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Tiffa GH.png
Real Name Nefertina Bonifa Shanefra Kuliffus, III
Species Neko-Neko
Birth Year 2000
Hair color Varies
Eye color Green
Origin Neko-Neko Empire
Creator SOAP
Debut Gamehiker Member OG V
Relatives King Sabreclaw: Father, Nefertina: Mother, Nefertaru: Sister, Kiffus: Brother


When Tiffa first met Mario Jr. by chance, she was living in an abadoned desert ruins all by herself. She had no memories of her past and didn't even remember her name so MJ gave her the name Tiffany, and hse's followed him around like a little lost kitten ever since. It's been alluded to in her flash back that she might be some reincarntion of a princess from some lost civilization. All that is officially known about Tiffa is that she is the last of her kind. Among the living that is...

Timeline History[edit]

Good Timeline[edit]

Tiffa also hails from MJ's world, though evidence of her roots seem to be stronger on Earth. She came from out of the blue much like her companions, in search of MJ for some still unexplained reason. Oddly enough, she seemed to have quickly lost interest in MJ once she found Marin, MJ's sister who helped her become one of the OGers. Ever since then, she's picked up bits and peices of her past in her travels around Earth.

Being much nicer in comparison to Marin and more exotic, Tiffa was more warmly accepted amongst the virtually exclusively all-male OGers. Marin, no longer the token female character after Sapphire, basically became chopped liver which caused her to hold a not-secret grudge against her former best friend. Marin took every oppurtunity to knock Tiffa down with countless racial slurs. However, even though she was timid and kind by nature, Tiffa was no punk and did not hesitate to put Marin in her place every time. The two eventually cooled off but by then Tiffa had fallen into the pit of obsurity just like Andromeda. It is assumede that she somehow repopulates the neko race by intermarrying with n earthling. Which could explained why Nekotians become so water downed over the years.

It wasn't until hundreds and hundreds of years later that she remerged as her own decendant in the Galaxy Goers short-lived series. There she was a criminal defense attorney living in outer space till a bunch of cat-earred aliens abduct her, first mistaking her as their Empress who looked exactly like her, then as their divine mother goddess. While still masquarading as their ruler, one of their generals, Nirgal, rapes her and and impregnants her with what later became the first generation of a new species of Neko-Neko. Nirgal planned to use the Neko religion to win over the affections of his people so that he could use them send Tiffa into the past, where her babies would replace primitive Nekotians as they bred and multiplied on a less volatile planet Syntax.


  • Contrary to popular belief that Tiffa is a ripoff Final Fantasy's Tifa (one F), Tiffa is actually named after her creator's real-life child hood friend, Tiffany Pueblo.
  • Tiffa was once a male character, named Amon-Ra, who was a partially mummified Egyptian bird-man. This character was later scarpped and turned into two chracters, Tiffa and Angel.
  • Tiffa was based off Shakira, and sometimes she can be of spoof of the Latin Pop singer.
  • Tiffa changes her looks constantly. Her different hairstyles include: red, blonde, black, black with red streaks, and moonlight white.
  • Tiffa is one of the few humanoid characters that's isn't white.
  • Tiffa claims to be of African decent but is more yellow-boned and her naturally red hair and green eyes hint an slight Irish ancestory.
  • Tiffa is semi-immortal. While not proned disease, age, and most fatal injuries, she can be killed even by conventional weapons.
  • Tiffa can sense the distant past just by touching an object. She can also speak to the dead.
  • Her token weapon is the Sabreclaw, which has the power of Ra, the egytian God of the Sun.