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Full Name: Nemonius Fishface
Birthdate: 1990
Species: Human
Nationality: United States of America
Creator: Marlon
First Appearance: The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA


Nemo was one of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada's new recruits during The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA. Not long after that he was killed in battle with Count Gonad, but inexplicably returned. He since then became the punching bag of the series, being subject to frequent deaths and gay jokes coupled with many resurrections. However, he also took the center stage in the finale of The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel, when he used his never-used power duplication to take on and defeat THE MAN.

Nemo's soul was later sold to Chevy Chase, but he inexplicably appeared in several later stories. They bought his soul back in the GCPA Finale, at which point he resumed his usual role after helping everyone beat down Que Pasa. He has also formed a close kinship with new member Rudolph and found himself not dying so much anymore (just the occasional rape). Later in the finale, he worked in investigating the nature of Stampede and White Panther's relationship, but he wound up leaving the crew with Karl, One-Armed Willy and ADD for jobs at Shiny Stallone's new casino. Then they returned and schemed for power in Lupine's new crew.


Originally his power was that he was annoying. However, he later showed the ability to resist death time and time again. He also originally mentioned being able to "use anyone else's power at half their power" but has only displayed this particular power in the finale of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel.
