New Member OG 1.1

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Start: October 19, 2003
End: Discontinued (last post on March 18, 2004)
Timeline: Bad Timeline (no longer canonical)
Writers: Yoshiyami, DarkMario, Legion, GORE-ILLA, Gamechamp, Black Skull Dragoshi, Golem, That Guy, Tazy 10.
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, Dark Mario, GORE-ILLA, Isis, Number 7, Legion, Asher, Magikoopa, Bomberman
Archive: Read the Story


An attempt to reboot the Member OG series after the failure of the first two versions of Member OG 5. It started out good but quickly crumbled most likely due to plot elements introduced by GORE, Golem and That Guy, who made confusing ties to Party Goers and the original Member OG series. The series would not be revived until the third version of Member OG 5.

Plot Summary[edit]
