Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again

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Start: March 17, 2005
End: May 12, 2005
Timeline: Good Timeline
Writers: GORE-ILLA, AaronGuy, Golem, Fred, Vorpal, Luigi of the Pipes, Masamune, SOAP, Murasame.
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, Vorpal, Luigi of the Pipes, Masamune, Golem, Uruguay, Murasame, Carrotcake King, GORE-ILLA, Lupus, Kuria Eiren, Mario Jr., Marin, Fred, Lady in Red.

Pages in the Gamehiker Member OG 2 Archive
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Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again is the second installment in the Gamehiker Member OG series. It is here where many events are shaped that influence the later stories of the timeline. The Ushutarians, would would later play a larger role in Galaxy Goers, are introduced. The OG also starts an arc involving Luigi of the Pipes being corrupted by the dark side, and brings in Masamune's evil brother Murasame, setting up plot threads for future Gamehiker Member OGs. Finally, this OG also introduced parodies of movies and video games into the series, a trend that would be used more and more often in the later OGs, to the disdain of some certain authors who will not be named.

Plot Summary[edit]

Yami Yoshi summons Vorpal, Golem, Rhyk, Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Lupus, Kuria, Fred and Lady in Red, all veterans from the prevoious adventure, to aid him in his quest for more cheesecake after his entire horde was destroyed. They have to acquire the cheesecake through illegal means, as cheesecake has been banned by what appears to be the Robot King but is later revealed to be the evil Carrotcake King in disguise, trying to get people to eat carrotcake instead. Under Yami's direction, the Gamehikers are able to steal a valuable jewel from the mansion of "some fatcat" named Fusion. The mansion is then destroyed by lightning.

The Gamehikers trade the jewel to the Ukranian Guy in exchange for a cheesecake. However, Ukranian Guy senses some former Party Goers, whom he hates for reasons he does not understand, among the Gamehikers, so he summons his partner Aaron to destroy them. The Gamehikers are unsure how to split the cheesecake amongst each other, especially with Yami and Lupus each trying to get the whole thing for themselves. Eventually they decide on a competition hosted by the Plot Hole, who brings in Slort (referred to as Splog due to a confusion), Dodo and Aaron as judges. The losers (Lupus, Yami, Golem, Rhyk, GORE) wind up in the prison of the Carrotcake King. As for the others (Masamune, Vorpal, Kuria, Fred and Lady in Red), they engage in a fight to the death as a final event, but they quickly forget about the competition all together and wind up in Antonio's Pizza Parlor and Assorted Other Italian Foods. Luigi of the Pipes enters the story and finds Yami Yoshi's cheesecake lying in the open, and later posts suggest that he ate it. Mario Jr. also appears, claiming to have been spawned by the Plot Hole to become the "deus ex machina" of the story although he never actually serves such a purpose. He is soon joined by his sister Marin.

After Golem's next post in the story, in which a strange confrontation occurs between Golem's half of the Gamehikers and the Carrotcake King during which GORE is possessed by the spirit of Yami Yoshi's cheesecake occurs, GORE and Masamune go on a mini-adventure to destroy the post, crossing through various movie parodies as they do so. This Crisis on Infinite OGs alters Golem's post, so GORE is possessed by the Carrotcake King rather than some confusing thing, and it also opens up a dimensional doorway that allows parodies of movies and video games to seamlessly interweave into the OG.

At this point, several more villains enter the story. In outer space, the Ushatarian Emperor Uruguay is enraged when he learns that Antonio's Pizza Parlor and Assorted Other Italian Foods has taken too long to deliver a pizza to him, despite the fact that they are in the distant reaches of outer space and Earthlings had not yet mastered space travel. So Uruguay ordered an invasion of Earth, and since it would take a billion years to assemble their army, they travelled back in time a billion years. In the present time, Luigi was also approached by Murasame, who took Luigi under his wing as his apprentice. Luigi didn't do much at Murasame's side but he was slowly being corrupted nonetheless.

The remaining Gamehikers soon regroup and split off to take on the different forces attacking them- the Ushatarians, the Carrotcake King's soldiers and Murasame. Golem, Rhyk and Kuria were soon abducted by the Ushutarians. Mario Jr. and Marin fight off the Carrotcake footsoliders alongside Lupus and Fred. But Lupus and Fred soon tire of being good and become the Carrotcake King/GORE's minions. Masamune, Vorpal and Lady in Red fight a one-sided battle with Murasame. Murasame defeats Masamune, who is trapped in his sword form and wins up in a dumpster. Murasame quickly defeats Vorpal afterwards and takes his Vorpal Sword, turning him into the monstrous Vorpasame while reducing Vorpal to his human form of Hamilton. Vorpasame than leaves with Luigi while revealing his plot to destroy the Ushutarians and the Gamehikers so he could than conquer the world. Yami Yoshi comes out from his hiding place under the table and joins with Hamilton and Lady in Red.

Mario Jr. and Marin make a failed attempt to battle Vorpasame, who than tries attacking the Ushatarian spaceship. Vorpasame than battles Hamilton, Yami and Lady in Red again, a battle that ends when the Lady is stabbed in the gut. Yoshiman soon picks the three up in his Flying Submarine and than reveals that he remembers his evil plan that he was supposed to execute in the first Gamehiker Member OG: to reunite Team Missile (even though Team Missile had never been formed in this timeline). Lady in Red recieves medical attention while Hamilton assumes command of Team Missile. Although Hamilton wants to go after Vorpasame first, Yoshiman instead takes them to the Carrotcake King. Masamune's sword is picked up by a Garbage Man, who becomes Garbamune. Garbamune later finds Hamilton and gives him the Masamune Sword, turning Hamilton into Hamimune.

