Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely

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Plot Summary[edit]

Part 1: Stalking Ms. Z[edit]

Masamune hosts a Party Goers reunion at New Atlantis, though only Yoshiman and Flutter show up. Also in attendance is the mysterious Ms. Z; before Masamune can ask for her true identity, Mega Man X shows up and gives her a chance to skip out. Ditching X, who fuses himself with Dargo to become Dargo-X, the remaining three and Rhykette head to Office Max to make posters for stalking the lady with. There they recruit the Kirby of Death and Retro, while Dargo-X receives unlikely help in catching the crew from Sub-Boss, who is using X to keep the others distracted.

At McDonalds, the group encounters a number of Luigi 64 Masks looking for GORE-ILLA and sacrifice Flutter and Yoshiman to escape. In doing so they abandon the S.S. Swordefeller, which Dargo-X steals before being accosted by Fera. Getting a ride from Penny, the hikers pick up GORE to keep an eye on him, along with Luiigii and Vorpal after they return to the hunt at Arab Dude's store. There they discover the Shrack of Neely, which they use to send a number of their former antagonists to prison (along with ones that had already been arrested under the McCloaker Administration).

On orders from Sub-Boss, Dark Ditto and Murasame free the villains and form the Sweet Sixteen. While the Luigi 64 Masks hunt for President McCloaker, the Sixteen steal the Shrack of Neely from the Gamehikers and get them arrested on accusations of releasing the villains. They are then tasked by Sub-Boss to collect four more plot devices. While the Luigi 64 Masks are redirected to take Quez from Big Al, the Sixteen splits into four groups and faces off against the four Elemental Warriors, all of them returning victorious. The Gamehikers are released from prison to stop them.

With the plot devices in hand, Ms. Z reveals that Sub-Boss's plan is to resurrect Luigi 64, causing a split among the villains. She escapes with the Shrack of Neely in the wake of the in-fighting, but Sub-Boss reveals himself to be S.Golem and uses the Akujin Eye to neutralize his oppressors and catch up to her. The Gamehikers get involved, but are too late to stop the resurrection; when S.Golem takes it a step further and revives Isis via Ms. Z, they attempt to retreat. KoD, Retro, and Rhykette, along with recently arrived Dargo-X and Fera, escape into a portal, leaving the rest to their fates.

Time Jump[edit]


  • GORE, Luiigii, and Vorpal are taken captive while Masamune, Yoshiman, Flutter, and Big Al escape.
  • Big Al goes back to steal TASTS from Old Golem with the help of his family, but they fail and his parents are killed. He and Enthree go into hiding.


  • Masamune leads a resistance alongside Rhyk, Sapphire, Donkeyman and others. Magikoopa sells them out in exchange for the Holy Plot Device (Reverb), which grants him immortality. Flutter and Yoshiman are captured, while Rhyk sacrifices himself to destroy as much as he can of Magikoopa. To keep them quiet, S.Golem and Luigi 64 hand out the rest of the plot devices:
    • Now a brain, Magikoopa turns himself to experimenting on robots and kidnapping women.
    • GORE uses PL-0TT to become human and chooses to live quietly, adapting the human name of "Gorman".
    • Vorpal uses the Limitless Drive to create a thousand of himself and be with all of his loves.
    • Flutter uses the Writer's Chair to gain decapitating powers.
    • Yoshiman uses Quez to create Guanamannistan, where his personalities all reside.
    • Luiigii guards the Shrack of Neely from the others. He buys out Donkeyman's Mariorockses.
  • With Golem still away, Donkeyman and Sapphire marry.




  • Dodo is killed and Masamune's resistance collapses.


  • Luiigii tries to start his own rebellion, but is thoroughly turned down. He harasses the others, kills Donkeyman and drives Sapphire insane (or more?!), so they turn on him and Ashley kills him. She moves to Guanamannistan to work for SteveT and the Knights, while Cobalt joins Straw Man and the Cowboys in lieu of his family falling apart. GORE takes Rebe with him after Luiigii's death to help her forget her new pain.
  • Masamune takes up Donkeyman's position and revives Misty, recently killed by Vorpal.
  • Vorpal becomes the Vorpriest after seeing all of his doppelgangers lose their loves so as to console them. Flutter rents the lab under his Vorthedral.


  • Murasame swaps souls with Masamune and turns him to stone.


  • Big Al starts his own resistance in Disneyland with his former students, while Enthree is kidnapped by Team Rocket Omega.
  • Golem returns from his time traveling with Mr. T and Scruffy and infiltrates the lair of the new gods.
  • Kinoko is pulled into the future and tasked by President McCloaker (impersonating Dark Ditto impersonating himself) to steal a game from Old Golem.


  • KoD and co. finally arrive. Story resumes.

Part 2: Twenty-Five Years Later[edit]

Retro, KoD, Fera, Rhykette, and Dargo-X arrive in Gorman and Rebe's apartment, where they learn that the world was destroyed and their abandoned comrades were given the plot devices in exchange for obedience. Leaving the complex, they are chased to the Vorthedral by Chief Sigmund and Luigi 64 Gestapos. The Vorpriest offers them sanctuary, but the Vorpope discovers them; Dargo-X and Rhykette are caught and taken to Flutter's lab in the basement, where Flutter in turn sells them to Magikoopa. The rest fend off the Vorpeasants and Vorpope with help from "Masamune." They have a run-in with Flutter; Vorpal is decapitated and KoD given a human body, but eventually everyone escapes to Masamune's sub.

