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Saru GH.png
Real Name Salazar Saru
Species Human
Birth Year Millions of years ago
Hair color Red
Eye color Red
Occupation Elemental Warrior of Fire
Origin Extinct universe
Status Died Year 2019 (BT)
Debut Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze




Saru is originally from another universe, possibly the same as Introbulus's. Or an early version of the universe created by Eerie I, I'm not sure which is better. Saru was raised by monkeys and thus battled in the form of a monkey, becoming a great warrior and falling in love with a woman. He was a bit more mellow and content in this universe, but one day that universe was destroyed (depending on which universe, either by Introbulus or restarted by Eerie). Impossibly, Saru wound up being reincarnated in this universe. When he reached adulthood, he found he would not age any longer and also regained memories of the past universe.

Saru became consumed by angst and began to hate this universe, instead wanting his old universe back. Later on, when Eerie II was making some heroes, he decided to recruit Saru by giving him control over fire and the ability to create fire. Thus he became a the Legendary Fighter of Fire and teamed up with Introbulus, Cerulea and Bat-Ear Mirawk to drive Velvet Monkey, Akujin, Nijuka and Tenorvista back into S-Space. All along the way, Saru searched for some method that he could use to restore his old universe. In the meantime, he did find some comfort in the new universe when he had a romance with Cerulea.

Saru was later sent to infiltrate Akujin's MPVP around 3100 BC, posing as a member since he could pull it off with his loner appearance. Saru played a role in the MPVP members being sealed away, but he got sick of following Eerie's orders over time. He eventually left to follow his own agenda after learning of The Writer's Chair, which he believed he could use to reconstruct his old universe. He was motivated by the disappearance of Cerulea.

After a few thousand years with no leads, Saru found that Cerulea had been captured by Eerie in the mid-1990s. Saru was able to infiltrate Eerie's compound and save Cerulea. Saru convinced Cerulea to join him in letting go of all responsibilities and just doing whatever they wanted, especially in ways Eerie would not approve of. This led Saru and Cerulea to join up with the criminal organization Team Meteor in Pokemon: OG Version. Saru naturally used a Chimchar, which later evolved into an Monferno. But Cerulea's concience ultimately intervened, leading her to quit Team Meteor and, when Saru refused to quit his new hedonistic lifestyle, she dumped him.

Bad Timeline[edit]

After spending some time battling in VGF's Battlefield Forum (the lowest thing to possibly do), Saru appeared in Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze, initially attacking Legion while looking for information on his Battlefield counterpart, whom had beaten Saru in a tournament. Saru wound up battling a number of the OGers in addition to Legion. But after hearing that the MPVP was back, he made his way there in search of information on the Writer's Chair. He managed to bluff his way into regaining a job at the MPVP, but Akujin was quite reluctant. Saru was able to take down most of the Robot Team. He later betrayed the MPVP and made off with a data disk containing information on the four stones needed to unlock the Writer's Chair.

Then in Member OG 6: VGF Moon, Saru wound up on Krad, reluctantly deciding to take Eerie's orders to help Black Skull Dragoshi discover his past. He eventually met with Fusion and BSD and offered his help with a Skelegon costume provided by his masters. Fusion and Saru both knew Dragoshi's past. While Fusion thought BSD would turn evil after discovering his secret past and thus planned to kill him, Saru thought he might retain his goodness. Fusion and Saru both accused each other of being spies, but they ultimately came to trust each other later on. Saru aided in the final battle with Akujin.

Saru later competed in Goren's tournament in Member OG 7: Neogenesis since the plot device PL-0TT was a prize, and Saru thought it might help him attain his goal of restoring his universe. He was able to defeat GORE-ILLA through his usual rule-bending methods. Saru wound up accompanying the other OGers again when old enemies such as Nijuka and the Velvet Monkey got involved. Eventually Cerulea returned, but they did not acknowledge each other due to the awkward tension. In Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant, Saru was sent to investigate Lupus's doings. However, he wound up captured by the bounter hunter Vlad while investigating the source of Lupus's Cheesetroopers. The OGers were later able to arrange his release from the Stumen, and he returned to aid in the OG's final battles.

In Member OG 9: One-Page Wonder, Saru, Introbulus and Cerulea spied on their old master, Eerie II. Eerie II was later killed by the Crap Villain, and then Murasame made Saru cry. With no Eerie II to take orders from, Saru and Cerulea later wound up working with the Velvet Monkey, whom had supposedly reformed. Saru was reluctant to follow the orders of his former enemy, but nonetheless he and Cerulea were sent to take care of Nijuka. They failed but were able to rekindle their romance in the meantime. They then went to rejoin the other OGers for the final battles on Mystery. Saru and Cerulea were apparently later killed by GORE-ILLA during his bloodthirsty rampage.


Saru is the man that walks like a monkey but that gimmick was never really used. The main focus was on his fire powers and such. At one point in Member OG 10 he showed an impossible display of his powers by blowing up an entire star in battle with Nijuka. Additionally, his cape is alive and can move on its own. Oh yeah I just remembered an old idea I had, the cape turn out to be a traitor and turn in Saru or something.


  • His name is Japanese for monkey... or so I was told several years ago.

Concept/Unused Ideas[edit]


*PL-0TT's eyes glow, and the area surrounding them changes into a field filled with apes and a girl. Saru becomes giddy as a schoolgirl and begins skipping around with the apes. They are in the middle of braiding each other's hair when the simulation comes to a sudden end.*
-The Manliest of them all

Saru: I don't get a line because Murasame never heard of me. *cries*
-Yet a total wussy in Member OG 9

Characters in Member OG Series
The Good (OG Six): Black Skull Dragoshi - Fusion - GORE-ILLA - Introbulus - SwordMaster - Yami Yoshi
The Ugly: AaronGuy - Cerulea - Chizu - Culex - Gamechamp - Hades - Jim - Kantii - Legion - Lila - Pharoah Yami Yoshi - Saru - Sergeant Shy Guy
The Bad: Akujin - Crap Villain - Dark GORE - Dark Jim - Eerie I - Eerie II - Evil - EVIL Scientist Dude - Fred - Lupus - MON-KILL - Nijuka - Rhyk - Sephnita - Shade - Velvet Monkey - Youma Ganon
