Party Goers 16 Page 2

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Pages in Party Goers 16
1 - 2 - Ending

Author: Golem[edit]

Flutter: Remember when Vorpal, Yoshiman, Mr. Predict, and Masamune dissappeared?

Fuzzball: They left some ash...

Flutter: That might not be ash... Could they have been shrunk and torn apart?

Fuzzball: I guess that's it! Maybe we should try taking them to a scientist or something...

Flutter: Ditto!

Fuzzball: Him?! He's such a wacko! Have you seen what he's done?

Flutter: All for the greater good.

Fuzzball: Fine, fine... got a mode of transportation?

~Flutter blows his whistle~



~cries are heard as eight slams rumble through the front door to Golem's house~

Saph: How'd we end up here? Dittoooooo... ~searches for Ditto from that spot~

Magikoopa: Did the boss get angry and sick an Alakazam on us?

James: I was with you the whole time!

Magikoopa: Oh yeah...

Meowth: I'm gonna go find some grub. Anyone comin'?

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: Gweh... where am I? Where's my Bigna thing... NOOO!!!! I was SO CLOSE. I could of got that prize GBA... Dodo.


Masamune: DODO!?


Masamune: I'm all alone...

???: Not quite!

Masamune: Who?

~Ditto steps forward~

Ditto: Who would of thought I would show up here... and get stuck with you, of all people.

Masamune: *kicks dirt* Wonderful... I get stuck with the arrogant fanatic.

Ditto: I get stuck with the would-be wannabe.

Masamune: ...... I hate you.

Ditto: The feeling is mutual. Now Guiseppe, we must.... wait... GUISEPPE!?

Masamune: He's not here.

Ditto: No... NO!!!!!

Author: Ditto[edit]

I'm pleased to see this taking off! It'll be nice to reach the end of a story again!

Masamune: Ha ha! Not so happy without your ? block, eh? I guess I can see your face now!

Ditto: Don't come any closer.

Masamune: C'mere! Let's see what you look like!

Ditto: I transformed before I arrived. Now goway.

~Masamune turns a light on Ditto... and bursts out laughing~

Masamune: Hahaha! Well look what he have here! If it isn't Vivi! AH-ha-ha-hah!

Ditto: Shut up. I'm not Vivi. I'm a Black Mage type C. Note the way the hat stands up.

Masamune: Whatever, shorty. Look, let's get outta this cave and find our sidekicks.

Ditto: All right, but no funny stuff, or I'll turn you into a toad.


*Dodo begins to come around, until he notices the feel of grass underneath him. His eyes snap open and he sits up abrubtly, but hits his helmet on something in the air*

Dodo: *GOOOOOONG!* Ow! That hurt!

~he rubs his head until he notices a coin on the ground. He picks it up and pockets it, and looks up, to see a ? block flying overhead*

Guisseppie: Hey! Watch it!

Dodo: What are you doing hovering over me like that?!

Guisseppie: *turns around* Trying to see if you were all right. You're welcome.

Dodo: Well be careful, will ya? ...Sorry. Anyway, I don't believe we've been formally introduced. I'm Dodo.

Guisseppie: Guisseppie.

Dodo: Any idea how we got here?

Guisseppie: According to Ditto, Golem put his rubber-band pen into a SNES, and the power reacted, creating an warp bringing us here.

Dodo: So, where's here?

Guisseppie: No clue.

Dodo: Why not?

Guisseppie: No one's bothered to write what this place is yet.

Dodo: I see.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Vorpal: Hmm. . . this is definitly not our world. . . I do not feel the power of Warpei binding me. . . A NEW WORLD TO CONQUER! AHAHAHAHA!

Yoshiman: Teminally insane again. . .

Mr. Predict: At least he's not Fuzzball.

Yoshiman: Yeah. Deadlier.


Meanwhile, back on earth. . .

Paratroop 1: Sir yes sir!

Sgt. Flutter: Men! We need you to carry us over to Ditto's Domain!

PT1: . . . err. . . how far is it?

Fuzzball: Six hundred miles in the middle of the ocean.

PT2: What? Are you crazy? We can only carry you two hundred miles maximum!

Fuzzball: That's Ok. I have another idea. . .

Later. . .

Fuzzball: Are you sure this car is fully amphibuous?

