Party Energy

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An extremely potent power source that every true party-loving person has. It was first introduced in Party Goers 15 by Ditto McCloaker as a means to revive the recently deceased Golem, who he believed to be the Messiah of Partiness. Instead Sapphire used the party energy to revive Magikoopa, who wasn't even dead anyways. But Golem came back to life anyways.

The concept was revisited in Gamehiker Member OG VIII when EVIL Scientist Dude realizes that Golem's raw amount of party energy would be enough to collapse the Good Timeline, but only if it is released (by killing Golem). Though this succeeds, wacky time travel hijinks ensues and that never happens.

In T-Ventures, it is revealed that Mr. T has more party energy than anyone else alive. When Saget begins draining party energy to make himself stronger, Mr. T recruits some of the most party-charged people around - Scruffy, Wagolem, and three versions of Golem.


Ditto: At last, I have completed my "Party Animal..." With this, Hidden Machine # Infinity, I have given Mewtwo an all-new ability. He can now seek out beings with high amounts of Party energy. He will then attack and steal the energy.

Sapphire: Party energy?

Ditto: Yes! Party energy is the first ingredient towards "All-Partiness!"

*casts a frightening shadow across the room, and weird music begins playing*

-which is the ability to have complete control with which to create the Ultimate Party! All-Partiness is achieved when tons of Party Energy is used on ordinary objects, to create the Ultimate Party atmosphere!

Sapphire: So, you're saying if we can harness this energy and use it...

Ditto: Yesss... Then we can create the Ultimate Party! And then, we may revive... the Messiah of Partiness!
-Party Goers 15