, the Galaxy Goers and Delta learn the truth about the Syntaxian conspiracy. The Syntaxians are actually being controlled by Lord Desperation, who has own citadel on the planet. They soon meet the man who has similar blood to Luigi, who turns out to be Murasame. Murasame promises to meet them in four hours at Lord Desperation's citadel with his ship.

Masamune's Bladechappe and SteveT's Led Zeppellin XII are soon caught in a big space battle, because Steve still wants Ashley as his minon. Master Ditto betrays the group at this time as well. Masamune and Steve decide to make the fight dramatic, so they soon take each other on one-on-one riding escape pods. But Straw Man decides to shoot Masamune's escape pod, causing it to spin out of control into outer space. Ashley is taken into the Lead Zeppelin and agrees to become Steve's new minion, as she is actually glad to find someone who hasn't changed after all the years she was gone. Master Ditto takes control of the Bladechappe. He ditches Depkon and all of Masa's crewman, dumping them on Syntax. Master Ditto then goes back in time ten years and becomes the Darth as he was meant to. His first act is to sell the Bladechappe to Masamune, thus putting the ship into a time loop.

Nirgal urges all the Neko-Neko Empire into joining him on a pilgrimage to Syntax in search of the Tifara. General Her Dershel does not believe in such a thing, but at the same time is surprised that every single other Nekotian joins the pilgramage on the ship the Morning Star. On Syntax Tiffa tries to make out with Datana, and Datana soon learns that this Tiffa is actually Nefertina; another switch had been pulled. The real Tiffa was floating in space, still alive when Rhade picked her up. Tiffa and Rhade travel to Syntax in search of Datana, and Tiffa learns that Rhade is her brother. Nefertina dies when she tries to grab Datana's medallion and is engulfed in hellfire. Tiffa and Datana are soon reunited. Nirgal arrives at the Andromeda Ascendent when it is empty, but Andromeda purposely overloads the ship and it self-destructs in an attempt to destroy Nirgal. But Nirgal survives as a freaky-looking spirit thing.

On Syntax, the Galaxy Goers enter the Badlands, where they meet up with Depkon and Rhykette while Delta watches from a distance. They travel to the town of Trojan in search of working spaceships. But when they get there, they find Lord Desperation has destroyed the town's only spaceships. A battle ensues between the Galaxy Goers and Lord Desperation, with his Desper-rationalizers and Ninja Hogs. During the battle, Luiigii learns that Desperation created this planet, and if he dies, the entire planet will explode.

Depkon abandons the Galaxy Goers and is reunited with the remains of Masamune's crew, which is basically just Lieutanent Cho and a group of Zebesians. They infiltrate Lord Desperation's fortress and are able to hijack one of the spaceships there. Using D49 they head off in search of the Pies N' Cakes, only to get lost in space. On the Pies N' Cakes, Gravve fights off Slot and Splorg for a while before he ejects them into outer space.

Masamune's escape pod is recieved by the bounty hunter Red Ivy. She holds Masamune captive and plans to give him to the Neko-Neko Empire for the bounty on his head. Red Ivy seeks revenge on Masamune for destroying the ship of Earth Rocks her father was selling years ago, ruining his business. But after talking to Masamune, Red Ivy starts to see the situation from Masamune's point of view, that selling the Earth Rocks was like disturbing the graves of those who fought to save the Earth all those years ago. The Nekotians who come to her turn out to be real jerks anyway, so Masamune and Red Ivy team up to fight them off.

On SteveT's ship, Straw Man teams up with Don Miguel and Jorge to engineer a mutiny. Together they plant a heart in SteveT's chest, turning him into the overly friendly and easily controlled TeevC. Ashley is even further depressed by Steve changing as well. At one point TeevC destroys the heart and becomes Steve again, but the heart is returned by N later on.