Car Salesman: Yes.

Fuzzball: And it has a range of four hundred and fifty miles?

CS: Why, yes. . . yes it does. Do you have a collateral?

Fuzzball: Right here. (Hands CS a bag.)

CS: What's in. . .

Fuzzball: YOINK! (Takes keys) HAHAHAHA! *runs off*

CS: ??? *opens bag*


*CS faints*

Fuzzball jumps in the car.

Fuzzball: Now we can go to Ditto's lair!

Sgt. Flutter: I never woulda thought of that.

Author: Magikoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: [laughs] This is perfect! Now to execute Phase 1 of my plan! To Cincinatti!

Birdo: I think... we're in Cincinatti.

Koopa and Birdo look around the city. All the uniformed fellows sport normal police outfits from before the takeover by Team Rocket.

MagiKoopa: Well, this is crap. How can we execute my Even Bigger, Badder Plan to Rule the Planet?

Birdo: Looks like we're in the past or something. Maybe Rocketsville was somewhere else then-- now. Let's ask.

James: I'm still here! What are you whispering about?

MagiKoopa: Great timing! Go ask that officer where Rocketsville is.

James walks over and asks. Koopa and co. can't hear anything, but a huge smile appears on James's face when his question's answered. He runs back over cheerfully.

Birdo: Well? Is there a Rocketsville?

James: You're not gonna believe this... we own the entire state of Nevada!

Birdo: Even Vegas?

James: [nods happily] mmm-hmm! mmm-hmm!

MagiKoopa: Even Area 51?

James: [nods again] mmm-hmm! mmm-hmm!

Bomberman: Great! I'll fly us over with my Bomber Jet! [tries to contact Bomber Base w/his watch] I need the Bomber Jet! Repeat, please give me the Bomber Jet!

communication watch: ...(there's no response.)

MagiKoopa: Well, I guess we'll just have to take the bus.

all: (groan!)

Sapphire: So! Who's got bus fare?

Everybody opens their pockets, only to find dust, lint, and a wallscroll of Super Sailor Moon.

Birdo: Koopa! I thought you said you traded that to Bowser.

MagiKoopa: nope. I traded the poster.

Sapphire: Why don't you see if you can contact the base?

James: Rocket James to base. Requesting transportation to Las Vegas location.

Jessie's voice: James, what are you doing over there?! I'll send a jet over.


Koopa, Birdo, James & Bomberman: JESSIE is the boss of Team Rocket?!

Sapphire: (not paying attention) why don't you dial 1-800-collect?

Author: Masamune[edit]

~Masamune and Ditto proceed to the only place nearby, a McDonalds in the middle of nowhere~

Masamune: Even in alternate worlds, there is a McD's in the middle of nowhere...

Ditto: Ironic, I wonder what meals the serve?

Masamune: Let's see... *they enter inside*

????: YOU!

Ditto: !?

Masamune: ?!

~The Cat approaches~

Cat: You two... what are YOU doing here!?

Ditto: Cat!?

Masamune: Wasn't he really Golem?

Ditto: Apaprently... not, here.

Cat: What are you two talking about!?

Ditto: Eh?

Cat: ......

Masa-Mune: What are you doing here anyways?

Cat: I aint allowed in town no more. Everyone says I suck as a writer and exiled me from every place in the world.

Ditto: Except here.

Cat: They let me play Hamburglar.

Masamune: Interesting turn of events.

Ditto: How long you been here?

Cat: Ten years.

Ditto: You been here THAT long!?

Cat: What's it to ya!?

Masamune: .... How do we get to civilization?

Cat: That's just the thing... ya don't! You DO know where ya are, right?

Ditto: ???

Cat: ... The End of Time, Man!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

[is laughing too hard to write a decent post, I'm sorry]

Sapphire: Well, I could have just used my cell phone...

Bomberman: Talk about fast service!

[All look up to see a jet flying overhead]

MagiKoopa: Las Vegas, here we come! Oops, I better put this away. *guiltily rolls up Super Sailor Moon wallscroll*

James: I can't wait to hear Jessie's version of events!

Sapphire: What do you mean, Jessie's?

Birdo: Uh, he means that...

MagiKoopa: Nevermind! Let's just get out of here!

Bomberman: Right.

