Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada (group)

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The GCPA (Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada) is a pirate crew which has been featured in the series of the same name. Many crew members have come and left over the times, although the crew's top three stiff remains intact - Captain Monkeyman Scruffy, the first mate Que Pasa and the second mate Lupine Shadow.


As told in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Prequel, the crew started off one night when Monkeyman Scruffy and Que Pasa were bored on their home in an island village. Scruffy spontaneously decided to start a pirate crew, and Que Pasa decided to name their boat, the Golden Cheesecake. They then set off to find Marko and force him into becoming their chef. Along the way they were joined by a travelling janitor named That Krazy Dude. They met with Marko in time to witness his transformation into Lupine Shadow. The original four members set sail and the adventures began.

Crew Members[edit]

Overall Roster[edit]

Changes in Line-Up[edit]

In one sidequest, the souls of about half the crew had to be sold to Chevy Chase so that the pirates could get a new boat. This has left the crew with ten members: Scruffy, Que Pasa, Lupine, That Krazy Dude, Stampede, Mr. T, No Name, Skanky Siren, Edwin and Robosexual. Robosexual later departed in place of Jebus (both characters representing the same person), who become a part timer rather than a full member. Mini-Myself eventually was able to rejoin the crew. They have also brought in their first crew member since the big collapse, White Panther (there was also Babyface McTraitorpants, but he abandoned them), followed by the Viking emissary Rudolph.

In the GCPA Finale, the crew underwent more changes when the old members were brought back, and throughout the finale every character eventually quit, was killed off or lost in time. And then in the last chapter, they all came back. The final roster of the GCPA at the end of the finale is pretty vague, but these are the main changes:

  • Lupine is made captain of a second Golden Cheesecake ship. This means there are now two crews of the Armada. Scruffy and Que Pasa remain in their positions on the original ship while the rest of the pirates will be split between the two crews. Although nothing was confirmed in the story, Lupine's real life counterpart has stated he would choose Karl and That Krazy Dude as his firest and second mate.
  • Shiny Stallone leaves to serve as World President.
  • Skanky Siren returns to her hometown with no definite sign of ever returning to the crew.
  • Mr. T has ascended to a higher plane of existence (along with ally Mr. Feeny), passing his powers on to Karl.
  • Stampede and White Panther have left to travel together, but their leaving is only temporary.
  • Rudolph was destroyed but rebuilt as Reggae-Tron.
  • Wally was revealed to be a nightmare creature and killed for good.