Talk:Savage Worlds

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Big Al[edit]

Attributes Stats Skills Edges Equipment
Agility: d4 Pace: 18" Fighting: d10 Heavy Set (-1 movement) Robot Arm (Str+3, Reach 5 (forward and right), 0 (back and left) +1 defense (foward and right)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 3 Guts: d8 Kung Fu Grip (hold 1 target at distance) Background Character (invisible in non-combat situations)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 8 Notice: d4 Fireman (fire immunity)
Strength: d8 Charisma: -1 Persuade: d4
Vigor: d10 Power Points: 15 Streetwise: d8
Superpower: d6