Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sidequests

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Anthologies of GCPA Sidequests
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The Sidequests of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada. These differ from traditional OGs in that these stories are usually written within hours or days, in the form of chats or multiple writers working at the same computer. There are also several short stories written by one single author. Most of the stories' titles have little or nothing to do with the story's actual plot, and many are named after sexual terms for immature reasons. A complete list follows:

Freshman Year[edit]

Compendium One[edit]

The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: Rise of Gorenicus- by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA. The original GCPA chat, featuring the crew's top three- Captain Monkeyman Scruffy, Que Pasa and Chef Lupine Shadow. The cap and first mate fight General Grievous, then save Lupine from Gorenicus the gorilla pirate. Later rewritten by GORE with added material.
The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: Saving Private Cheesecake- by Scruffy, GORE-ILLA and Lupine. Originally a multi-part chat involving Scruffy and Que Pasa looking to retrieve their towed pirate ship, being joined by Lupine along the way but he disappears before the end. Gorenicus is the ultimate enemy again. GORE later rewrote this as one story with added material.
The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: CAN SPIDER-MAN COME OUT AND PLAY- by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA. Scruffy and Que Pasa battle Gorenicus in a flaming zoo when he tries to steal monkeys for his slave monkey crew, completing the loose trilogy of Gorenicus fights. GORE later rewrote this story with some added material, but lesser amount compared to the others he rewrote.
The Great Race with Count Gonad- by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA. The first chat to show the full crew at the time, as they engage Count Gonad in a race around the world. A favorite of Que Pasa's, he later rewrote it as a more complex three-parter with much more added material, such as the addition of pirates who were not around for the original story, and a secondary villain, Captain Duck-Hand Frzlngd, was brought in. The rewritten version also introduced the Pink Ninja/eLfa romance.
Salama's Revenge- by Lupine, GORE-ILLA, Scruffy and Jebus. When Salama escapes, the crew tries to hunt him down before he eats everything. Several villains- including Count Gonad, Mr. Noble, Whoopi Goldberg and Henry Winkler- try to stop them.
The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: Curse of the Vampire Mermaid- by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA. An attempted continuation of Salama's Revenge, involving Scruffy seeking a cure for his vampire mermaidism, but it flopped before it could be finished.

Compendium Two[edit]

Wolf and Dragon- by Lupine. A multi-part story written solely by Lupine in which he attempted to focus on drama rather than comedy with a story focusing on his character, Lupine Shadow; Only three chapters (His Past; A Bad Night's Dream; and Family Reunion) were made, it was unpopular among the crew and discontinued before it could be concluded. The events of this story were mostly forgotten and contradicted in later stories.
The Story of Stampede the Marksman- by The Guz. A three-part solo story featuring Stampede the Marksman set before his character's joining the GCPA, involving him fighting a bunch of robbers. Only the first two parts were completed.
The Adventures of That Krazy Dude- by That Krazy Dude. Another three-part story, written by and starring That Krazy Dude set before he joined the crew; This story was actually completed. It featured That Krazy Dude's first confrontations with Darth Tang and perfectly led into the events of The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Prequel.
Pink Ninja Prologue (exact title unsure)- by Farrell. The only GCPA-related project Pink Ninja's author wrote, it shows Pink Ninja's background that later becomes a plot point in The OnGoing Adventures of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada. Unfortunately, no one remembered to save it.
The Crazy-Ass, Huge-Ass Adventure Thing- by Scruffy, GORE-ILLA, No Name, The Guz, Lupine, Chrystel and That Krazy Dude. The first huge-ass chat. Featured the crew looking for money, and, well, the story basically defies all explanation.
The Not So Huge-Ass, Crazy-Ass Adventure Part 2- by Scruffy, GORE-ILLA, Lupine, The Guz, Salama and No Name- Another failed sequal story. Hey, some of them succeeded.
2 B a Necromancer Master- by No Name and GORE-ILLA. No Name tries to master necromancing arts. It didn't get too far either.
Sandwhich- by That Krazy Dude. A solo short story by That Krazy Dude showing the crew's attempts to make a sandwhich.

Sophomore Year[edit]

Compendium Three[edit]

Canadian Detour- Featuring Lupine's Owl, Aeolus- by Scruffy, GORE-ILLA, Lupine, The Guz, That Krazy Dude and Nemo. A successful chat adventure in which the GCPA wound up exploring both Canada and Mexico. This introduced Lupine's fruity owl, Ramone the Mexican hero, and the vile Mounty, complete with tilt-a-whirl action.
Sausage Fest '05: The GCPA Movie, Kinda- by Scruffy, GORE-ILLA, Lupine, The Guz, That Krazy Dude, No Name, Carlo the Eagle-Master, Darren and a cameo by Kunj. The biggest GCPA chat ever, epic in proportion, in which all of the GCPA's enemies at the time united to kidnap Scruffy and use his blood to revive Bob Saget. This is the first appearance of Carlo's character, Edwin.

