New Member OG 1.1 Page 1

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Pages in the New Member OG 1.1 Archive
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Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OOC: Since the other one died and got confusing, let’s just start VGF Member OG over from scratch. This time, I don’t want any “I GO 2 SUPER METAL DRAGOSHI SAYIN MODE AND UR POST GETS EATEN BY A GODZILLA ROTFL” or any cheapness or extreme plot twists.

*Yami Yoshi, an adolescent black Yoshi walks into the kitchen of his egg-shaped house and walks toward the refrigerator*

Yami Yoshi: *yawns* What a crazy party…practically Yoshi on the island came. I’m surprised they didn’t consume all of my cheesecake. I think there’s one slice left…

*Yami Yoshi opens the refrigerator and gasps at the empty plate*

Yami Yoshi: W-what!? Where’s my cheesecake!

*Yami Yoshi notices the front door of his house is slightly ajar and a pair of footprints on the beach lead off the island into the ocean*

Yami Yoshi: Someone from the Japan mainland probably…But why would they want my cheesecake? That was my 14th birthday cheesecake! They won’t get away with this!

*Yami Yoshi grabs his pair of black shades and pops a Blue Koopa Shell into his mouth and sprouts wings. Then, he jumps into the air and flies toward the Japan mainland*

Author: DarkMario[edit]

*Deep within a base located on some mountain in Japan..*

"Bring me the cheesecake, Tim Allen."

"Yes, my leige."

Tim Allen brings in a plate with some cheesecake on it. The man who demanded the cheescake brought forth to him, stared at the cheesecake for a moment.

"Haha! This cheesecake shall be enough to power my two cyborg Nazi ninjas! THEY WILL BE INDESTRUCTIBLE!! MWUHAHA! LAUGH WITH ME, ALLEN!"


"Okay, enough laughing. Tell Bob and Tom to bring me the cyborg Nazi ninjas. Once that has been done, all I need to do is put half of the cheesecake in each cyborg! Hahaha! That fool Yami Yoshi will never suspect us, THE RUSSIAN MAILMEN WHO SECRETLY ARE IN JAPAN!! HAHA!"

Author: Legion[edit]

Today was the day. Tony Blair had now won the national election for the fifth time running, thus proving that the majority of the British public were either fools, sheep or lazy buggers who couldn't be bothered to vote.

For some reason, Blair had rented a limosine, and was driving down Whitehall; a rather smooth affair due to the conjestion charge. Despite all the Labour supporters gathered at the roadside, a rogue tumbleweed still made it through and smoothered Cherie Blair, who was rushed to hospital soon after the events in this post took place. The Royal Family had gathered in front of the Palace to knight the elderly Primeminister as he passed.

However, not everyone was happy. A tiny laser sight trained itself of Blair's forehead.

"Easy. Easy."



The bullet flew off course, rebounding off the shiny part of Blair's forehead and taking Prince Charles' head clean off in a shower of blue blood.

Legion cursed and lowered his sniper rifle.

"Meh, good enough."

Turning to his subordinate he delivered a blow that almost knocked the stocky Shy Guy off of the big hand of Big Ben. The Sergeant frowned and looked up and the ghostly vision of his master; a black Shy Guy with no legs. In place of his legs was a whspy tail which waved in the breeze, and of his belt medal were engraved the letters NWP. A Coat-of-Arms showed his alliegence to the Shy Guy Empire, the entrance from Earth being located somewhere in Greater Manchester. Three medals were pinned on his right arm.

"You sir, are an idiot," he hissed, before returning to his post. However, Blair was long gone. "Damn."

Turning to Sergeant Shy Guy he grabbed the foolround the neck and waved his and in the air, causing a sword to appear. Grabbing it he used it to cut a hole in the Space Time Continuum and stepped through the resultant portal.

"Come Sergeant. Let's see if we can kill George W. Bush Jr. Jr. instead."

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Ooc: Starting THE ENTIRE SERIES OVER AGAIN??? Now I have to cancel the sprite comic and RPG, and that also means every other story with referances to VGF Member OG never happedned!!!! Oh well, I could settle for the whole alternate universe crap thing.

*In the Russian Mailmen's EVIL Mountain Lair....*

Bob: Alright, keep it, up, slaves!

(Hundreds of gorillas march past carrying giant cyborg nazis above their heads. The camera focuses on one of them, with a name tag reading, "117". Sitting next to Bob and Tom is a fierce-looking gorilla with a tag reading, "508".)

Tom: Good job, 508. Your slaves have been trained well.