The ensuing battle ends with the Carrotcake King's spirit being forced out of GORE's body. The spirit attempts to enter Hamilton, but the Team Missile member Roy jumps in the way and is possessed instead. Hamilton and Team Missile find themselves in a cake factory, where Vorpsame and Luigi wait. Hamimune and Vorpasame clash their swords together, and this collision causes a bright flash that unfuses the characters and leaves Masamune and Murasame in their sword forms, and the Vorpal Sword nearby. Hamilton uses the Vorpal Sword to become Vorpal again; and when Masamune and Murasame's swords are accidentally touched together, they take on their human forms again. Soon afterwards Roy tumbles into a carrotcake vat while holding a cheesecake crumb, or maybe a cheesecake vat while holding a carrotcake crumb. Either way the chain reaction destroys the cake factory while the heroes and villains escape it, although Roy's fate is unknown. Murasame goes on to strike an alliance with Uruguay, offering to take care of Earth for him if in exchange Uruguay would teach him the secrets of Ushatarian technology.

Emperor Uruguay sentences Golem, Rhyk and Kuria to execution. He also sentences his right-hand man Hungary to the same fate, for basically no reason at all. The four are sent to an area, where they meet Lupus and Fred, who wield rubberband guns and claim that after the Carrotcake King's death, they spent years looking for a new job, then joined the Ushutarians when they leapt back in time a billion years and stayed with them that entire time. Soon afterwards they battle the first pit monster, a Wobbuffet that actually turns out to be a human in a costume. Luigi of the Pipes is their second enemy, but soon afterwards the rest of the Gamehikers arrive in intergalactic buses to save them. They then pursue Murasame, and Vorpal and Masamune battle Murasame together in a giant Hangar. Although Murasame wins, Luigi enters and battles Murasame, not because he is turning over a new leaf but only because he was annoyed by Murasame's insults of him. Both Murasame and Luigi soon retreat.

Somehow after the big rescue, Golem, Rhyk and Kuria are still trapped in the arena, this time with Yami Yoshi as well. This time a trio of pit monsters (the CANNED LAUGHTER Turkey, Caykzor and Liebermon) battle them. Fred and Lupus come with an army of random OGers to save them. At the same time, Mario Jr. duels with Luigi of the Pipes in Uruguay's throne room. MJ constantly reaches out to Luigi and tries to find the good in him. At several points during the ensuing battle, Luigi pretends to reform or looks like he's going to reform, and MJ believes this, but each time Luigi ultimately turns around and betrays MJ, who is forced to retreat. On the Flying Sub, Golem and Lady in Red make out, partially to punish their authors for not contributing to this OG.

The Gamehikers learn of Uruguay's new battle station, the Star of Death, and search for the button that will destroy the Shield Generator. They find it but then come into brief conflict with Hungary, who attempts to turn Lupus against the other Gamehikers, but his attempts fail and he is defeated. Soon afterwards in a chatroom, a user named "LordCarrotCake" promises to make a comeback in the next Gamehiker Member OG. The Gamehikers succeed in destroying the Star of Death's shield generator, and Vorpal shows the others the frozen fish, the bane of Ushatarian technology. The Gamehikers than board a fleet of intergalactic buses and attack the Star of Death, firing frozen fish into the many weak points of the battle station. They soon find the one weak spot that can destroy the whole battle station, but the only material that can harm it is a cheesecake, so Yami Yoshi's cheesecake is sacrificed, and the Star of Death is destroyed.

Afterwards the Gamehikers celebrate their success at Antonio's Pizza Parlor and Assorted Other Italian Foods, where no one seems to know that they had saved the world. Masamune meets a girl named Rebe and romances her. Masamune plans to leave the rest of the Gamehikers behind as he leaves with Rebe on the S.S. Swordefeller, but Fred joins up with them at the last second. That is the OG's ending, although afterwards their are three epilogues.

In the first epilogue, Luigi of the Pipes reuinites with Murasame, and Murasame plans to show Luigi to his master, the Mysterious Silhouette aka Lord Confusingous. Elsewhere at Turquoise, Golem and Sapphire are married. The second epilogue features cameo appearances by Murasame's henchmen, Krunk and Snipes with a reference to the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The third and final epilogue is about MJ and Marin.

References/Homages to Other OGs[edit]

  • The opening post of GMOG2 contains the opening post of MOG2, yet builds around it by showing Yami and his gang stealing the ruby beforehand. And after the opening scene Fusion's house is seen being destroyed by lightning.
  • At one point the Ushatarians try invading Earth in the 1800's and encounter the Mecha-Ammish from Oregon Goers.
  • Murasame's transformation into Vorpasame mirrors Masamune turning into Vorpamune in Party Goers 15.
  • During the Crisis on Infinite OGs, GORE briefly transforms into a doctor and shoots Masamune in another Oregon Goers refernece.
  • Introbulus makes a cameo appearance when the OGers are looking for a spacier ride and wish to borrow Introbulus's interdimensional station wagon; the station wagon is the main transportation used in the Member OG series.
  • Two of the pit monsters that appear during Golem and the other's second execution come from outside OGs: Liebermon is from Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik, and the CANNED LAUGHTER Turkey is from Holiday Goers.
  • Team Missile, an organization Vorpal formed in another series, appears.
Stories in the Gamehiker Member OG series.
Main Series: I - II - III - IV - V - VII - VI - VIII - IX - X - XI
Sidequests: ENGLAND??? - FRANCE??? - MAGIKOOPA???
Holiday Specials: Merry Christmas - Father's Day
Other: Galaxy Goers - Ultimate Galaxy Goers