Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody

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Start: August 2, 2005
End: August 12, 2007
Timeline: Good Timeline (with strands in the Bad Timeline and Neutral Timeline)
Writers: Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Vorpal, SteveT, Luiigii of the Pipes, Golem, Fred.
Cast: Masamune, Vorpal, Golem, Luiigii of the Pipes, Donkeyman, GORE-ILLA, Sapphire, EVIL Scientist Dude, Captain Monkeyman Scruffy, Siphnitty, Kuria Eiren, Yami Yoshi, Lupus, SteveT, Fred, Loogi, Youma Ganon.
Official Theme Song: "Fragile Army" by The Polyphonic Spree
Official Music Video: Watch it here
Archive: Read it here


This OG was made to revive the Gamehiker Member OG series after Masamune had gone nostalgic for the older GMOGs (and in order to combat the failure of Golem's heretical Gamehiker Member OG VI: Which Way Does Time Go?. It brought back the movie parodies that had disappeared earlier in the series, although the parodies were downtoned as the story progressed and became its own creature. It eventually became a miniature Crisis on Infinite Earths with visits to several other timelines such as the Bad Timeline and Neutral Timeline, as well as non canon timelines like the world of VGF Member OG 1.1. Despite various slumps, it eventually reached a conclusion and was followed by Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!.

Plot Summary[edit]

References/Homages to Other OGs[edit]

  • Misty from the Party Goers appears, returning to the OGing scene after an extended absence of life.
  • Other characters carried over from other OGs include Loogi (originally from Member Adventures) and Farmer Jon (from the Kwest series).
  • There are several references to the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada, particularly when GORE keeps mentioning his "other captain", and the pirates themselves eventually appear with Scruffy in a supporting role.
  • Similarly, a parody of the OG Six from Member OG appears and is quickly killed off. Various more Member OG references arise when the OGers arrive in the Bad Timeline during the timeframe leading up to and during the early events of Member OG 8.
  • Luiigii's disgusting mop fetish from Oregon Goers is referenced twice, when it turns out That Krazy Dude's mop once was his fiancee.
  • When captured and torched by bears, Masamune makes a reference to wearing a witch hat in Salem. This scene would later appear in Oregon Goers 48.
  • To activate their P-Watches, Golem and Sapphire must shout "Isshoni", which Golem expands into "Isshon-i-ru-ru", a reference to the title of Japan Goers.
  • Donkeyman's backstory mentions the Festivity Attenders.
  • When wondering what they would do in the Bad Timeline, EVIL Scientist Dude suggests Lupus build up a gorilla army to crush Yami Yoshi before he can become a hero and destroy them, referencing the gorilla army at Lupus's command in the first Member OG.
  • Golem's title of Messiah of Parties, originally from Party Goers 15: A New Beginning, is reprised here.
  • In reference to Final Fantasy OG III, Imajin is mentioned at one point while Kyson makes a cameo to match his appearance in Golem's slideshow.
  • The scene with Luiigii in Hell is adapted from one chapter of the Party Goers Bootleg OGs.
  • The opening of Galaxy Goers appears when the destruction of the Good Timeline begins.
  • Along with the Member OG parody, there are also several references to The OGers: Third Generation (particularly when characters such as Murasame and Donkeyman reminisce about their futures in the Bad Timeline).
  • References to Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik, particularly Vorpal's role in it, appear late in the story and increase until the OG moves from the Bad Timeline to the Neutral Timeline and fully crosses over with it.
  • During the Neutral Timeline section of the story, Cat, as seen in Cat Investigations, makes an appearance. Big Al's evolved form of the Ageless One, seen only in the incomplete Cat Investigations II, also appears.
  • The Lost OGs visited by Scruffy include Greedy Goers and Member OG 1.1.
  • While traveling through time, they at one point arrive in the Fire Goers era, in reference to that SPOG about Golem and Rhyk traveling back in time to recruit people from that era. If GORE ever posed in that OG he planned to reference Golem and Rhyk briefly spotting Masa and the others before they returned to the TASTS.


Masamune: *gets burned alive again* Man, I haven't got flamed this many times since I wore a witch hat in Salem.
-Mune Wayne

ESD: The Good timeline has you, Lupus. You can take the blue pill, and wake up in your house in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe. You can take the red pill, and that helps digestion. I've also got Tylenol and Flintstones vitamins if you're into the harder stuff.

Fred: I'll take Giant Mexican Robots for $500, Evil.
-By Freddy McWonder.

Golem: OMG Luiigii! And here I spent the entire OG thinking he was dead! Now it turns out I was right!

Luiigii: ~groans~

Golem: Post-mortem sound-making! Amazing!
-Luigi Harripittis.

Vorpal: Listen up, everyone! This timeline is seriously screwed up. America is ravaged by some two-bit villain organization run by a guy with purple hair. Purple!

GORE-ILLA: Wait, I don't--

Vorpal: If I ran America, we'd be at peace! We might get in a small scuffle or two with Canada, there might be some wacky scandals afoot, but things would be a lot better! We need to work together to get back to the Neutral Timeline!

Masamune: Good Timeline.

Vorpal: That's what I said! Furthermore, we can't get back to the Neutral Timeline if we leave several maniacs running around at once! They'll bump into us! Let me name some off the top of my head: SteveT! Donkeyman! Uncle Phil! EVIL Scientist Dude! This is just to name a FEW of the problems we have here in this great nation of America!

SwordMaster: This is Yoshi--

Vorpal: We don't need more enemies! We need more friends! GORE, we're kind of good acquaintances back home! SwordMaster, you seem like a cool guy! Chizu, I'm sorry, but I'm taken by a lovely lady named Misty! Scruffy, you have a cool name!

Scruffy: I'm from your timeli--

Vorpal: Kantii, our valiance and honor should ally us as friends, not enemies! Everyone, we have to work together to win this election! ~Vorpal strikes a pose. Cue "Hail to the Chief."~
-Vorpal's finest hour, by Dr. LivingStone

Stories in the Gamehiker Member OG series.
Main Series: I - II - III - IV - V - VII - VI - VIII - IX - X - XI
Sidequests: ENGLAND??? - FRANCE??? - MAGIKOOPA???
Holiday Specials: Merry Christmas - Father's Day
Other: Galaxy Goers - Ultimate Galaxy Goers