Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant

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Start: April 5, 2005
End: July 23, 2005
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: Fred, AaronGuy, Golem, Yoshiyami, GORE-ILLA, Youma Ganon, Legion, Lupus, Vorpal, Luigi of the Pipes, Tyler.
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, Lupus, GORE-ILLA, Eerie, Golem, Legion, Koopa Xtreme, Lord Kantii, Youma Ganon, Fred, SwordMaster, Chizu, Saru, Introbulus, Whesus Whrist, others my head won't work right now.
Archive: Read the Story


Member OG 8 was conducted to be the tremendous revitilization of the Member OG series. The day that Member OG 7: Neogenesis ended, a chat was held in which multiple authors pledged to post. It was intended for Lupus to start the OG with a glorious return, but Fred wound up starting it instead. Lupus returned but for only one post. The returning MOGer Legion, as well as Vorpal and Youma Ganon, also joined in on the OG but each left after making only two posts early on. The story became quite complex and confusing.

However, AaronGuy continued posting, and Luigi of the Pipes joined the series with regular posts. It was mostly Golem, Yami Yoshi and Fred posting, as even GORE was losing interest. AaronGuy also made several posts throughout the OG. Ultimately, this OG opened up the door for Member OG 9: One-Page Wonder which was another attempt to gain Lupus's favor that failed.

Plot Summary[edit]

Luigigamer Golem (5:51:04 PM): Since Lupus wanted to make the world flat, he created a device which could make any wish come true
Luigigamer Golem (5:51:40 PM): But it needed a battery of infinite power, which was a relic Princess Lila wore as a necklace
Luigigamer Golem (5:52:20 PM): The OGers took the necklace after they found it in Princess Lila's cell after Lila had been transported to the Cheese Star, Lupus' space station
Luigigamer Golem (5:52:32 PM): They didn't realize what the necklace was
Luigigamer Golem (5:52:52 PM): So when the OGers took down the Cheese Star, Lupus managed to steal the Pearls in the confusion
Luigigamer Golem (5:53:23 PM): Lupus used it to make the world flat and then he beat up the OGers, but luckily reinforcements came and they were able to hold off Lupus--for the time being.
Luigigamer Golem (5:53:25 PM): The end

I don't know for sure how accurate that is. I know I left out the second Cheese Star and a bunch of other important stuff. Plus, Lupus didn't really fight the OGers, he just fought Yami. But it's a start, and hopefully this will make someone want to do a better one.

I'll make this one shorter, I promise.

Lupus, back in action with his Cheese Stars complete, sends assassins after the OGers, present company including Yami Yoshi, Kantii, GORE-ILLA, Chizu, Legion, Sergeant Shy Guy, and the mysterious Knock. They beat up their respective assassins, recruit Kuria (currently possessed by Vorpal's soul) and meet around GORE's tree house. PL-0TT arrives from space with a message from Saru regarding the creation of a Cheesetrooper army on Mystery and a message from Lila to Bat-Ear Mirawk, who invited him to Mystery with answers about the creation of the Cheese Stars.

Meanwhile, Lupus himself goes on an adventure across Earth as he attempts to single-handedly claim it in the name of TWIFATIT from the likes of Youma Ganon and also find the Pearls of Mystery. Koopa Xtreme is left in charge of the Cheese Star I, which he fires at Earth in an attempt to kill Lupus. Thanks to interference from Rhyk, Fred, and Lithium, the beam is too weak to destroy the planet by the end of the OG. Luiigii and Sapphire's souls leave Rhyk and free Lila, one of the prisoners on the station, who in turn frees Rhyk.

While Saru is caught by Vlad and taken to see StuMan and his father, the OGers discover Fool, one of Koopa's minions, in an underground base. He attempts to steal Hades's soul from Yami, but they kill him and escape with the Pearls of Mystery, which he had stolen from Lila before teleporting her to the Cheese Star. They are then met by ???, who is seeking the Party Goers, but Kuria quickly dispatches him.

While the OGers assault the Cheese Star, GORE is teleported to Mystery and attacked by The Monkey, who reveals the prophecy that one of the OGers would kill the others and restore balance between R-Space and S-Space; ultimately he rules that GORE is the one. Back on the Cheese Star, the OGers are attacked by Rhyk due to Chizu picking up the TASTS from him. They deactivate him, with Sapphire and Luiigii possessing Kantii and Legion in the confusion. The group splits up, with the Party Goer-possessed trio looking for the Party Goers' bodies and the rest following Yami as he and Hades begin to struggle for dominance.


Fred: Red 1, do you read me Red 1?

Lithium: Who is Red 1?

Fred: I don't know.

Yahtzee: I'm Red 1.

Lithium: Are you sure?

Yahtzee: I think I am Red 1. Maybe I am Red 3.

Monocle: No, I'm Red 3.

Fred: Yahtzee must be Red 2 then.

Lithium: We don't have a Red 2.

Yahtzee: Why don't we have a Red 2? We have a Red 1 and a Red 3.

Lithium: No one thought to have a Red 2.

Yahtzee: Well it sort of goes without saying...

Fred: What am I again?

Lithium: No one cares who you are.

Fred: That wasn't funny Blue 9.
-Why we miss Lupus.

Fred: Then it's settled. We're meeting the parents.

Rhyk: I'd like to keep that to a last resort.

Doctor: You're in perfect shape for evil, and with a few rehabilitation sessions, you'll be back out in this baby! (Holds up a dangling child) Whoops, that's the one that's irreversibly got attached to my hand during the "spank of life incident".

Lupus: Ow, I think something's sprained. Thanks a lot. Koopa! KOPPA!

Koppa: Yo?

Lupus: It... was supposed to be a nickname variation for Koopa, but you RUINED IT

Legion: We don't. I'm not paying for it anyway. Anyway, I've forgotten. Whatever happened to our army?

SSG: Hmm. Well, the SGEP got itself lost on a liberation expedition to Calais to buy croissants. The 9th Shysters were killed single-handedly by Ann Widecombe's face: turned to stone in an instant. And Special Ops were last seen following a creepy old man into his ice-cream truck.

Legion: Commander with two appearances in total! Take over the defense of the Temple's exterior for now, and if anyone gives you command 66, it's a prank call.

Evil Scientist Dude: Yes, it is I! The one that was easily defeated and defatted all those times! And now, it is I who has you truly by the ropes. Are you wondering how all these clones got here?


Kantii: Nein.

Chizu: Not really.

SSG: Nope.

Legion: Nah.



Lithium: No.

Ishoy: WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR? Well... na... na... no.

Koopa Xtreme: Well... y... no, not really. CHECK AGAIN

Mareaeus: I suppose not, son.

Lupus: No, shutup.

YY: No.

Cat: No, and I'm not Golem.

Eerie: No.

Introbulus: No!

Wesus: No.

Knock: I don't remember, don't think so.

Dark Cloak: NEVER

Ninjuka: No, A thousand times the number of babies I have contemplated eating burnt because it's right no! SO ALOT NO

Inevitable villain from another MOG: I'm kinda curious now, but I won't be.


BSD: Nobody loves me (If I really try)

(back where we are)

Evil Scientist Dude: No. Er, damn. Well, then, I had this whole speech prepared, but...
-Worst burn ever