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A bearded man who appears as a supporting character in various Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada productions:

  • At first in the Locked-In sidequest, he was established as a sort of Family Guy chicken whom Que Pasa engaged in elaborate, drawn-out and spontaneous fight scenes.
  • He showed up in the Setusubun: Death from Behind sidequest as part of the captain's setsubun faction who gave his life to protect The Guz, but his spirit survived in methane gas form to advise them.
  • In The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie II: The Secret of The Guz, he had a role as the real Pirate Sage who told Stampede about his true identity of The Guz and his past, and then trained him to use his powers against Saget.
  • He cameoed in the Mechanical Ape music video as the referee.
  • He also showed up in the GCPA 411 series as the wacky neighbor who mooched off the pirates, apparently living in an apartment attached to the ship.
  • Rafael also made a small appearance in the GCPA Finale alongside all of the pirates' allies, past and present.