[They Board the jet]

All: Rocketsville, here we come!

Author: Mega Man X[edit]

This is great! I can already see that this is going to be one of our best yet! And it's not a Towncar, it's a Continental. I don't think they made Towncars back in 1964. I'll have to check that. And where did Vile come from? Vile is on Magi's side.

Fuzzball is at the wheel while SF is shotgun.

Fuzzball: This car is sweet!

SF: Yeah. I wonder what it's name is?

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles run up to them.

Sonic: That cars name is The Mach 5!

SF: How do you guys know that?

Tails: Becuase it's our car....well it's our groups car anyways...

Fuzzball: If it's your car why was it here?

Knuckles: Well we were about to get it, when a tow truck came and got it out of the river before we could. Hey, what are you guys gonna do with it?

SF: All of the Party Goers have disappered. We're going to use this car to go underwater.

Sonic: Why?

Fuzzball: Becuase thats where Ditto's house is. If we can get there maybe we could find them.

Tails: You know guys, if the Party Goers are gone, Maybe X, Vectorman and Zero was with them.

Knuckles: You're right. Hey, can we come with you guys?

SF: Why should we let you?

Sonic: Becuase we know how to work that car.

Fuzzball: It does have a lot of buttons...

SF: Ok, but no funny stuff!

Tails: Aw man! *Throws out his rubber chicken*

SF: Thats right!

The 3 get in. Sonic shoves Fuzzball in the back and takes the wheel.

Fuzzball: Hey!

Sonic: Sorry, but you can't handel this car. I'm the only one next to X....and Speed Racer...

The 5 did not knnow that in the back the of them, GS parked the 911 becuase it ran out of gas.

GS: Darn it! No where will i get my adventure fix? *Sees The Mach 5* Oohhh! Not bad!

GS then sneeks up behind, and opens the trunk. Inside were Spritle Chim Chim.

Spritle: Hey old man! We were here first!

GS: Beat it! You 2!*Picks them up and thorws them out of the trunk* Why don't you 2 take over a candy store or something?

Spritle: Hmmm. What do you think Chim Chim?

Chim Chim: *Claps hands*

Spritle: Ok! Come on!

They then run into the nearest candy store. While GS gets in the trunk and closes it.

GS: Hehe! This is gonna be great!

Sonic: Let's go.

Sonic starts it up and heads for the ocean. He press' the A button, the Auto Jacks come out of the bottom of the car, makeing it jump into the air. Then the C button, the glass dome closes over the the 5. When they get in the water the F button is pressed, the air fills the inside with air.

Fuzzball: Wow! This is cool!

Sonic: Isn't it? *Takes it up to 200 MPH* We'll be there in no time!

SF: Not bad. But what are we going to do when we get there?

Fuzzball: We'll think of something.

Tails: In the meantime, i found Zero's tea packets! Who wants some?


Vectorman: X, where are we?

X: I don't know. Everything looks....wrong...

Zero: Hey, look over there! What is that?

X: "Sprtile and Chim Chim's candy store"!?

Vectorman: We're not home anymore.

X: You know what this means? That punk Golem and his "Party Hardy" friends did this!

Zero: So what do we do?

X: Find Golem, find out what the heck is going on!

Zero: But how!?

X: Hmmm...we need a sign...*takes the Lincoln up to 90 MPH*

Author: Golem[edit]

Ditto: The end of time? Then where's God?

Masa: Hahah, those religious weirdos were wrong!

Cat: Well, nothing happens. We just "exist" with no meaning.

Ditto: I'd rather die, personally.
Why do you need money then?

Cat: People don't realize that time has stopped. They just keep going, hoping there's meaning.

Masa: We're seeing ten years into our future... spooks me.
Aren't we destroying the time continuim(sp?) or something?

Cat: But this is the end of time.

~Lifeless, Cat walks back inside in his goofy black and white striped shirt. Ditto and Masamune note the little expression shown on anyone's faces around.~


Dodo: If I was near Masa and you were near Ditto when this happened, why are we sepparated?

Guesseppie: Master Ditto says Miyamoto had a creative mind... This place, perhaps, could be his creation. Whatever it is, it is most likely the kinks of the rubber band pen.
Which means 'tis all a mystery.

Dodo: What a weirdo...


