New Member OG 1.1 Page 4

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Pages in the New Member OG 1.1 Archive
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Author: Golem[edit]

~On the Team Rocket Omega sub...~

Magi: That's for me to know and you to find out.

Bomberman: Now... Let's proceed to the dueling platforms...

Legion: ~thinking~ Heh, you picked the wrong sport. I'm going to own you with my swords...

Bomberman: ~thinking~ What could Dark Mario see in a weird card game...?


Yami, this plot development depends upon your ability to write a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel. If you don't want to, that's okay, but it seemed to be the direction to take with this.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OOC: Duel coming soon as I read page 3 and catch up. (I've been busy working on SMOG).

Author: That Guy[edit]

Bump. (I'd Post, But I Want Someone To Contiue The Gore/YY/#7 Part First)

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*2.5 jets towards GORE and punches towards him with his oversized right arm. GORE dodges to the side and slugs it with his mechanical arm in the face. It rears back and fires two giant homing missiles at GORE. GORE-ILLA runs at top speed to avoid the missiles, all the while thinking about avoiding using the Dark GORE Program. However, he would not be able to outrun the missiles in his normal form. He reluctantly pressed the miniscule button and his body was covered in the black armor. Dark GORE immediately flew straight through 2.5's chest. It sputtered and exploded instantly.*

Dark GORE: Obselete crap. You were even more retarded then your predecessor. (looks over at YY, 7, and Isis.) Those weaklings are taking too long. I think I'll give them a... (smirks) hand.

Author: That Guy[edit]

Thanks, It was suppose to be 2.1, But oh Well.

#7: Run.

YY: Why?

*DG Lunges Toward Them*

#7: Thats Why. *Team Runs*

*DG Catchs Up To YY And Pins Him To The Ground*


*#7 Runs Toward DG And Punchs Him Away, But DG Runs Back And Slams #7 10 Feet Away. DG Prepares To Attack Again BUt is Blasted Away By*

Isis: #2.1!

All: What!?!

*While This Happens Another Cyborg (You Didn't Forget, Did You? ) Dashs BEhind DG And Puts Him In A Headlock, While Another Lunges From The Shadows And Grabs Isis*

DG: Arrr...

Isis: Help!

#7: Crap...

*YY Quickly Tosses A Dark Egg at 2.1 Knocking Him BAck, But 2.1 Jumps Back And Nails #7 In The Chin. DG Breaks Free And Smacks #8 (Remember?) In The Chest, But #8, Quick as Lightning, Grabs DG From Behide And Pins Him To The Ground*

#7: Ugh... Uuuh... Somone... Help...

* #7 Started to Glow, and A Bright Light Appeared Above Yami Yoshi, As A Ghostly, Tranpanret, Slighly Older Yami Yoshi Comes Down From It. As it decends On YY, IT Disappears And YY Begins to Glow*

Glowing YY: *silently Throws A Dark Egg At 2.1*

*The Egg Creates A Much More Massive Expoldisn Than Normal Dark Eggs, Oberliterateing 2.1*

#6 & 7: *Eyes Widen*

6: You Have Not Seen The Last of Us.

*6 Jumps INto The Shadows and Disappears into them, While 8 Runs Off, Collecting #2.1's Pieces On The Way*

* YY Stops Glowing And the Ghost YY Ascends Back Into the Clouds. #7 Also Stops Glowing*

DG: Ugh... Time to finish you. Dark GORE-ILLA power Exahusted, Recharging. *Turns Back Into GORE* Ugh... What Happened?

-DM's Lair-

DM:Argh! What Happened?

ESD: I Don't Know, Sir. #7 Was Suppose to Be Able to Copy An Enemy's Powers.

DM: Another Kirby Ripoff?

ESD: Um... Yes... But That doesn't Explain What Happened.

DM: Are You Sure #7 Was the One Who Powered Up YY?

ESD:Yes. All Signs Of Energy At that moment Came From Him.

DM: Grrrr...

OOC: Did This actaully Come from me? Wow.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: Umm... pretty sure I killed 2.1/5/whatever.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Uh sir, didn't you leave with your Russian Mailmen Army to invade Tokyo?

Dark Mario: (shrug) Something like that. (disappears dramatically)

*Back in Tokyo...*

(GORE-ILLA, Yami Yoshi, Isis, and 7 regain their senses and begin walking back to the fortress.)

GORE: Nothing else we can do here, might as well return to Dark Mario's fort and help Legion.

Yami Yoshi: Wait, what the hell is that?

Isis: It's... them...

