Captain Monkeyman Scruffy

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Full Name: Monkeyman Ahab Scruffy
Birthdate: 1990 or earlier
Species: Human
Nationality: United States of America
Creator: Abraham
First Appearance: The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: Rise of Gorenicus


When he was young, Monkeyman Scruffy, harassed by bullies, was sent to the underground dojo of the great Master Turtle-Nuts, where he trained alongside a young Pink Ninja. They became both loyal companions (winning Doubles tournaments together) and rivals. Scruffy perfected his fighting arts over time. It was there that he gained power over fire after accidentally drinking a fire scroll mixed in a blender.

Monkeyman Scruffy went on to live a somewhat normal life in a small island village, until one day he decided to embark on a life of adventure as a pirate with his loyal friend Que Pasa. Together the two founded the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada, and Scruffy became captain. Aside from a few mutinies, he has faithfully led the crew ever since. His other close companions include his second mate, Chef Lupine Shadow, and the crew's bodyguard, Mr. T, who acts as a great fatherly figure to Scruffy.


In The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA, he achieved one of his greatest victories by defeating Bob Saget, who would become an eternal thorn in his side. The entire crew was separated and frozen for a thousand years after the final battle. Then in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel, Scruffy went out to recover his lost friends with his only remaining crewmate, Mr. T. In the meantime, he received special training from Drew Carey to harness his fire powers.

Scruffy appeared with the rest of the GCPA crew in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody, when they were in the Good Timeline. Scruffy volunteered his crew to help GORE-ILLA, a friend of the crew, in battle with Yami Yoshi. Although the battle went well, the crew was later captured by the Donkeyman and sent to the bottom of the sea, where they were pursued by the Cayken. After defeating the Cayken, Scruffy left his crew to check up on the other Gamehikers. At that time the Good Timeline was destroyed by the Timeline Bombinator, but Scruffy was on the Donkeyman's ship at the time so he survived.

Scruffy then teamed up with the other Gamehikers in the Bad Timeline to find a way to restore the Good Timeline- and his lost comrades. Scruffy became a member of the new Anti-OG Six to do so. Eventually, Scruffy was taken to the Time Repository and met The Ageless One. Scruffy was sent into a room filled with broken and incomplete timelines in order to find a link to the Good Timeline, as only someone from the GCPA world would be able to enter and exit the timelines at will. Scruffy eventually found Gamehiker Member OG VI: Which Way Does Time Go?, which was used to restore the Good Timeline. Scruffy then gathered his crew together and used the Golden Cheesecake to rescue the survivors of Donkeyman's climactic battle with Lupus and the Cheese Star.

In The Bronze Cobra Conspiracy, Scruffy and his crew discovered a mysterious shadowy organization known as the Bronze Cobra Conspiracy. The mysterious Agent Meyer decided to help Scruffy and Darth Curry (whom had inexplicably befriended Scruffy) infiltrate this mysterious shadoy organization. This infiltration was successful, but it seems that Scruffy and Curry bought into the conspiracy and became willing members, leading Scruffy to reject his former crewmates and threaten them when they pursued the Conspiracy.

He eventually got better and re-led the crew. He and Mr. T set off to repair time with Golem and several others in T-Ventures against the ever-throwing threat of Saget before returning to lead the pirates on their potentially final adventures. These plans are set into motion in the GCPA Finale. Scruffy buys back the pirates whose souls he sold and then has them mingle in order to prepare for the captain's games, in which they would compete for the role of his successor. They would take his place when he ran for president of the world so that he could stop Saget's schemes for good; Scruffy's lack of faith in Que Pasa led the first mate to desert the crew, which Scruffy has either not noticed or acknowledged yet. While Mr. T was sent out to seek Bob Saget, Kevin Sorbo was called in to help Scruffy with some muscle-work. However, Mr. T's mission has gone awry with his current status unknown. At the same time, Scruffy finally chose the reluctant Stampede as his successor.