Golem: ~just waking up~ Ungh... That was a ride and a half.
Where am I? ~looks around, sees no one, just four walls about six feet high leaving four square feet imbetween~ Seems I'm the only one here... That TASTS must've set off something. ~sigh~...

~~~The jet...~~~

~Magikoopa and co. enter and find Rhyk trying to locate Golem.~

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: So now what do we do?

Ditto: *shrugs* Beats me... I could get out of here if I could change into something...

Masamune: We're in a alternate dimension right?

Ditto: Yeah...

Masamune: That means Dargo might exist here as well...

Ditto: ?

Masamune: .... DARGO!!!!!!!!!!!

Ditto: *falls over*

~long period of silence...~

~finally a small figure appears in the air screaming out something. It crashes beside Masamune and Ditto.~

Dargo: Eh? Eh... ....

Masamune: There you are.

Dargo: You are under arrest.

Ditto: Huh, what for!?

Dargo: ... ... for the assasination of Lord Oddball Mario.

Masamune: What!? How!?

Dargo: *narrows eyes* You criminal scum... think it's fun to act innocent...

Ditto: Excuse me... but humor us for a bit, how exactly did WE murder him?

Dargo: *scoffs* You assasinated him out of jealousy. We have proof of your crime. Now we are going to take you in.

~Several more robotic soldiers approach ,all identical to Dargo. They apprehend Masamune and Ditto and shove them into a strange looking ship.~


Guiseppie: We must find a place to begin searching.

Dodo: *rubs beak* But where? A large pudgy bird and a flying block is sure to draw attention.

Guiseppie: Good point... c'mere.

Dodo: Why?

Guiseppie: Just do it.

Dodo: *shrugs and walks towards him* What now?

Guiseppie: Now punch me and think of something to be in disguise as.

Dodo: Ok... *punches the block, gets engulfed in light and turns into a man in a balck tuxedo~

Guiseppie: Hmm... How original... but it'll work. *floats upwards* I see a city ahead, we can probally find the others there.

Dodo: *adjusts tie* But of course.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Vorpal runs on for miles into a desert, then stops.

Vorpal: Running around and screaming is going to get me anywhere. I've got to find out what this place is, and where I can get a Sky Palace.

Vorpal looks to the right and sees: Sky Palaces "R" Us.

Vorpal: Oh, brother. I ain't in Missouri anymore.

Vorpal walks in to see a kinda familiar figure.

Wavorpal the Arab Dude: Welcome to my store.

Vorpal: Wavorpal? You stole my disguise from when I stole Arab Dude's store in an attempt to destroy the Party Goers, but was foiled by DVGBC and his Bouncy Rangers.

Wavorpal TAD: I don't know what you are talking about, but I can assure you, I am stealing this from no one.

Vorpal: Hmm, very strange. So how much for a Sky Palace?

Wavorpal TAD: Two-hundred dollar.

Vorpal: Hmm, two-hundred dollars, two-hundred dollars, hmm, all I've got is a button and a stick of gum.

Wavorpal TAD: O_o Juicy Fruit! I haven't seen one of those since 2001. Thank Allah. I thought I'd never see such a purer sight! You may have the whole store for the Juicy Fruit.

Vorpal: Uh, okay.

Vorpal exchanges the gum for the store. Wavorpal walks out into the desert hugging his stick of gum.

Vorpal: Hmm, now I've got the ship, it's time to meet the leader of this place.

Author: Oddball Mario[edit]

OOC: sorry to interupt, but...

*burst out laughing, and falls on his back laughing.*

Lord Oddball Mario! Oh that just cracked me up! thats a good one......

*realizes something*

hey, wait, your in an alternate dimension.... and everything is backwords.....then.......................................


oh well!
*continues reading, laughing out loud everytime.*

oh man, it feels so good to be back! Thank you Masa Mcroaker for getting me into this tiny bit of the show!

Author: Golem[edit]

~a floating car pulls up, Dargo shoves Ditto and Masa in, and Dargo hops in the front to drive~

Dargo: ~sniff~ Oddball was a good man... He'd give his last penny to some weirdos on the street such as yourselves... ~Dargo blows his nose into a tissue noisily, then starts up the car. A few nano-seconds later they're at the police station... if one could still call it that.~