508: Thank you, sir. There is not a thing in the world my army cannot accomplish for you. But I'm not sure about that 117...(thinking) Damn, I was hoping 117 would have screwed this up by now, the master would have him killed! But I guess I can "help" him mess up...(/thinking) Uh, Sirs, is it alright if I dispose of my digestive wastes in those bushes over yonder?

Bob: Sure, why not?

(508 walks past the crowd of gorillas. As he walks past the dark brown furred 119, he sectretly pours a jar of miniature sea monkeys into his fur, then runs into the bushes. 119 begins jerking back and forth from the sea monkeys' bites, knocking the other gorillas out of the way. The cyborg ninja then falls on him and shatters to pieces.)

Bob & Tom: (Jaw-drop)

508: (EVIL grin)

*And so, Bob, Tom, 508, and all the gorilla slaves were punished. The first cyborg was brought toi the control room without any incidents, but the second one, being completely destroyed, had to be replaced. So 117 was taken to the EVIL Scientist Dude's laboratory to take the cyborg nazi's place...*

EVIL Scientist Dude: At last, it is complete! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! (pulls Ellio's pizza out of microwave) Now to check on the cyborg gorilla...

(EVIL Scientist walks over to a table in the center of the lab. Lying on it was the now cyborgized 119. His right arm and left leg had been replaced with mechanical ones. And the left half of his face had been replace with a mechanical one [including a glowing red eye.] EVIL Scientist Dude pulls a plug from the gorilla's ear. The mechanized 117 immediatly sits up.)

EVIL Scientist Dude: Good job, GORE-ILLA! You are now ready to destroy the world, with your data uplink complete!

GORE-ILLA: No...I am no tool! I am GORE-ILLA, the Mighty! You cannot control me, as you have made the mistake of giving me the Logic Chip which helps me realize that my orders far surpass yours!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Oh, so THAT was what the funny yellow part was...

(GORE roars in anger as he tears monitors off the wall and tosses tings around. EVIL Scientist fumbles for a remote control, but it's knocked out of his hand by a flying pizza cutter. The control slides under a cabinet. EVIL Scientist Dude reaches under it. But by the time he retrieves it, he sees GORE-ILLA gone and a gorilla-shaped hole in the wall.)


*And so, a confused GORE-ILLA, with no trace from his past except for a dog tag reading, "GORE-ILLA", becomes a professional wrestler. But it is during his first wrestling match that he will realize his true destiny...*

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC: The entire series... gone? Oh... this is just bad... and I was just about to make a VGF Member Solo Story... Well, I guess it's okay... but I don't se why we couldn't just have restarted VGFMOG 5, rather than combining things with all of the stuff from BSD's.

Meanwhile, in a city far away...

A burgler alarm is going off at a museum, and a man dressed in a burglar costume is running away. He keeps running, and hides in an alley. He opens a bag he was holding and pulled out an old book.

Burglar: Hehehe... I'll catch a few bucks for this...

???: I don't think so.

The burglar takes out a gun and holds it out.

Burglar: What? Who's there?

??: Me!

A person wearing a cloak covering himself jumps out, and is about to attack. The burglar shoots him right in the chest, but he feels nothing and kicks the burglar out of the alley into the street.

???: Let this be a lesson to you: never raise a gun to the great Gamechamp!

He holds out one of his hands. An energy ball comes and keeps getting bigger, and bigger, and...


The burglar's body has been blown far way, lit on fire. A chunk of the street has been blown off, and flames are on almost everything near where the blast occured.

Gamechamp: Now, this book...

He picks up the book from before, which the burglar dropped when he was kicked into the street.

Gamechamp: This may have what I'm looking for... I'm going to go back to the others at our hide-out.

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

OOC:I wanted to start from scratch anyways.

Somewhere on Yoshi's Island we see BSD a young Yoshi/Koopa/Black Skull Dragon hybrid who is just taking a stroll while kicking a hollow Coconut.

BSD:*Kicking Hollow Coconut*Life's just dull around here. I sometimes wish that there was more excitement around this one-Horse island.

a Horse walks by*rimshot*.


BSD kicks the Hollow Coconut so hard that it flies all the way to the other side of the island.

BSD:*Whistling SMB Warp Zone music*

To be continued................

Author: DarkMario[edit]

If I'm going to be in this OG, I will have to kill BSD.

Author: Neo (I think)[edit]

^Works for me.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

(Yami Yoshi weaves through the crowd of a wrestling arena.)

Yami Yoshi: Maybe I can find some tough guy here who can help me find my cheesecake!

(Elsewhere, GORE-ILLA walks throught the crowd. A Cloaked Fortune Teller walks up to him.)

Fortune Teller: Hello yound sir, may I predict your fut-

(GORE shoves Fortune Teller to the side as he climbs into the ring.)

