Final Fantasy OG III

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Start: March 14, 2007
End: In Progress
Writers: Ditto McCloaker, Luiigii of the Pipes, Masamune, Vorpal, Kinoko, Fred_Of_The_Bed, Lupus, GORE-ILLA, Yami, Director, Retro Belmont

The most recent addition in the Final Fantasy OG series.


Chapter 1: Let's Make a Deal[edit]

  • Imajin is introduced as a merchant in the land of Osyllia, as well as Kyson, Stubbs, and Calaria. They face off with Lord Duvronne of Truvia over a debt and then get imprisoned by Eijopi's government and dragged into an ordeal with Vizier Hal'amek.

Chapter 2: Just a Monster[edit]

  • Having just survived their encounter with Hal'amek, the party meets Civan, who offers to take them somewhere safe. After arriving in Truvia, they're taken hostage by Zimon. They're saved by Franz and continue to the capital. Imajin is zombified and Truvia allies itself with Osyllia.

The group splits here, with Imajin, Stubbs, Calaria, and Civan heading to Auberon and Kyson sneaking into the Truvian palace to speak with Zimon and Franz.

Chapter 3: Victims of Chance[edit]

  • Making unwilling recruits of Zimon, Franz, and Worthengraut, Kyson escapes the palace with his new team. After a climactic duel with Hal'amek, the five of them end up on an airship making its way into Carselo to see the kidnapped queen.

Chapter 4: Bearers of Fate[edit]

  • Imajin and co. are joined by Gorgoth in the desert valley of Barren, then driven underground by one of Hal'amek's mercenaries. They discover a city populated by dwarves and learn of a wire-pulled carriage that will allow them passage, though they must first defeat the fiend Lich.


Main Characters (PCs)[edit]

Imajin al-Osmirii - (Ditto McCloaker)[edit]


Age: 25
Class: Merchant / Chemist
Weaponry: Knife / Chackram

  • Imajin is the leader of a traveling caravan. He is usually shrewd, but easily enraged when he feels he has been tricked. Despite his temper, he cares somewhat for the mercenaries he hires and is kind to stowaways.
  • Notes: Uses formal speech and uses people's last names.

Kyson - (Luiigii of the Pipes)[edit]


Age: 28
Class: Monk
Weaponry: Claws

  • A one-armed monk from the monastery near Eldonsorth. He is usually calm, except when faced with questions about his mind. He snuck onto Imajin's caravan, though he has yet to give a reason for doing so.
  • Notes: Speaks casually and uses people's first names.

Neezer Stubbs - (Masamune)[edit]


Age: 65
Class: Engineer / Sniper
Weaponry: Rifle

  • The mechanic of Imajin's caravan. He is foul-mouthed and bad-tempered, but the only one who knows how to fix the caravan (which is why he's kept around). Imajin trusts him despite his disposition.
  • Notes: Calls Imajin "boss" and speaks with a notable accent.

Calaria Negime - (Kinoko)[edit]


Age: 26
Class: Summoner / Black Mage
Weaponry: Wand (when using magic) / Rapier

  • A curious girl who is gifted with magic. Since magic has been banned in Eijopi, she has worked hard to hide her gift. She ends up with the group after being pulled into a hostage situation by Duvronne. She can speak with Djinni in her dreams.

Civan Farfarel - (Lupus)[edit]


Age: 28
Class: Knight / Scholar
Weaponry: Saber / Pistol

  • A man who appears to be an army officer and who serves the Queen-Empress of the northern continent. Due to a history with Giuseppe, he agrees to assist the group in escaping the southern continent.

Zimon Gorenicusto III - (GORE-ILLA)[edit]


Age: 38
Class: Beastmaster / Blue Mage
Weaponry: Twin Axes

  • A former Truvian lord, Zimon went insane, ran away to the forests, and began to tame the creatures within, losing most of his humanity in the process. He has become the source of a monster myth in Truvia. It is unknown if he is truly insane or has a deeper reason for his actions.

