Neezer Stubbs

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Species: Human

Gender: Male
Age: 65
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140 lbs
Birthplace: Grandia Port City, Truvia
Class: Engineer
Subclass: Sniper
Weaponry: Rifle
Created by: Masamune


Stubbs is the cantankerous chief engineer that previously serves on Imajin's armored merchant caravan. He was born in Grandia City and was orphaned at a young age after his mother died in childbirth and his father was imprisoned. Neezer scratched out a living on the streets until he smuggled his way on to a ship leaving the city. When he was found out, he was put to work on the ship and consequently abandoned in Eijopi once they had arrived. During his time on the ship he was able to observe a great deal of the ship's mechanical engine.

In Eijopi he found work in a workhouse owned by the rich Duvronne family. Kids were put through rough conditions working on hot, steamy mechanisms. Stubbs proved to be adept at the job and soon caught the eye of his superiors. He was put to work on more complex devices, mostly furnaces which was a job that required a lot of skill... due to the high mortality rate of the kids in the job. Despite only being in his teens, he was already smoking and drinking at that age. He survived in the job long enough to reach adulthood. He got out of working for the workhouse and hooked himself up with an armored caravan, offering to work under the engineer as a mechanic.

He spent the next forty odd years that way. He switched caravans now and then, until one of the caravans he was in was sold to a eager young merchant named Imajin. He got himself hired under the new caravan owner, since to him the machines were very much his 'babies'. He continued doing this until the caravan was subsequently repossessed by Duvronne, a man to whom Imajin owed a good deal of money.

Eventually they became fugitives and had to escape to Truvia. Since then Stubbs has stuck with Imajin and their new companions, though Stubbs main reason is because he knows Imajin is the only way he'll get back into the underbelly of another armored rover. He's fiercely loyal to his employer, despite the fact he hasn't been paid in a long time now.


Stubbs is angry, vile, rude, and extremely irritable. He smokes, he drinks, he swears, is irresponsible with money, he doesn't believe in any god except for the ones most convenient, and he is at his best when the weather is as hot as his temper. Despite what seems to be a myriad of horrible qualities, he's deep down a loyal friend and a honest worker.


  • Neezer Stubbs gets his first name from "Ebenezer Scrooge", another cranky old miser, although the similarities tend to end there. The last name Stubbs was given because he was originally envisioned as being rather short (and thus stubby), a character trait that was later changed.