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Chizu GH.png
Real Name Chizu Ginyu
Species Human
Birth Year 1999
Affiliation OG Six
Origin Asia
Debut Christmas Member OG
Relatives Qwirtzok: Ancestor


Name: Chizu
True Name: Chizu Ginyu
Species: Human
Age: 18
First Appearance: Christmas Member OG
Appearance: A tallwoman with long, blonde hair, yellow eyes, and red lipstick. Her clothing depends on the OG.
Friends: Nature and anyone who does not cause it harm.
Enemies: Anyone who harms nature.
History: Chizu's parents were slain in an evergreen forest for yet-to-be-known resons while she was an infant in the year 1999. She was then raised by various animals to respect nature. She also befriended a man who loved nature and taught her English and most human etiquette before he too died of unknown reasons. Chizu has lived alone in the forests ever since, until the winter day that the OGers wandered into her woods...
Character Concept: Well I wanted to introduce a female character and I was anxious to use the name Chizu. So I put them both together and came up with Chizu. The rest is history.


  • A woman
  • Does woman stuff
  • Not a monkey
  • knows kung fu or something
  • Mexican maybe? Actually Asian and part Egyptian somehow
  • Has stars in her eyes
  • Her blood is cheese (in the Bad Timeline)
  • Her name is Japanese for map.
  • Is in love with Swordmaster
  • Is 12 years younger than Swordmaster
  • Isn't Kiku's mom.
  • Descended from Qwirtzok
  • Introduced by GORE-ILLA in Christmas Member OG, returned in Member OG 6: VGF Moon and became a constant for the rest of the series.
  • It seems implied that she looks like/is a reincarnation of the woman that Saru loved in his previous universe since at one point they were gonna have a romantic entanglement but I never got to that and then Sarulea appeared. But SwordChizu came first.


VM: You probably have a terrible background story, too.

Chizu: (In a harsher tone, one that resembles Qwirtzok) Terrifying, more like. Prepare to face the wrath of Ancient Egypt, that which was constructively channeled into creating the Pyramids at Giza!

VM: Egypt? Don't make me laugh. Huahahahaha!

Chizu: I am trying, it's... it's just not working.
-Token female-ism in Member OG 10.

Characters in Member OG Series
The Good (OG Six): Black Skull Dragoshi - Fusion - GORE-ILLA - Introbulus - SwordMaster - Yami Yoshi
The Ugly: AaronGuy - Cerulea - Chizu - Culex - Gamechamp - Hades - Jim - Kantii - Legion - Lila - Pharoah Yami Yoshi - Saru - Sergeant Shy Guy
The Bad: Akujin - Crap Villain - Dark GORE - Dark Jim - Eerie I - Eerie II - Evil - EVIL Scientist Dude - Fred - Lupus - MON-KILL - Nijuka - Rhyk - Sephnita - Shade - Velvet Monkey - Youma Ganon