Retro and Fera take the Vorphead back to the Vorthedral to find him a new body, but run into Ashley and are forced to escape to Guanamannistan. While they get wrapped up with the Knights in East Guanamannistan, the redesigned and reprogrammed Dargo-X and Rhykette arrive in the Cowboy territory of West Guanamannistan with the intention of kidnapping Fera. Old Al's resistance, centered in Disneyland, beats them to it, so Retro teams up with Ashley (and receives the Shrack of Neely) to get her back before the robots can. Cobalt goes with Fera to meet them and assaults Ashley, but their fight is interrupted by Sigmund, SwordMaster, and Daioshogun, who have followed them to the resistance base. Cobalt is injured and used as a scapegoat for the Cowboys and Knights to engage in an all-out war. Frustrated by the chaos, the gods summon Weisheit to destroy Guanamannistan, though the Gamehikers survive thanks to the Shrack of Neely and the resistance is propelled into the Zone of Despair rather than the afterlife.

Meanwhile, Murasame takes Jed to Luiigii's Mansion to reveal the hobo's demise and the fact that he had swapped souls with Masamune. WarioFan 13 swaps Jed's and WarioFan 63's souls before being sucked into the past; after Jed escapes (with help from the then slain Misty), they use his scythe to travel to the previous universe and ensure that the Shrack of Neely survives its destruction. Jed makes his way to the destroyed Guanamannistan and runs into Kinoko along the way, who has just escaped from the Gods' Palace with a stolen copy of Burning Rangers. They meet up with the other Gamehikers and confront Yoshiman who, on orders from Nintenduck, decides to have them beheaded. By calling on Flutter's help, they are able to survive their decapitations and steal Quez. They decide to pick up the rest of the plot devices and convince Flutter to take them to the Writer's Chair. At the lab with the chair, Flutter inadvertently sets off a bomb that kills the group.

With intervention from Nintenfreak, Dargo-X and Rhykette are sent to back-up bodies at TRO's headquarters, while the rest meet with the council of creators and learn that the Shrack of Neely shouldn't exist. They get their bodies back and proceed to Gorman's apartment, where they are ditched by Flutter and Vorpal (using Kid Vid's discarded body) waits to get revenge on them for neglecting him. After a disturbingly awkward fight with Gorman brought on by soul swapping and a disobedient PL-0TT, they rejoin the robots and follow Vorpal to the Vorcastle to get the final device. They engage in a match of Vorpolo with the Vorpope that leaves Vorpal dead, but successfully get the Limitless Drive. Kinoko leaves to find her employer (President McCloaker) and the rest combine the plot devices; they are attacked by Murasame before they can use them, only to be rescued by Masamune. WarioFan 63 intervenes by improperly activating the devices, which sends them all to Neely's void. Neely uses their arrival to escape, then drags them along to face off against the gods.

In the Zone of Despair, the resistance persuades Arab Dude to help them open a portal to the Gods' Palace. Kanen, Chizu, Cobalt, and Ashley go in to rescue a pregnant Enthree and are joined by Golem, SwordMaster, and Gamogvie after a showdown with Sigmund. They escape back to base when the gods become distracted by Neely's approach. Ditto arrives shortly after with the remaining plot devices and uses them to destroy the copy of Burning Rangers, which enrages Old Golem and calls him to the Zone of Despair to face them. At the same time, the Gamehikers arrive at the palace to square off with Luigi 64 after a midair battle with TRO, receiving support from Sapphire and various other allies. They distract and defeat him, at which point Neely tries to take over. With help from Mr. T and a slew of other Golems, Old Golem is backhanded into the afterlife. The remaining gods lose their power and Neely disappears, but he and Future Isis sneak through a portal along with the Gamehikers as they return to their own time.

Back in the present, Gamehikers old and new team up to take out the Sweet Sixteen and the pre-gods. Neely kills off Luigi 64 and Cindy, but Old Golem escapes through time before the same can happen to him. The Gamehikers hold him off until he deactivates gravity across the planet, distracting them long enough to turn his focus on the Isises (Ises?). Old Golem returns and throws Neely and himself into a black hole, while Golem uses the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) to restore gravity and save the day. The plot devices are taken into safekeeping, Zora is freed from her possession, and President McCloaker is revealed to be working with the Donkeyman still.

In a series of epilogues, the following happens. Enthree delivers her baby in the past, where she is adopted by Big Al and named Enthree. Murasame gets back together with Kaminaru. Arab Dude sends a letter to Smallman and poisons Kaiser Bear IX. KoD melts down his scythe and joins Team Thrakun as the "death" member. Retro and Fera reflect on their relationship to this series of OGs. Lupus steals a cheesecake for Neely. Luiigii and Rebe adopt twins and learn that Farmer Jon is the former's father. Dargo-X and Rhykette join Team Rocket Omega. Masamune hooks up with Zora. Future Flutter goes on a recapitating excursion through time. Kinoko returns home and meets with her twin sister, Kuribo. Golem becomes King of Turquoise when Ole King Cobalt falls ill.

People who probably should have gotten epilogues but oh well your loss losers are Vorpal, GORE, and SteveT.

Homages and Trivia[edit]

(Yes there's already trivia)

Full Cast List[edit]

Stories in the Gamehiker Member OG series.
Main Series: I - II - III - IV - V - VII - VI - VIII - IX - X - XI
Sidequests: ENGLAND??? - FRANCE??? - MAGIKOOPA???
Holiday Specials: Merry Christmas - Father's Day
Other: Galaxy Goers - Ultimate Galaxy Goers