Category:Elemental Warriors

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The Elemental Warriors are a group of warriors that represent the four classical elements of earth, fire, wind, and water. In the previous universe, there was a fifth elemental warrior who commanded the power of the void (or specifically, gravity). In this universe they are traditionally the servants of Eerie II. It's possible the last elemental warriors from the previous universe were also led by Eerie.

Current Elemental Warriors (Who Are All Dead (In The Bad Timeline))[edit]

Introbulus GH.png


  • Gender: Male
  • Element: Earth
  • Abilities: Introbulus possesses the Iron Gauntlet, a device powerful enough to destroy an entire universe. It gives him the ability to control metal, making him an extremely potent fighter. He also possesses incredible strength, but rarely puts it to use.
  • Background: Little is known about his life before the gauntlet, but when he retrieved it the universe was destroyed and he became the very first R-Space being to exist in the new universe. Eventually he fell into the service of Eerie II as the Elemental Warrior of Earth.
Saru GH.png


  • Gender: Male
  • Element: Fire
  • Abilities: Saru was given his control over fire by Eerie II and is consequently one of the most powerful pyrokinetics around, to the point of being able to cause a star to explode. He also possesses skills as a martial artist due to being raised by monkeys. He also has a magic, sentient cape.
  • Background: Before the universe ended, he was a simple man raised by monkeys, but he was reincarnated in the new universe sometime later. Upon reaching maturity, he remembered his old life and became consumed with heroic angst at his old home being gone. He was recruited by Eerie II and given control over fire.
Cerulea GH.png


  • Gender: Female
  • Element: Water
  • Abilities: Cerulea possesses the power to control water and can use it both offensively and defensively, with the added bonus of solidifying it into ice. The armor she wears provides her with additional protection from arm and has the usual defenses of magical armor.
  • Background: Originally Cerulea was just a normal woman who stowed away on an intergalactic police vessel investigating Krad. It was there she found the ancient Kradian artifact, the Mariner's Armor. Thought it had been meant for someone else, it would fit no one but her. This led her to being recruited by Eerie II.
Mirawk GH.png

Bat-Ear Mirawk

  • Gender: Male
  • Element: Wind
  • Abilities: Mirawk controls the power of the wind and uses it to assist his fighting style of hachirya using eight swords. He is speedy combatant and can create funnels of wind by spinning his blades, as well as performing incredible feats of maneuverability.
  • Background: Not much is known of Mirawk's past, merely that he was given the head of a bat in an accident and had apparently once been quite handsome. His skills as a warrior attracted the attention of Eerie II and was recruited as the Elemental Warrior of Wind.

Previous Elemental Warriors[edit]

Neely GH.png

Mr. Neely

  • Gender: Male
  • Element: Gravity
  • Abilities: Mr. Neely is a powerful sorcerer who commands the power of gravitational forces. He is able to use it for levitation, crushing his foes under their own weight, creating black holes, manipulating light particles, and more.
  • Background: In the previous universe, Mr. Neely was among the Five Elemental Warriors that protected the universe from galactic threats. His powers proved so potent that he became more powerful than his other four companions and left their group. Eventually his power caught the attention of his former master and the Elemental Warriors fought him and were able to trap him inside the Shrack of Neely.

  • Elemental Warrior of Strong Nuclear Force
  • Elemental Warrior of Weak Nuclear Force
  • Elemental Warrior of Electromagnetism
  • Elemental Warrior of Taxes

Pages in category "Elemental Warriors"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.