Golem~staring at the ceiling~: I don't exactly have anything to blow my way out... I think I'm running out of air.. Just STAY CALM...

~He hears a large KABOOM, followed by the sudden appearance someone above him. They looked strangely like Rhyk, but... it was a she.~


~...the robot yelled as she blasted upwards to the sky with Golem in tow using the rocket blasters on her feet.~

Author: Ditto[edit]

~In the Flying Police Car...~

Ditto: Wait... how do you know I'm Ditto?

Dargo: *gruffly* Are you stupid? After your widely publicized assassination of Oddball Mario, who wouldn't know you and Masamune?

Ditto: I mean, how did you recognize me?

Dargo: You fit the description of Ditto.

Ditto: What description?! There IS no description of me! I don't even look like me at the moment!

Dargo: Yeah, that's what they all say.

Ditto: Okay. What could possibly be the description?

Dargo: We just look for a shape-changer.


Dargo: Simple. A shape-changer is a guy who looks like other things. We just look for a guy who doesn't look for himself.


Dargo: Knock of the Caps, buddy. This is a police car, ya know.

Ditto: oh, sorry officer dargo.

Dargo: That's more like it.


Guisseppie: Ummm, don't you think you could have picked someone a little less conspicuous than 007?

Dodo: Please, call me Bird. James Bird. Agent Dodo 7.

Guisseppie: Don't say it, don't say it...

Dodo: Shaken, not bird.

Guisseppie: *sigh* ...How are we gonna find out where we are?

Dodo: Don't worry, my cubish friend. I shall extract some information as to our whereabouts by using my enormous charm on a beautiful woman. *adjusts cufflinks, walks into the nearest casbah and goes up to a woman*

Dodo: Excuse me, doll. I don't suppose you can tell me where I am?

Beautiful Woman: Why, I'd be glad to. You see, you're in-

*a man chloroforms Dodo from behind, and he slumps to the ground*

Woman: Mwa ha ha! I can't believe the fool walked right up to us! Hurry, Igor, and we shall take him back to our leader's hideout and torture him until he talks!

Guisseppie: *watching from afar* How do you like that. First girl he talks to and she turns out to be an enemy spy. What are the odds? *follows at a close distance*

Author: Masamune[edit]

~The screen fades to a image of a much older Golem (18 now, whew!)sitting on a chair and facing the screen~

Golem: And so that is how we ended up there... We had no idea what would be in store for us. But we thirsted for adventure, with no knowledge of what we were getting ourselves into...

~screen returns to Golem, who is in the hands of Rhykette and being blasted off~


Rhykette: ........

Golem: .... sigh... just my luck to be saved by the deaf superheroine...

~They continue to fly until the go over a warehouse, which she goes towards. They enter through a skylight and Golem is dropped rather roughly on the ground~

Golem: Where are we? ~struggles to get up, then dusts himself off~

Rhykette: A warehouse.

Golem: Wow... how curious...

Rhykette: ~Grabs him by his collar and hols him up~ Where did you get that scarf!?

Golem: Eh... I've had it for a long time so-

Rhykette: ~drops him~ You don't sound like him...

Golem: Like who?

Rhykette: Golem.

Golem: Err.. what did he do?

Rhykette: He built me and planned to use me as a tool for mass destruction. He is evil and corrupted, even those accursed Dargo's want him. I've been hunting him for years, I thought I had him.

Golem: Err... sorry.

Rhykette: It's ok, anyway, what's your name?

Golem: Uh... Mario!

Rhykette: ... wht a stupid name...


Dodo: You will never get away with this!

???: I have not done anything yet.

Dodo: Oh... nevermind.

???: Do you not know who I am?

Dodo: Not a clue.

~??? steps forward, the first thing seen a is a strange scarf. he then steps fully in the light to reveal a person identical to Golem~

Golem?: Suprise!


Dargo2: Prisoners?

Dargo1: Indeed, these two are the ones who kileld Oddball Mario.

Dargo2: *gasp* You found them!?

Dargo1: Stupid fools were at the End of Time McDonalds.

Dargo2: *nods* I'll take them to their cells...

Masamune: *leans over to Ditto and whispers* Odd... in our world Dargo is the first Prototype...

Ditto: *shrugs* Nothing is normal here...