Franz Richter - (Yami)[edit]


Age: 22
Class: Bard / Assassin
Weaponry: Instruments

  • A young bard who stumbled upon the party and saved them from a horde of berserk chocobos. He attempts to assassinate the Queen-Empress and raises questions about her connection with Hal'amek.

Worthengraut the Unnerving - (Director)[edit]


Age: 48
Class: Viking / Geomancer
Weaponry: Spear

  • A dignitary from the Frozen North. He came south for the Truvian Queen's welcoming banquet. How he will intertwine with the storyline is unknown as of yet.

Gorgoth the Destroyer - (Vorpal)[edit]


Age: ???
Class: White Mage / Necromancer
Weaponry: Warhammer

  • Presumably a man who traveled the sands of Barren hundreds of years ago, he and others like him were cursed to roam the valley for eternity as skeletons. Using his magic, Gorgoth reigned supreme over the others until the main group intervenes and he reluctantly joins them.

Talia Alcander - (Retro Belmont)[edit]


Age: 29
Class: Heaven Knight
Weaponry: Sword

  • The bodyguard of the Queen-Empress of Truvia and Auberon. She is naturally relaxed, though she gives the impression of anger to her subordinates.

Minor Characters (Temporary PCs)[edit]

Mog - (Luiigii of the Pipes)[edit]


Age: ???
Class: Dragoon / Moogle
Weaponry: Spear

  • One of the lawkeepers of Eijopi, Mog commonly protects the bazaar from invading bandits. Imajin hires him to find Giuseppe, but Mog chooses not to get involved in their ordeal with Duvronne as well. He later attacks them in accordance with them being wanted in Eijopi.

Giuseppe Drakenvort - (Masamune)[edit]


Age: 27
Class: Thief / Mime
Weaponry: ???

  • The gentleman thief, able to charm and wile his way into any amount of riches. Though he never has intentions of returning his profits, he does recognize when his thieving has made more trouble than its worth and assists accordingly.


Age: ???
Class: Warrior
Weaponry: Axe

  • A female dwarf living in a community under Barren. When Imajin stumbles upon them, he is left in Dilson's care despite his desire to save the rest of the party. Dilson decides to help him find them rather than hold him against his will.


Ellis Duvronne - (Masamune)[edit]

Age: ??? (deceased)
Class: Lord
Weaponry: Sword

  • A sea-faring merchant who hails from Truvia. Stubbs once worked for him, until Duvronne sold Imajin the rovers that make up his caravan. Duvronne had taken to extreme measures to reclaim money loaned from him, including taking everyone but Imajin hostage and attacking them with a giant mech; he was in turn killed by Stubbs.

Halazeem Ameknemin - (Luiigii of the Pipes)[edit]

Age: ???
Class: Vizier
Weaponry: None

  • Known as Hal'amek, he is a man within the ruling party of Osyllia and a skilled wizard. He employs bandits from time to time and experiments with magic to unethical extents in labs that have been hidden in mountains across the world. He is obsessed with summoning and Djinns, as it's the only kind of magic he can't use.

Bohocorro - (Fred_Of_The_Bed)[edit]

Age: ???
Class: Berserker
Weaponry: None

  • Bohocorro is a Chocobo that has become vicious and bloodthirsty after training with Zimon. He is somewhat larger than other Chocobos and leads a pack of them under Zimon's command, secretly hating Zimon for taking control. After Zimon is arrested and taken to Truvia, he disappears.


