Darth Curry

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Curry utilizing his powers to defy gravity

Full Name: Patten McGroin
Birthdate: 1990
Species: Human
Nationality: United States of America
Creator: Kunj
First Appearance: The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA


Patten McGroin was a bumbling freelance assassin. He first came onto the scene during The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA, in which he helped Captain Monkeyman Scruffy and Que Pasa to fight off Christopher Lee after Lee had planted Kunj, a useless clone of Patten, on Scruffy's pirate crew. Even though Patten had been paid to kill Scruffy, Patten decided to instead join his pirate crew, the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada. In The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel, Patten also succeeded a prophecy in destroying invading Swedes, completely by accident.

Darth Curry[edit]

Patten McGroin was an ignored and neglected member of the GCPA throughout most of their adventures, a fact that bothered him. This also was part of what led him to, in Dinosaurs in the Mist, turn to the Dark Side. Patten completely broke down after Zordon of the Power Rangers died and he found out Zordon was his idol, Jessica Alba, in disguise all along. Out of disgust he became Darth Curry, a Dark Lord of the Sith. In order to add to the burn, the writers intentionally forgot about Curry in that story and the GCPA instead fought Count Gonad at the story's conclusion. Patten has remained Darth Curry in all subsequent sidequests, and he has often been forgotten before his evil side could be cured.

Darth Curry also appeared in the Bronze Cobra Conspiracy story arc in which he inexplicably helped the pirates again. He joined with Scruffy in infiltrating the Bronza Cobra Conspiracy after the two went through a Ghost Rider homage together. He later resurfaced in the GCPA Finale, where he teamed up with Pink Ninja to betray and take control of the ninjas. He has also been shown to have deeper plans involving Saget and the World-Mucking Federation. In the end, however, Stampede was able to reach out to him by paying him back the 64 dollars he owed him. This caused Curry to switch back to the side of good and helped the GCPA. He then claimed his MD and became Dr. Curry.


Patten McGroin was a master assassin skilled with many weapons. As Darth Curry he also gained mastery over the Force and flame powers for some reason.

Other Versions[edit]

Rubbin McCrotch, Patten McGroin's Bizarro counterpart operating on the navy ship of the Goldendon Cheesecake.


In Other Media[edit]

It has been confirmed that Darth Curry will be appearing as a villain in the second GCPA movie. He will also KILL AT LEAST ONE MAJOR CHARACTER!!!! That was never made by the way and it was No Name he killed.

He will also appear in the GCPA tv series as a recurring character with his usual stalking ways. That also didn't really happen. He appears in one frame of the only completed episode, where he is hidden beneath the table.


"I feel like I'm in a porno chat and no one cares for me =["
Bronze Cobra Conspiracy Week II