Eerie II

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Eerie II is the first Eerie to show up in the Member OG series, but he is not the first Eerie at all. He was also the mysterious head of the Inter-Dimensional-Space-Time-Police who had betrayed and destroyed the first Eerie, then sealed his soul within the Author's Chair. He had actually saved existence by doing so, as Eerie I had planned to destroy the universe and restart it again. Eerie II went on to create the Four Elemental Warriors to counter the forces of evil from S-Space. Shade is also one of his minions used to measure the OGers' strength. Apparently he is a god metaphor like Eerie I and is described as being more powerful than Eerie I but less intelligent as well as unaware that he is a metaphor.

During the Member OG series he's all crazy about perfecting the universe and whatnot. He is first seen in Member OG 6: VGF Moon when he escorts Introbulus back to life at the beginning and then back to the afterlife as an end, although this somewhat contradicts his later appearances in that he is implied to be a servant rather than the leader of Introbulus's organization and Introbulus does not seem to recognize him. He fully appears in Member OG 8: This Title is Irrelevant, where he takes Introbulus to his hall of mirrors and argues with him about all the troubles of the Bad Timeline. He later intervenes in the final battle, briefly gaining a mohawk and rougher features after grabbing an artifact containing the powers of Mr. T. However, this time he is defeated and forced to retreat when the planet Earth itself is used as a weapon to smack him around.

In Member OG 9: One-Page Wonder, he enlists the Grim Reaper and Crap Villain as pawns in some half-cocked scheme to steal Yami's cheesecakes as well as taking the Jewel of Sophnito. But Crap Villain rebels against Eerie II when he realizes that they actually aren't performing villainy (at least according to Eerie II) and kills him with his only weakness, a whisk.

Characters in Member OG Series
The Good (OG Six): Black Skull Dragoshi - Fusion - GORE-ILLA - Introbulus - SwordMaster - Yami Yoshi
The Ugly: AaronGuy - Cerulea - Chizu - Culex - Gamechamp - Hades - Jim - Kantii - Legion - Lila - Pharoah Yami Yoshi - Saru - Sergeant Shy Guy
The Bad: Akujin - Crap Villain - Dark GORE - Dark Jim - Eerie I - Eerie II - Evil - EVIL Scientist Dude - Fred - Lupus - MON-KILL - Nijuka - Rhyk - Sephnita - Shade - Velvet Monkey - Youma Ganon