The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie II: The Secret of The Guz

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Promotional poster for the movie.

The sequel to The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie: Gorilla of Fate. Whereas the previous was part of a Biology assignment, this is an independent movie by GORE-ILLA which will feature the entire current roster of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada (except of course for Mr. T), as well as many of the villains. It was in production for a while and is basically a dead project now.


Pirate Crew[edit]

Abraham Mendez as Captain Monkeyman Scruffy
Steven Santos as No Name
Matthew Guzman as Stampede/The Guz
Carlo-Stanley Aguilera as Edwin
Marko Lamela as Chef Lupine Shadow
John Murro as Que Pasa, Morgan Freeman (Voice) and Big Bad Guy
Manuel Gonzalez as That Krazy Dude
Sarah Argul as Skanky Siren

Bad Guys[edit]

Nicholas Yuknalis as Sir Nicholas
Jenieve Gueverra as Vagineta
Kunj Shah as Darth Curry
Willien Ferman as Rudolph
Sir Ian Wallace as Donner
Terrence Williams as Blitzen
David Morralles as Comet
Alex Portilla as Cap'n Scruffy's Evil Twin


Rafael Osorio as Disciple
Sensei as Pirate Sage
Marlon Borges as Fortune Teller

Plot Summary[edit]

The movie contains three main plotlines.

  • The Vikings, under the commmand of Sir Nicholas, have launched a preemptive strike against the pirates, leaving the GCPA confused and scattered. Captain Monkeyman Scruffy must lead his few remaining crew members into battle with the Vikings and the Ninja Queen Vagineta (whom has entered an alliance with the Vikings).
  • Edwin is being trained to be the first man on Mars, although his mentor, No Name is suddenly distancing himself from the pirate life he once enjoyed. Darth Curry, hired by the Vikings, seduces Edwin to the Dark Side and initiates an epic battle.
  • Stampede winds up lost and confused about the mystery of the so-called "The Guz". This sends him on a journey of self-discovery, ultimately leading him to a final battle with the true villain behind everything.
