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Full Name: Vagineta Jenevil
Species: Human
Nationality: Japan
Creator: GORE-ILLA
First Appearance: Pirates Vs. Ninjas II


Vagineta is the feared Ninja Queen. In part of her backstory that is stupid in retrospect, it was shown that she once had a relationship with Lupine when he was a ninja, but he left the ninjas after meeting a female pirate, which has increased Vagineta's hatred towards the pirates while making her eager to try to reclaim the pirates. However, retcons show that is was just Lupine's exaggerated point of view, and that Vagineta's feelings for Lupine were not that serious. Vagineta also has some memory of the incident with the female pirate, Ren, but her memory was blocked out by whatever mysterious force is runing Lupine's life. She is first seen in in the Pirates Vs. Vikings II chat where she kidnaps the entire crew save for Scruffy, Que Pasa and That Krazy Dude. She poses as someone on sale at a store (when the pirates decide to "pick up some chicks" at a store ugh did we really make a Dane Cook reference) and accompanies the remaining three pirates after they buy her, but after they stumble upon the other imprisoned pirates she reveals her true title as the Ninja Queen and attempts to kill them. She is "completely destroyed" by some bizarre combo attack at the end of the sidequest.

She naturally returns in Valentine's Day Special: Mind of the Tap-Dancer, Heart of Granola, where she lures Lupine into a trap and battles him. This is where their history first appears. Vagineta later confronts the pirates at the Magical Land of Hookers in The Initiation of White Panther where she seems to alternate between trying to kill the pirates and trying to have sex in them, resulting in a sexy catfight with White Panther. She also mentions being over Lupine.

During the GCPA Finale, she bought Pink Ninja's soul from Clyde and the two began dating. However, they later captured the pirate No Name, whom Vagineta made into her new man-pet. At the same time, she was intrigued and aroused by this strange thing called "science" that he brought to their spiritual (and highly sexual) society. She attempted to destroy the rest of the pirate intruders and recruit the females, but Skanky Siren and White Panther were able to defeat her in a catfight. She was still able to recruit eLFa and revealed her plans which revolved around the ninjas lurking in the shadows so that they could seize power after the pirates, Vikings and government have all destroyed each other in their wars.

However, their plans were turned on their heads at Count Gonad's ball, where Darth Curry and Pink Ninja ultimately betrayed and usurped Vagineta, with her and No Name being imprisoned. But then everything was back to normal at the end.

Other Media[edit]

Vagineta was set to appear in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie II: The Secret of The Guz as well as the GCPA 411 series at one point but none of her scenes were ever filmed.


  • Although at first she was a randomly made villain, during the time of the movie she has been made into the counterpart of Jenieve (No Name's girlfriend).
