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Chaos is the final boss of Final Fantasy and also serves as a villain in the Member OG series.


Chaos was one of the first members to join the MPVP and became a member of the MPVP's ruling council. Previously, he was known as Garland until he entered Zoom to become a god, Lord Chaos of the Games. He helped Qwirtzok and Dragoshi, the other two council members, with Project Evil. He was sealed in the Earth sometime afterwards.

Chaos is released from the Earth when Lupus summons him to battle the OGers. Mephisto, the god of magic, appears from nowhere and opens a portal which seals Chaos in the Shadow Realm. However, GORE-ILLA (Author) reverses this and Chaos continues to battle the OGers until he is defeated in Member OG 6 by Fusion (ironically, the same author who deux ex machina'd him out of the story six OGs before).

His second appearance was in Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!, where he was summoned by Koopa from the Earth to battle the OGers. Chaos proceeded to torment Gamechamp for turning good until Yami Yoshi and Pharoah Yami Yoshi fused together and defeated Chaos to save Gamechamp. Soon afterwards, he was brought back into the MPVP and took his place on the Council. He also received two apprentices, Erebus and Night.

In Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest, Chaos was sent to Hell with most of the other series' villains. He joined up with Lupus and the others as a member of the Anti-OG Six, and he served as Fusion's rival on the team. Fusion's god-modding powers made him an even match for the God of Games, and Chaos lost his early battles with him. Then in Member OG 6: VGF Moon, he temporarily ditched the MPVP again to perform another mission with the Anti-OG Six.

Chaos returned to the MPVP soon afterwards and engaged Fusion in a final battle during the OGers' raid on the Main MPVP Headquarters. The epic sissyfight ended with Chaos combusting after one of Fusion's slaps hit him. Despite being an immortal god, he was never seen since.

Good Timeline[edit]

In Gamehiker Member OG 4: Cheesecake of the Gods, Chaos is known as "Two." Masamune, Golem, Sapphire, and Luiigii break into the Kitchen of the Gods to stop Tortilla the Hun from creating the Cheesecake of the Gods, but are attacked by One and later Two. After killing them, they follow that up with hundreds of angels before falling into the ocean.

Along with One and Three, Two sends Straw Man a piece of the Cheesecake of the Gods for Christmas in GMOG Holiday Special: Merry Christmas Straw Man! This piece later ends up being eaten by Ashley.


Chaos's abilities are identical to that of his Final Fantasy counterpart.