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Full Name: Waldo
Species: Hobo
Creator: Retro
Family: Retro Belmont: Adopted Father
First Appearance: Gamehiker Member OG Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!


Goy was a homeless man living in the year 2030. He is described as having a beard nearly twice the length of his whole body which covered his front side and made him look like a tree. He has described his abilities as eating, sleeping and using his beard to perform shadow puppetry. In Happy Father's Day, Masa!, Retro meets him at some type of pet shop and adopts him as his son so that he could buy presents for him. He claims his name is actually Waldo, but Retro opts to call him Goy instead.

However, Retro was soon captured by EVIL Scientist Dude for being a father, at which point Goy joined up with Masamune's ragtag band of sons to save the fathers, the League of Extraordinary Descendants.


Masamune: Well, bum? Do you have the power to wield a laser sword?!

Goy: For a nickel, I'll even hold it by the wrong end.

Cobalt: It's just not the same as Luiigii...

Masamune: You're right. It's better.