Full Name: TeevC
Birthdate: 1530
Species: Construct
Nationality: Scottish
Creator: SteveT
First Appearance: The Festivity Attenders: Metallic Menace
When the Festivity Attenders realized that SteveT would probably kill them all, they conspired to modify him. They added a clockwork heart to SteveT's empty cavity of a chest.
The result was a very friendly, extroverted suit of armor who constantly professed his love for his best friends (read: anyone in sight).
Eventually, SteveT reclaimed control of his body, tore out the clockwork heart, and the TeevC personality died. However, TeevC appears occasionally as a disguise.
In Galaxy Goers, TeevC is returned to life when Professor Smarter Than You constructs a mechanical heart to put into SteveT. TeevC follows the Professor willingly and enthusiastically for awhile, but eventually SteveT returns, but pretends to be TeevC to stay on the Professor's good side.
When the Festivity Attenders created a heartless SteveT, TeevC came into existence in Anti-Space. As fate would have it, whenever TeevC becomes the dominant personality, SteveT enters into Anti-Space. However, neither seem to realize this strange relationship and when in R-Space, TeevC doesn't seem to remember anything about Anti-Space (and vice versa). In Gamehiker Member OG IX, TeevC arrives to help his good friend Senor Burro by hugging a missile off trajectory and then using his break-dancing powers to keep a helicopter from falling.