Fortune Teller: You'll pay for that....

Announcer: Now for the main event! Newcomer GORE-ILLA against the champ, Fusion the Enforcer!

(A man dressed in gold armor with a long black cape jumps into the ring.)

Announcer: Let the battle begin!

(Fusion begins brutally slapping GORE. The cyborg gorilla easily dodges Fusion's assault, but Fusion doesn't seem to notice.)

Fusion: You see?? I am unbeatable as I have every power!

Fortune Teller: TIME FREEZE!

(GORE is frozen in place. Fusion takes this oppurtunity and repeatedly punches GORE. Even though a few of his slaps are harmless, the damage builds up. Back with Yami Yoshi...)

Yami: Something fishy's going on here...(sees Fortune Teller enforcing his Time Freeze.) Oh no you don't! Dark Egg! (Yami produces a black egg with red spots and tosses it at Fortune Teller. It explodes on collision and sends him flying into the side of the wrestling ring. GORE returns to normal and catches Fusion's hand with his flesh arm.)

GORE: Alright, now I'll fight seriously. (he slugs Fusion with his cyborg arm. Fusion's helmet cracks and shatters, revealing he was a nerd in a robot suit the whole time.)

Fusion: N-no...don't! (GORE lifts Fusion up above his head, spins him around, and flings him. He goes flying through several houses and gets stuck in a trash can.)

Announcer: The new champion! GORE-ILLA wins!

(GORE exits the ring holding the championship belt. Yami runs up to him.)

Yami: That was really good the way you knocked out the Enforcer so esily! Good thing I took out the Fortune Teller to save you! So you owe me one!

GORE: ? I owe you nothing. Now stop making up stories and - (GORE turns to face Yami. His cyborg eye automatically scans and identifies him as Yami Yoshi, the owener of the stolen cheesecake. GORE smirked.) Of course I'll help you...

Yami: Good, we gotta gather a team to search for my missing slices of cheesecake! I'm assembling an all-star team! I still need a mechanic, a swordsman, a girl, and whatever Legion is! And maybe a few other guys for our secondary team.

GORE: Alright, let's go look for those teammates! It'll be hard to find a girl these days, though.

Author: Legion[edit]

Legion sighed as he span slowly around and around in the void, moving slowly towards his destination at Washington DC. Stroking his rifle he took out a throwing knife from his belt pouch.

The Sergeant frowned. "Sir, where do you get all these weapons from," he wondered aloud.

Legion scowled as he fiddled with the sharp knife. "Sergeant, we've been over this. I have the ability to use Author Powers. Thus, I am basically onmipotent. Except when I'm trying to create a plot. Plus," he added, gesturing to his sword. "This thing's on loan from RolePlay Legion. He needs this thing back for his Tournament sooo..." He fell silent.

Suddenly the knife slipped and sliced open his dead flesh. "Son of a..." he yelled, dropping the blade as he clutched the wound. As he twisted he accidently pressed the trigger on his sniper rifle and a bullet shot out of the weapon.

Both the bullet and the knife fell through a nearby wormhole.

BSD was puzzled. He could hear a dull whistling sound in the air, but he couldn't find it. He knew of nothing on the island that made that noise.

As he mused over this, the knife fell from a random wormhole in the Earth's upper atmosphere, wedging itself between the hybrid's shoulder blades. As he scrabbled at the offending weapon, a bullet shot from the sky.

The back of BSD's head suddenly disappeared in a cloud of red mist and bone fragments.

Back in the void, legion was aware of none of this. Rather, he was busy damning the air. Glaring upwards, or at least what he thought was upwards here, and started shaking his fist.

"Stop it!" he yelled, before sinking into a sullen silence.

Author: DarkMario[edit]

Legion saved the day.

Post coming.. whenever I feel like it.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OOC: I’m just going to use script format cuz I’m lazy. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

*Yami Yoshi and his new companion GORE walk out of the stadium. GORE wears the champion’s belt around his waist*

GORE: So Yoshi, where are you from?

Yami Yoshi: I’m from Yoshi’s Island, an island off the coast of Japan. Where are you from?

GORE: My gorilla friends and I were imprisoned by the Russian Mailmen!

Yami Yoshi: Russian Mailmen?

GORE: An evil association of Russians led by a power-hungry tyrant, Dark Mario. They forced us to help build an invincible cyborg army that ran on a particularly delicious dessert…cheesecake.

Yami Yoshi: *light bulb* Aha! These Russians must be the ones who stole my cheesecake…Er…where are they?

GORE: In their evil mountain lair of doom. *points in the direction of Mt. Fuji*

Yami Yoshi: Mt. Fuji!? Let’s go then!

