Dark Ditto

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Dark Ditto
Real Name Max Loadstring (?)
Aliases Master Ditto, Ditto-Tron, The Darth
Species Human
Birth Year 1981
Affiliation Party Crashers
Hair color Black
Abilities Keen Intellect
Shape-shifting (with Biou Guiseppie)
Origin United States of America of Anti-Space
Creator Ditto McCloaker
Debut Party Goers 12

Dark Ditto is an evil mastermind who is Ditto McCloaker's Anti-Space counterpart. He is even more mysterious than Ditto and is often depicted as the most nefarious of the Party Goers villains.


Dark Ditto is an evil mastermind who is the Anti-Space version of Ditto McCloaker. Dark Ditto also had his own sidekick, Biou Guisseppie, who allowed him to transform in a similar manner as Ditto's Guisseppie.

Notably in all timelines (with the possible exception of the Neutral Timeline), Dark Ditto eventually murders Ditto sometime in late 2001.

Good Timeline[edit]

Gamehiker Member OG[edit]

He emerges in the Gamehiker Member OG series as the main villain of Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods. First he poses as Count Dittof and takes custody of Masamune, Vorpal and Slort following the death of Ditto McCloaker at his hands. Dark Ditto then ventured to become a god by turning all of the OGers into RPers so he could rule over them like a god. When that failed, he tried the more obvious route by stealing and eating the Cheesecake of the Gods. However, Dark Ditto was ultimately defeated by a hooded figure claiming to be Ditto McCloaker.

Dark Ditto returned in Gamehiker Member OG VII: The Undiscovered Subtitle, where he led an underground group of heroes and villains against the recently-formed cult of disgruntled sidekicks. The cult wound up being led by a partnership of Guisseppie and Biou Guisseppie. Guisseppie wanted revenge on Dark Ditto for killing Ditto, and Biou Guisseppie was annoyed at Dark Ditto's mistreatment of him. They attempted to lynch Dark Ditto, but he was able to escape.

After a lengthy absence, he resurfaced in Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely, where Old Golem had hoodwinked Dark Ditto into joining the Sweet Sixteen by making him believe that he was actually a future version of Dark Ditto, and told him that their ultimate plan was to kill Ditto and have Dark Ditto replace him as president. When he found out the old man was actually an elderly Golem and that their final plan involved resurrecting Luigi_64, Dark Ditto led a rebellion amongst the Sweet Sixteen only to be seemingly defeated by Old Golem with the Akujin Eye.

Galaxy Goers[edit]

In the year 2015, Dark Ditto was whisked away by a mysterious figure from the future known as the Darth. The Darth first brought Dark Ditto to 2065 and showed him a first-person perspective of Earth's destruction. Then Darth brought Dark Ditto to 2345 and had him serve about Masamune's Bladechappe in Galaxy Goers. Dark Ditto receives various improvements in the following battles; first he is upgraded mechanically into Ditto-Tron, and then he is given Force powers to become known as Master Ditto.

Master Ditto later betrayed Masamune, leaving him for dead in the vacuum of space, and marooning his crew on the planet Syntax. Through the magic of time travel, Dark Ditto had become the Darth. The Darth then took the Bladechappe back in time and became the person who initially gave the Bladechappe to Masamune. The Darth made various trips across the timestream and, aside from bringing his past self to the current time, he also adopted Luigi of the Stars as his son.

Bad Timeline[edit]

Dark Ditto first appeared in Party Goers 12. In Party Goers 17: A Party, a Party, Who's got a Party? (and the new Party Goers 7), Dark Ditto appeared in Hell where he organized a rebellion of villains. He also gained the evil shard of the deceased Guisseppie but eventually lost it. It is unknown how he escaped the afterlife (maybe he managed to make the switcheroo with Ditto there).

Apparently, following the death of Ditto McCloaker in 2001, Dark Ditto had secretly taken his place on the Party Goers. The souls of the Party Goers were later stolen by Lupus, who used their bodies as mind slaves. After their souls were reunited with the bodies in the year 2019, Dark Ditto revealed himself (during Member OG 10: Full Circle). While aboard Lupus's sinking robot, he teamed up with Cat, who had transformed into Black Cat. Nothing is known past that; he is presumably dead. Why do you always have to assume the worst, Golem? Didn't we teach you better? It is known that "Black Cat" was saved from the robot by the Council and seemingly restored to normal, but it is unclear what happened to Dark Ditto.