Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada

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The top three. From right to left Que Pasa, Captain Monkeyman Scruffy and Lupine

Start: May 2005
End: Never
Timeline: Variable


The pirate crew started out as an injoke by a man named Abraham, who adopted the pirate alias of Captain Monkeyman Scruffy. I don't remember it clearly but according to the captain's account it started this one day when the two of us ("us" being Scruffy and GORE/Que Pasa) tried walking home in a blizzard and GORE Pasa kept referring to Abe as Captain, with "She can't take much more, Cap'n!"-esque phrases. Enlisting other pirates into his crew, it was eventually his 'first mate' (GORE-ILLA) who thought of naming the pirate ship the Golden Cheesecake, as a homage to the power of cheesecake in other OGs. After a chat story was made between the captain and first mate, an OG was formed on a MySpace group. Eventually the series moved to Gamehiker forums.

The series itself is focused around zany, off-the-wall stories probably only surpassed by The Life and Adventures of Miyamoto in the area of random humor, somewhat of a fusion of One Piece and Futurama. It revolves around the adventures of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada, a rapidly-expanding merry band of pirates.

The GCPA's activity actually has died alot, and it has never been as active as it was near its beginning, particularly during the pirates' sophomore year of high school. There have been different attempts to reboot it, such as getting rid of the extra pirates whose authors did nor participate, or later the attempt at a Cadmus Project-like conspiracy tied together by a series of chat stories known as the Bronze Cobra Conspiracy throughout junior year, but that died without really going anywhere in its penultimate chapter.

Current Projects[edit]

Since entering college, GORE has put thought into a variety of GCPA-related projects. These mostly consist of "reboot" ideas which would work as television series or novels. At the same time, he has put thought into a GCPA Finale. This would act as an epic finale that would end the current era of the GCPA stories, although it would not necessarily end the current canon forever.

During January 2009, GORE first attempted to get as many GCPA writers as were willing together in a method where writers were grouped in groups of three or four and each put on one installment of the finale to work on. In essence, this process leaned a bit more towards RPing with GORE as the game master. But no one really did everything (except the first group, who made it through a few rounds of posts) and it was shut down. GORE salvaged his remaining dieas and used them to make a seven-part GCPA Finale as a solo project. This ends the current era/original series but does not mean the end of the GCPA forever, as further projects can be made if people are willing, and GORE is continuing to work on new versions of the story for adaptations as mentioned above.

The Cast[edit]


Members of the crew, in order of joining.

Most of the primary crew members- from left to right: No Name, Que Pasa, Captain Monkeyman Scruffy, Lupine, Edwin and That Krazy Dude

Captain Monkeyman Scruffy (Abraham Mendez)
Que Pasa (John Murro/GORE-ILLA)
Chef Lupine Shadow (Marko Lamela)
Wally the Raccoon
That Krazy Dude (Manny Gonzalez)
No Name (Steven Santos)
Stampede the Marksman (Matt Guzman)
Salama (...Salama)
Jebus (Joey Evans)
Skanky Siren (Sarah Argul)
Nemo (Marlon)
eLFa (Crystal)
Mini-Myself (Darren Ithier)
Patten McGroin (Kunj Shah)
Mr. T
Pink Ninja (Brian Farrell)
Edwin (Carlo-Stanly Aguilera)
Asian Distracting Dude (Marvin Ma)
Shiny Stallone (Diego Scerbo)
The Dreamer (Gabby Gulo)
One-Armed Willy (Ricky Joynt)
Frenchie (Katie Owens)
Karl (Karl Fucking Smith)
Lyssa (that Alyssa that moved away)
Robosexual (Joe again)
Babyface McTraitorpants
White Panther (Bianca)
Rudolph (Will Ferman)
Other allies of the GCPA include Ramone, Rafael and Mr. Feeny.


Various villainous celebrities, such as Gary Coleman, Bill Cosby, Whoopi Goldberg, Christopher Lee, Henry Winkler, and the root of all the GCPA's troubles, Bob Saget.
School teachers including Mr. Noble and Dr. T.
Captain Duck-Hand Frzlngd and the World Navy.
Count Gonad
The Mounty
Mr. Fatigue
A group of modern-day pirates led by Captain Ben Dover
Gold Roger
The Goldendon Cheesecake, a Navy crew of Bizarro World.
The Unholy Alliance
Faculty of Doom
Vagineta and the ninjas
Sir Nicholas and The Vikings
Bronze Cobra Conspiracy


The series so far as three OGs:

The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA
The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel
The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Prequel

In addition, there have been a number of GCPA Sidequests. Unlike the normal stories, these are unconnected to the main storylines and are usually written in either chat rooms or at a single computer by one or multiple authors.

The GCPA has also made a guest appearance in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody, and T-Ventures is sort of a crossover wherein Scruffy and Mr. T are main characters teaming up with Golem and various other characters from different OGing time periods, and Saget appears as the main villain they are all working to overcome.

Wacky Continuity Explanation[edit]

The GCPA-Earth is in S-Space, imagined by a dying LSD addict during his last acid trip. This Earth is unstable and so constantly shifts into various Earths across various universes and timelines - thus explaining how the pirates appear in various OGs where the continuities don't quite match up.

Other Media[edit]

A low budget GCPA film, known as The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie: Gorilla of Fate was once made by a portion of the crew for a last minute Biology assignment in 2005.

A second, better quality movie, The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie II: Secret of The Guz was dabbled with throughout 2007 and 2008 but never reached anything near completion.

Additionally, a GCPA television series was developed to run with the school's 411 program. The first episode, a Christmas special, was eventually completed. Though intended for the Christmas 411 shown December 22, 2007, it had to be pushed back to February 2008. It was intended to be a six-episode epic (of which three scripts were written with the beginning of a fourth), but with everyone burned out after just the first episode and the result being mostly confusion from the school populace/butchering, it was shelved and led to faith in GCPA dying for a long time.