Compendium Four[edit]

Prologue: The Night Before the Lock-In- by GORE-ILLA and That Krazy Dude. Set as a prologue to "Locked-In", literally written the night before the Sophomore Lock-In, it features a fight with Mr. Fatigue that foreshadows Locked-In.
Locked-In- by GORE-ILLA. A three-part story written by Que Pasa about the GCPA's adventures at the Lock-In, based on events from both the Freshmen and Sophomore Lock-In. Also Space Jam.

Compendium Five[edit]

The Himalayan Trek (Actually Mt. Everest)- by GORE-ILLA, That Krazy Dude, Salama, Lupine and Jebus. The GCPA crew helps Mr. Meyer to scale Mt. Everest.
Back to the Future From the Present's Past's Future, AKA no title can properly describe this- by GORE-ILLA, The Guz and No Name. The GCPA go on some strange time-travelling adventures involving a battle with Captain Ben Dover's modern-day pirates- torn from today's headlines.
Dinosaurs in the Mist- by GORE-ILLA, The Guz and No Name with contributions by Scruffy, That Krazy Dude and Carlo the Eagle-Master. Insanity at its greatest. Features the birth of Darth Curry and a surprise guest appearance by Count Gonad.
Saget vs. Teytelboym- by That Krazy Dude and Lupine. Bob Saget battles with Dr. T in the middle Chemistry class attended by some of the pirates, while the others are busy with Geometry.
The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: Harry Potter and the Mystery of Where the Hell is the Light Rail- by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA. Scruffy and Que Pasa journey in search of the so-called "light rail" in order to watch the new Harry Potter movie with the rest of the crew, but everyone is out to stop them. And by everyone, I mean Mr. Fatigue, Mr. Meyer and something called a Dorner.
The Electric Train Adventures- by No Name. A documentary of the experiences of No Name and other crew members during their trip to see Harry Potter at the mall.
The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa- Outbreak: The Unofficial Steven Spielberg Sequel That Japan Never Released in America- by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA. In a sequel to the hit movie Outbreak, Scruffy and Que Pasa quest to stop a monkey from spreading a deadly virus throughout the world, all a part of a scheme by Captain Duck-Hand Frzlngd that not even Morgan Freeman could avoid.
untitled- by No Name. The crew reminisces on Mr. T's importance to the crew when they watch him fighting Micheal Jackson. Also a bunch of other weird stuff.
The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Thanksgiving Special: Mr. T's How Bill Gates Stole Thanksgiving- by GORE-ILLA, That Krazy Dude, No Name, Lupine, The Guz, Jebus and Scruffy. The GCPA members fight the vile Bill Gates and in the meantime gain a new ally- introducing the newest character from the author formerly known as Jebus- the Robosexual.

Compendium Six[edit]

Baby Geniuses III: When Come the Cheesasaurus- by GORE-ILLA. A battle with Gorenicus made for American Literature class.
The Thing on Newport- Based on a True Story Blown Horribly Out of Proportion- Written by the first mate, the janitor, the nameless one, and I think the marksman did some stuff too. The GCPA go on a trip to Newport Mall and battle Dr. Abbassi, only to find themselves being stalked by a mysterious predator, who turns out to be a hungry Mr. Meyer.
The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Adventures Featuring Magilla Gorilla in: Crouching Testicle Hidden Penis- by Carlo the Eagle-Master, No Name and GORE-ILLA and maybe some other guys I forget. Oh and Rafael said that joke about Mr. Greco and Ms. Lohf. Features random Sonic the Hedgehog parodies followed by a trip to McDonald's.
To Whom the Penis Tolls- by GORE-ILLA, Scruffy, No Name and Carlo the Eagle-Master. The GCPA members enter a reality show, The First Mate, hosted by the King of Pirates, Gold Roger. All the pirates vie for the valued position of first mate to the King of Pirates.
The Snow Day Liberation- by by Lupine, Krazy Dude, No Name, GORE-ILLA and a guest appearance by Jebus. The GCPA go on an adventure to stop Dr. T from activating his special weather machine and destroying the crew's hopes of a snow day.
The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Christmas Special: A Very Frzlngd Christmas- by GORE-ILLA, No Name, That Krazy Dude and Scruffy. Captain Duck-Hand Frzlngd learns a valuable lesson at Christmastime.

