One-Armed Willy

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The pirate submission of Ricardo Joynt, he was another pirate who joined the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel. He made a nice entrance and defeated Tom in the meantime. He proceeded to do nothing at all except for having one arm until his soul was sold to Chevy Chase. However, he made some other cameo appearances in his natural form as Ricky.

He lost his arm in a tragic skateboarding accident. Also, irrational fear of pickles.

He and the other pirates were later bought back into the pirate crew after Scruffy bought them back in the beginning of the GCPA Finale. His argumentative nature (especially with Stampede), his off relationship with Skanky Siren and his tendency to work telling people to suck dicks into all of his comebacks have become running gags. Afterwards, he wound up leaving the crew for a job at Shiny Stallone's casino with Karl, ADD and Nemo. Then they rejoined the GCPA for the final battles, and afterwards schemed for power in Lupine's new crew. One-Armed Willy was last seen once more trying to jump a helicopter.


One-Armed Willy: (slams hand on table) GUYS! I finished my resume!

Karl: Mothermotherfucker, I love you man.

ADD: I love everyone.

Karl: Lemme look this over (swipes from Willy) Hmm... you forgot something, hear let me write it in.

*Karl writes in under skills, "crying about it".*

Karl: It's good now man.

ADD: The bottom half is nothing but half-finished drawings of skateboards, some of which have become a dragon in the other half.

One-Armed Willy: Dude, I think Shiny Stallone will be so impressed with me that he'll make me the chief artist, or, or, maybe skateboarding guy.

Karl: Willy, you're so screwed I just wanna laugh a few more times.
-Willy's resume, GCPA Finale.

One-Armed Willy: It'll be an honor to work under you again Captain Scruffy. And anyone who thinks that sounds gay can suck my dick! ...That came out right, right?
-GCPA Finale

Baby Two-Armed Willy: Guys, wook what I can do! (activates heelies, skates into wall and passes out; Baby Dat Kwazy Dude puts a blankey over his unconscous form)
-GCPA Babies

I'll have to put some here, but regardless he was one of the best characters to write for in the Finale.