  • Missus Evere - The mage employed in Imajin's caravan; despite being over seventy years old, she is charmed by the likes of Giuseppe and Stubbs. She has disappeared along with the caravan itself.
  • Caliph Kalamar Kuskus al-Eijopi - Also known as the Lust'rous Potentate, he is the executive branch of Eijopi's goverment and holds hearings for criminals. He has made a deal with Hal'amek that puts his own morals in question.
  • Jacob Duvronne - Ellis Duvronne's son and a member of the Merchant's Guild. Though he hated his father, he took the role of prosecutor in a case against the murderers (aka the main characters).
  • Ifrit - A Djinn of fire that is hidden within the Osyllian desert. His riches are stolen by Giuseppe, but he falsely blames Jacob Duvronne and attacks him in Eijopi.
  • Maram - A kind woman from Eijban, she tends to the group after their escape from Hal'amek.
  • Chocobo - The Djinn version of the beast of transportation. Goes by the name of Hobooco when blending in with normal Chocobos.
  • Luth Belzecue - The head of the Queen-Empress's defense force. He appears to be pyrokinetic.
  • Claire - A receptionist at the Bab-il Hotel, she is leaving to study Time Magic in the Frozen North.
  • Frogsong - A modern band consisting of Amadean, Sebastus, and two unnamed member; they are set to play at the Queen-Empress's banquet in Truvia. Franz poisons Amadean and takes his place in the band to attempt an assassination of the Queen.
  • Queen-Empress Loccelia Auberon - Queen of Truvia and Empress of Auberon, she is well respected in the world despite her young age. She looks up to Civan as a mentor. Franz accuses her of murdering his family. She later forms a controversial alliance wit Osyllia and is kidnapped by unknown figures almost immediately afterwards.
  • Sultan Jezerek - The figurehead ruler of Osyllia. He has yet to be seen, and likely leaves most of his duties to Hal'amek.
  • Imam Sallik - An Osyllian religious leader in the employ of the Vizier. Had a brief encounter with Imajin in Chapter 2.
  • Markot the Fierce - A skeleton from Barren who challenges Gorgoth's rule and is promptly un-killed.


Southern Continent[edit]


The desert region that takes up a great bulk of the southern continent. Because of the presence of so many desert thieves, merchant caravans act as small armies in order to protect their merchandise.

  • Osmirii

The capital city of Osyllia. It is the home of Imajin. Vizier Hal'amek also lives here in the palace.

  • Eijban

A town in Osyllia to the east of Eijopi.


A country on the southern continent; it was one of the first to be attacked and forced into a truce with Osyllia.


A powerful City-State on the northern edge of the continent. Its location makes it a prime center of trade between Osyllia and other overseas locations. As such it features a diverse culture of people. The city is ruled by the City Potentate and the city has banned the use of magic for over fifty years now. Just offshore is the Lighthouse of Eijopi, the largest structure in the world.

Northern Continent[edit]


The northern homeland of Neezer Stubbs and Lord Ellis Duvronne. Reminiscent of Colonial England.

  • Grandia

The port town that connects Eijopi to Truvia.

  • Battant

The capital of Truvia, where the Queen-Empress resides.

  • Anglony

Town in northern Truvia, home to the famous lute band Frogsong.


The forsaken valley of the dead. Once was a lush forest region called Vysgarde, home of the Elvaan.

  • The Sanctuary of the Damned

The remains of a town that once thrived in Barren, now the resting grounds of undead who roamed its sands.


Western homeland of Civan and Franz, as well as the Queen-Empress. Legends say it is the equivalent of a modern day Toppaman Empire, which was blessed with technology by the angel Scarmiglione.

  • Barsilus

A town near the mountains separating Auberon from Truvia.

  • Alberich

Former capital of Albærnon, now the center for the Church of Scarmiglione.

The Frozen North[edit]


A country famous for the Vredebury University of Magic, the only university on the globe for advanced Time Mages.


El Vida[edit]

Homeland of Calaria. It is a popular resort island for weary travelers or rich aristocrats craving something different.


A town near the monastery Kyson trained at. Vizier Hal'amek has hidden a magic-testing lab here.


Home of the moogles.


Homeland of Giuseppe. Known as the "Floating City".


Sand Chocobo[edit]

Black Chocobos with thick feathers adapted specifically for travel in desert regions. Also known as Desert Chocobos.


A reptilian creature shaped similarly to a Chocobo. It creates for itself a mock-rider to appear from a distance to be a traveler. It uses the disguise to lure unsuspecting prey and then spits its acidic saliva at them. It becomes quickly enraged if it's mock-rider is disturbed.

Related articles[edit]

Final Fantasy OG III timeline