*Yami Yoshi runs in the direction of Mt. Fuji while GORE trails behind*

Meanwhile on the summit of Mt. Fuji…

Dark Mario: *peering through a telescope* Damn! No. 1 is coming this way with the Yoshi whom which we stole the cheesecake from! He must have leaked the information of the secret base…Evil Scientist Dude…Release Cyborg Nazi Ninja 02…

*Dark Mario pulls out a knife and slices a small sliver of cheesecake and hands it to Evil Scientist Dude*

Dark Mario: Insert this piece of cheesecake into the back of the cyborg’s head…the cyborg will take it from there.

Evil Scientist Dude: Yes sir.

Dark Mario: My cyborg army is invincible! No one can withstand the power of the Russian Mailmen! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

*insert cliche thunder and lightening effects here*

Author: DarkMario[edit]

EVIL Scientist Dude inserted the cheescake slice into Number 2. Number 2 began to make slight motion, identifying the area.

"YES! IT WORKED!!" screamed EVIL Scientist Dude.

EVIL Scientist Dude led Number 2 to Dark Mario. Dark Mario gave another villiany laugh and encouraged EVIL Scientist Dude to do the same.

"Number 2.. equipped with invisibilty, duel machine guns hidden in his kneecaps, amazing agility, an unbreakable katana, and a Nazi symbol on his shoulder." said EVIL Scientist Dude to Dark Mario.

"Excellent. NUMBER 2! Your mission as of now: eliminate that yoshi and your brother: Number 1. Now.. BE GONE!" replied Dark Mario.

"Orders recognized, sir. I am off." said Number 2.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*GORE and Yami Yoshi began scaling Mt. Fuji, unaware of the cloaked Cyborg Nazi watching from the shadows...*

Yami Yoshi: We're almost there!

GORE: Yes...(Thinking) If I can lure him into this trap, maybe Dark Mario can leak some secrets of my past - before the slave camp...(/thinking)

Yami Yoshi: I'm defintitly gonna need your help. I have liitle physical strength, and the only powerful technique I've mastered is the Dark Egg. But I do have my lucky charm...(holds up a miniature gold egg with silver spots hanging from his neck) I call it the Millenium Egg, and I've never won a game without it!

GORE: Hang on a sec - my sensors are detecting something...right...over...there! (flings a boulder at thin air. The air fizzles and reveals Nazi Cyborg Number Two.)

Number Two: Emergency Attack Phase initiated!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

*Number 2 stands in front of Yami Yoshi and GORE, wielding a katana in its silver hand protruding from a black ninja robe. Its face is shrouded by a black mask and veil*

Yami Yoshi: What the hell is that?

Number 2: I am Nazi Ninja Cyborg Number Two. My mission is to terminate GORE-ILLA, Cyborg Number One.

Yami Yoshi: What?! You’re Nazi Ninja Cyborg Number One?!

*GORE covers Yami Yoshi’s mouth*

Yami Yoshi: Mmph!

GORE: Shut up! I’ll explain everything later!

Number 2: Organism identified as Cyborg Number One. Prepare to be terminated.

GORE: Damnit…

Yami Yoshi: ^_^;

*Number 2 jumps into the air and swings its katana at GORE who r

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi hurls at Dark Egg at Number 2. The egg explodes upon contact and Number 2 is performs and spirals through the air and lands on his back*


*GORE uses all of his strength and lifts a large boulder and hurls it at the stunned cyborg, which crushes its metallic body*

Yami Yoshi: No way…that was too easy!

*Suddenly the boulder shatters in millions of pieces and Number 2 appears, a fiery aura surrounding his body*

Number 2: Level Two Combat Mode Initiated.

*Number 2’s body suddenly vanishes from thin air*

GORE: Huh? Where’d he go?

Yami Yoshi: Maybe we destroyed him! Ha! You pathetic Russian Mailmen will never defeat u-AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

*Yami Yoshi clutches his shoulder as blood drips out of a blade-shaped slash*

Yami Yoshi: NO! I’M DYING! ARGH!

*Yami Yoshi continues to twitch on the ground and clutch his shoulder while GORE looks around trying to find a sign of Number 2*

GORE: Show yourself coward!

Number 2: Invisibility Mode Activated. You have no chance to survive make your time.

GORE: Better activate my censors.

*GORE presses a few buttons on his mechanical arm and an eyepiece covers GORE’s eye*

GORE: There you are!

*GORE punches an area to the right of Yami Yoshi. GORE’s fist collides into an invisible object and Number 2 appears out of thin air and crashes into a rock*

GORE: This should turn the tables a bit.