Compendium Seven[edit]

The Newport/Hoboken Chronicles Part 2- by That Krazy Dude. A tale of another of the crew's mall trips.
Setsubun: Death From Behind- A Tale of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada- by GORE-ILLA. A wild Bean War erupts between warring factions of the Japanese II class on the Setsubun holiday, with pirate against pirate, and bravery and losses on both sides.
Pirates Vs. Ninjas II- lovingly crafted by Mssrs. Scruffy, GORE-ILLA and Yonder Krazy Dude... A trio of GCPA members have to face off with the GCPA's sworn enemies- the ninjas. And their queen, Vagineta.
The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Valentine's Day Special: Mind of the Tapdancer, Heart of Granola- by GORE-ILLA. A three-part epic about love, loss and monkey sex.

Compendium Eight[edit]

That Krazy Dude and the Caravan of Courage- by GORE-ILLA. A birthday present for That Krazy Dude, wherein the janitor is the only crewmate whom Count Gonad has not replaced with a robot duplicate.
The DeNiro Code- by Scruffy, GORE-ILLA and Lupine. The GCPA is shamed in battle with Robert DeNiro, prompting Lupine and The Dreamer to go on a journey throughout France in order to crack the code and find Robert DeNiro's weakness. In the meantime Scruffy gets lost in a parody of "Dances with Wolves" while fleeing Clyde.
The Semi-Last Stand- by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA. A parody of X-Men: The Last Stand which revolves around the invention of a pirate cure, along with Skanky Siren becoming the villainous Dark Siren. And the return of Bob Saget. WAIT AFTER THE CREDITS FOR A TWO-SECOND SECRET ENDING!!!!
Today on Maury- My Transexual Pet Hippo's Son Might Actually Be My Grandmother's!- by Que Pasa. GCPA members go on Maury to discover the parents of Siren's child (from the Valentine's Day special).

Junior Year[edit]

Compendium Nine[edit]

Welcome to the Summer Youth Program Bitches!- by Que Pasa, Lupine, No Name and That Krazy Dude. The GCPA get must trade a hefty amount of souls in order to get a new ghost ship from the malevolent sea demon Chevy Chase.
The Ice-enegger Cometh- by Scruffy, Que Pasa, Jebus, No Name, That Krazy Dude and Lupine. The GCPA is hunted down by a mysterious bounty hunter, learning of a conspiracy that leads them into combat with World President Arnold Shwarzenegger himself.

The Bronze Cobra Conspiracy[edit]

A chat story arc in the making. An installment is made on a weekly basis except for hiatsuses (several weeks passed between the second and third installments). This involves the Bronze Cobra Conspiracy, a secret organization loosely inspired by Project Cadmus from Justice League Unlimited.

Week One: The Child of Fat- by Scruffy, Que Pasa, Lupine, That Krazy Dude, Jebus, Darth Curry and Edwin. The GCPA encounters a new enemy when mysterious cloaked figures attack the Golden Cheesecake in an attempt to kidnap Mr. T... and one of the enemies turns out to be a former friend. The GCPA also gains a new member, the ever-heroic and definitely-not-evil Babyface McTraitorpants.
Week Two: The Flames of the Sun Within- by Scruffy, Que Pasa, Lupine, No Name, That Krazy Dude, Darth Curry and Edwin. The pirates investigate Greco's home in hopes of finding clues to the Bronze Cobra's plans. In the meantime they wind up meeting with FBI Agent Meyer, who has a mission for Scruffy and Curry.
Week Three: Marches of the Antelopes- In their next stop, the pirates have to save No Name from Mr. Noble while the mystery gets more in-depth. And the pirates begin to feel the possibility of a traitor among them...
Week Four: Que Pasa's Quest- The pirates journey to Idej Volcano Mountain so that Que Pasa could discover his past and prove to the others he's not the traitor. Also a new crewmate (the White Panther) is introduced, and the pirates are reunited with Scruffy and Curry.
Week Five: Pasta Madness- The GCPA attempt to get Scruffy back and attack a Bronze Cobra base. They're also reunited with their old enemy, Mr. Sageto. Also, Babyface McTraitorpants finally shows his true colors.
Week Six: The Initiation of White Panther- For the White Panther's initiation test, the GCPA take her on a journey to the magical land of hookers. This one doesn't have much to do with the overall story arc... or does it?

Anthologies of GCPA Sidequests
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10