(Dark Mario appears in a giant EggMan-like hovercraft. Marching behind him is an entire army. The cloaked Russian Mailmen, about twenty, float behind Dark mario while five Viewtiful Joe-like jets zoom overhead. Behind the Mailmen are the ten giant tanks, and in the back of the line there are one hundred human troops holding up flags with Dark Mario's insignia.)

7: Well... let's do this...

Dark Mario: CHARGE!!

Author: That Guy[edit]

I Know, Gore, I Was Just saying He had Regenated... ( Sp?) Or Somthing...

Group: * Battle cry*

* 7 leaps up, And fires A Flash-Bomb Thingy, While YY Tosses A Barrage of Dark-Eggs. Isis Begins Chanting a Spell, While Gore Runs up, And Proceeds to beat the living Snot out Of the ARmy. However The Mailmen fire Postage Stamps, Skicking Gore to The Nearby Cliff. Gore BReaks loose, And Runs up To the army, But Gets Lots of papercuts,as the Letters Start Hitting him. Isis Finishs Her spell, And about 1/4 Of the Army starts to Burn. But Then Isis Is Attacked By Packages. Gore gets up...*

Gore: I... can't activate DG... Now... Can't...

#7: *Thinking* We need DG... but if We Activate him, He'll tear us Apart...

Asher's Lab

Asher: UH OH, Shapggetios!

???: You're Spelling is Horrorble Sir.

Asher: Htanks. Anyway, These Ancient Sprictures Seem to tell Somthing About What Happened to the VGF Six.

???: What does it Say?

Asher: I'm getting to that.

The Sprictures say...

And so, as Yami Yoshi touched the Holy plot device *Reverb*, He had a vison...


" I am the Holy plot device... I have seen you're furture... You will have 3 more adventures... But at the begining of You're 5th... You and You're comrades... No, the world will be Sucked inside... a Portal... None will be Spared... but I will Save You and you're Comrades... A New World will begin... and New heros will arise... to take your place... to save the world... And to Reawaken you... and they will... But the New Evil will join the Old evil... and Chaos will Fill the world... But You, You're Comrades, And the New heros Must stop them..."

Yami Yoshi: Who Are these Heros?

"Look into the Window on you're Right... and see Them... The Yoshi Throwing is Also Named Yami Yoshi... He has All the courage, Power, And Other CrAP that you have. The Monkey... Cyborg #1... Also known as GORE-ILLA. He is wise, Stong, And... Somthing Esle... THe Young Girl, Isis, Is A Powerfull Spellcaster... The Shy Guy, is Legion, Crazy yet Powerfull, With his Partner SSG... And This One... Cyborg 7... Is Important... He Forms the link Between The World And Here... He Is The One that Will Release you... when the time is right... Oh, And This one, Asher Will Help them along the way...

Asher: AHHHHHHHH! THats just Spooky. The Thing Konws my Name. Anyway... Oh wait... Thats Pretty much it. Ok, Then. I'll Report.


*#7 Begins to Glow Again, And This Time, A Ghostly Verison of Gore Appears And Disappears the Same Way The YY Ghost did. And Gore Begins to Glow...*

Gore: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I Don't Need Dark Gore Now!

*Gore Jumps Into the BAttle And Starts Tearing Apart Soldiers Limb By Limb, In a Long and Bloody Battle. In The End, The Grass was Stained Red, And Not A Trace of Mail Men Anywhere. DM Had Escaped, However, And Got His Hand On Some CheeseCake. The GORE Ghost Floated away Just Like The YY one.*

#7: Well... That Went Well...

YY: Um, Yeah, Sure...

Isis: Right...

*Beep* *beep*

#7: I've Got Mail!

Asher: 7, Look what I found! *Shows Scriptures*

*THe Group Reads*

YY: Ok, Whatever... First We Get Legion.

#7: Whos Legion?

Gore: *Explains*

#7: Oh.


???: Told you You Had Bad Spelling.

Asher: Qiet!

Author: Tazy10[edit]

(Meanwhile a person is watching from above.)
Tazy:... I don't feel like doing this.
Qual: Excuse Me?
Tazy: I said I don't feel like doing this!
Kryp: Don't worry, Without Hitler, the Nazi guys won't get off the ground.
Qual: We are here because of the robot thing.
Tazy: Ok.... you sure about this?
Qual: Yeah, when those extremly weak ninjas get here we attack!
Tazy: Ok, now let's go (Teleport)

Author: That Guy[edit]

Dude, Don't bump old topics. Even I don't want to do this anymore.

Author: Tazy10[edit]

Lock it then.