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Ushutarians (or Ushatarians as they were originally introduced) are a race of aliens from the planet Ushutar in the M&M galaxy. They are hideous looking creatures that are sacks of purple flesh that consist of three eyes on stalks, five noses, two mouths and one ear. They have eighteen tentacles and rely on hover pods for movement. They are notoriously lazy and almost everything they do is performed by Lobstermen, a race they enslaved eons ago. In what is a complete coincidence, Ushutarians share their names with countries on Earth.

Good Timeline[edit]

In Gamehiker Member OG 2 their current Lord Emperor Uraguay orders a pizza from Earth and demands it in thirty minutes or less. When they fail to deliver he orders an invasion of Earth, but because it takes them so long to do things and Earth is so far away, they travel back in time so they can get there in time. Once there, they enlist the help of Murasame to conquer the planet but ultimately are foiled by the Gamehikers. Uraguay is killed in the ensuing struggle and ends up possessing Roy. In Gamehiker Member OG IX the Gamehikers encounter their anti-space counterparts, who run a pizza delivering company. Luiigii of the Pipes manages to get the Anti-Space Ushutarians to work for him when he 'pretends' to try and take over the world.

After becoming Lord Emperor, Hungary returns to Earth in order to destroy it. This time he manages to succeed due to a limited supply of cheesecake in 2065. He takes EVIL Scientist Dude as a minion and defeats Lucas and Becky Haminar in a laser sword battle. In the 24th century, their new Lord Emperor Bulgaria is accused of having unisexual relations with Highly Admired Guetemala as opposed to a quadrosexual relationship with three other Ushutarians. After being defeated in a battle of Winky-Winky Doo by High Potentate Tur-käi, Bulgaria is sentenced to exile in a black hole, allowing Tur-käi to become the new Lord Emperor.

Bad Timeline[edit]

Uraguay is a member of the council in The OGers: Third Generation. He is no longer the Lord Emperor in this timeline for reasons unknown. As a precaution to protect the world he was prepared to send his fleet of Ushutarians to destroy earth if the Third Generation grew out of hand. He did just that, only for the entire fleet (followed by Uraguay himself) to be wiped out by the Donkeyman.

Other Versions[edit]