Member OG 5

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The Member OG series hit a serious stepping stone in this, the fifth installment. Previously, the Member OGs were popular and each finished with a month with many posts. It is during this OG that the series lost most of the writers, and it took about a year and two reboots before it was finished. This OG has three different versions.

Any lesser OG series would have crumbled at this point. But no, Member OG charged on ahead!

Version A[edit]

Member OG 5: The MPVP Strikes Back, is the first version. It was originally entitled BSSD's dark past revealed, but Black Skull Dragoshi completely ripped off the plot of Member OG 4. This only incited the BSD-flamers that had recently joined the series. This led Yami Yoshi to delete all the posts involving BSD's past and change the title.

The OG, now focusing on battles with the MPVP rather than a quest for BSD's past, started to pick up steam as many of the previous OGs, but it was foiled when an error at VGF caused an entire page to be lost. Therw were attempts to continue, but this OG was dead hook, line and stinker.

Version B[edit]

The second version to be started was Member OG 5: A New Beginning. This was notable as the only version of MOG 5 not to focus on the MPVP; instead it introduced a new set of villains, DarkMario and his Russian Mailmen. It died, and was moved to Gamehiker Forums. It got more posts there (especially from Fred, whom had been banned from VGF), but it eventually died as well. This prompted Yami to try rebooting the entire series with Member OG 1.1.

Version C[edit]

The third and final version was Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze, which once more focused on the MPVP. This one was successful and ended on a cliffhanger, which led into Member OG 6: VGF Moon.