The Galaxy Goers continue to battle Lord Desperation and his forces. Absolutely Nobody and Sometwo Else come from nowhere to engage GM and Delta Error in battle until Rhykette recognizes them as Luigi's employers and breaks up the fight. Delta Error and Rhykette battle Lord Desperation, and after Delta destroys his forefield, Desperation is killed by one of his robot wenches. Everyone then quickly tries to evacuate. Murasame arrives to pick everyone up in his ship, and in the meantime has gotten the Syntexian tribes to evacuate. The Galaxy Goers (Luiigii of the Stars, GM, Rhykette, Triple-X and Delta Ray), as well as Datana, Rhade, Tiffa, Absolutely Nobody and Sometwo Else all board Murasame's ship as it escapes the planet.

The boot is given to Absolutely Nobody and Sometwo Else, who are dropped off without explaining why they had tried attacking the Galaxy Goers. The Galaxy Goers then return to the restaurant to pick up Rhykette's paycheck.


This OG contains a variety of flashback scenes chronicling the final moments of many characters from the Gamehiker Member OG series, mostly involving the destruction of Earth by the Ushutarians. Following is a list of the flashbacks in chronological order with their notable events. This OG is set in the year 2345.

  • Year 2015- The Party Goers/Gamehikers have their last known confrontation with Dark Ditto. Golem, Rhyk and Luiigii of the Pipes are the members identified. Dark Ditto is whisked away by the Darth, who takes him away to the year 2065.
  • Year 2037- Masamune and Ashley talk about their four-year old son Dodo. Ashley is suddenly sucked away in a black hole.
  • Year 2045- Urchin begins exploring space in his new spaceship, the Andromeda Ascdendant, powered by the Caykforce.
  • Year 2046- Urchin is attacked by a small Nekotian army; as a last resort he has himself and the Nekotians sucked into a black hole to protect the Caykforce. There are no survivors.
  • Year 2065- Earth is destroyed by the Ushutarians when they return seeking revenge. Many flashbacks take place in this time frame:
    • Fred battles the Ushutarians to protect a group of antique pogs. He saves them but is sent into deep space. Fred winds up forming a space empire on the planet Carnival.
    • Becky and Lucas Haminar lead an attack on the Star of Death II. Dodo wishes to go as well, but the others convince him to watch his son instead. Dodo hopes his father Masamune will come to save them as he promised, but he never comes. Dodo is only able to save his son, sending him into space in an escape pod. Becky and Lucas's attack on the Star of Death II fails when they are both killed in a duel with Lord Emperor Hungary. Slort survives Earth's explosion and promises to watch over Dodo's son, but he loses track of him.
    • Vorpal is presumably retired and at peace when the Earth explodes. The Vorpal Sword survives the explosion and is sent into space.
    • Dark Ditto is taken to this time period by the Darth and witnesses Earth's destruction from the Mars Colony. The Darth then takes Dark Ditto to the year 2345.
    • Several months after Earth's destruction, GM meets with his son John. GM passes down his sword Lady Mirage, and his gun Omnipotence to John. He promises that following his death, he wants his cheat code implant to be removed and given to John. GM dies soon after in the counterattack on the Ushutarians.
  • 2075- Fred attempts making a robot zombie of Jim Morrison of The Doors; Fred is killed by the robot zombie.
  • Year 2133- The black hole spits Ashley out into the middle of outer space, and she dies. Masamune is able to save(and possibly savor) her using a temporal transfer from 2345.
  • 2323- Masamune pillages a ship hauling Earth rock. Masa is disgusted by the sale of Earth rock and has the ship destroyed after evacuating the crew. This ruins the business of the ship's captain and causes his daughter Red Ivy to develop a grudge against Masa.
  • 2335- Dark Ditto comes to this year using the Temporal Displacer. He assumes the identity of the Darth and gives Masamune the Bladechappe in exchange for Masa's loyalty.
Stories in the Gamehiker Member OG series.
Main Series: I - II - III - IV - V - VII - VI - VIII - IX - X - XI
Sidequests: ENGLAND??? - FRANCE??? - MAGIKOOPA???
Holiday Specials: Merry Christmas - Father's Day
Other: Galaxy Goers - Ultimate Galaxy Goers