The Mounty

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The Mounty is one of the enemies of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada. Although he appears to be a normal mounty of Canada, he is actually a shape-shifting, Transformer-like robot. He originally battled the GCPA in The Canadian Sidequest. He came back time and time again throughout the story until Ramone apparently destroyed him for good, making a heroic sacrifice by crashing his spaceship into The Mounty, destroying them both.

The Mounty later returned as part of an alliance of supervillains in Sausage Fest '06, but has not returned since.

In a strange coincidence, this technology was hinted at in Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Turbo Revival XXL (which I think was written first) by Fred in the following quote when he said that Canada had recently begun the process of Transforming cars into robot soldiers.