They then infiltrated Count Gonad's ball in disguise so that Scruffy could make himself the presidential candidate of pirate party, while disguised as Gonad's old dormmate Chester Box-Man. He was also unexpectedly reunited with Que Pasa (whom he gave a warning and an ultimatum) and No Name (whom he gave table scraps). However, things fell apart after Saget's whorecruxes (bodies containing pieces of Saget's soul) attacked with the Vikings. Scruffy shed his disguise and took control at first, but he lost prominence when everyone was instead absorbed and inspired by The Guz's miraculous acts. He then pursued Que Pasa to find Bob Saget's body, but arrived just as Que Pasa had already destroyed Saget, only for the first mate to be blasted through the heart and sucked into the resulting plot hole at the same time. After Siren was sucked in as well and the plot hole destroyed, Scruffy was left with the skeleton of Que Pasa. Returning to the ship, he found only four other pirates were left after all the betrayals, double-dealings and general drifting going on before and during the ball.

The crew continued to deteriorate and drift apart until only a morose Scruffy remained. Seeing nothing left to do, he turned himself in to the world's navy and was subjected to Trail by 1 Vs. 100 by a Saget-possessed Guz. However, Scruffy was able to overcome this challenge with the help of repentant crew members as well as help from a mysterious caller, who turned out to be Que Pasa. The crew was then fully united and set off for the final final final battles against Saget and co, starting with Scruffy's big battle with Frzlngd. Eventually Scruffy, Que Pasa and Lupine had to go into the final battle with Saget's final form, Shine Saget, alone. At first they were helpless until they summoned the memories of their friends to damage Saget, eventually summoning Mr. T to finish him off and destroy him completely. After the world was restored, Scruffy converted the captured navy ship into the second ship of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada, and he named Lupine its captain. The three reminisced together while looking together into the future... 50 years into the future, when an elderly Scruffy finally passed down leadership of an actual pirate armada to Que Pasa's descendant.


Aside from his natural leadership skills, Monkeyman Scruffy can also ignite his body on fire ala the Human Torch and can also blast fireballs. He gained this control over fire after accidentally drinking a magical fire scroll he had mixed in a blender. His weapon of choice is the boomstick and he once turned into a superhero named Super Hobo. Scruffy also also on occasion worn a special poncho that allows him to teleport.

Other Versions[edit]

Apeperson Ruffy, Scruffy's Bizarro counterpart. Ruffy is a humble janitor on the Navy ship called the Goldendom Cheesecake. After losing the fight to become the ship's captain to Extremely Sane Guy, he lost his self-confidence and got a flipping-cool scar.


Monkeyman Scruffy is named after Monkey D. Luffy from the One Piece manga, a major influence of the GCPA. The name "Scruffy" is also partially in homage to Scruffy the Janitor from Futurama, whom Real-Life Scruffy idolizes as well.

In Other Media[edit]

Scruffy appeared in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie: Gorilla of Fate and in whatever was filmed of The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie II: The Secret of The Guz, as well as a cameo appearance in the GCPA 411 series. In both he is played by his creator, Abe Mendez.


"Yeaaaaah, using my excellent deduction skills, I have come to one conclusion......... we are um.................. screwed."
-The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: Rise of Gorenicus.

"The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada only seldomly runs away from battles like cowards. But we can't leave with the menace of Bob Saget still lives and while one of our men is suffering! We must stop them!"
-The OnGoing Adventures of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada.

Scruffy: Nay! We'll win together, or all of you will fall and I will live! That's how it goes.
-Sausage Fest '05

"(cuts a bunch of navymen in half) Scruffy McGruffy, taking a bite out of law enforcement!"
-Valentine's Day Special: Mind of a Tap-Dancer, Heart of Granola Part 2: I Could Go For a Muffin About Now

Scruffy: At least call him Dark Yami, so that I can tell them apart.

Vorpal: We've been using Demon Yami Yoshi. Besides, that's redun--

Scruffy: DARK YAMI! I'M-A KILL J00!
-Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody
