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A small robotic, somewhat ROBesque plot device that acts as GORE-ILLA's sidekick throughout the Member OG series.

Good Timeline[edit]

PL-0TT appears in Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely, where he has come into the possession of Saru and helps him lose himself in hallucinations of his old world. PL is stolen by the Sweet Sixteen and used as part of the giant combined plot device. Afterwards in the alternate dystopian future, PL winds up being used by GORE to transform him into a human.

Bad Timeline[edit]

An actual plot device in the form of a droid (its droiditude becomes more apparent when GORE-ILLA's past is finally revealed in Member OG 4) that first appeared in Member OG 3, I think... possibly 2. He's basically Bad Timeline GORE's sidekick, which is pretty standard for Star Wars-esque people. Being a droid, his name would be pronounced pielohteetee, much like artoo-deetoo and seethreepioh.

Close enough, that actually wasn't supposed to be a clue at all and I never really thought of him much as a droid. He did first appear in MOG 3, where GORE bought him from a plot device salesman. He becomes GORE's faithful companion throughout following OGs. At the end of MOG4 or somewhere around that I think he is destroyed but winds up being repaired with parts from Dark GORE, a plot point that was more or less forgotten as time went on. He eventually leaves GORE's hands after he is captured by Goren's lackeys in Member OG 7: Neogenesis. He returns in Member OG 8: This Title is Irrelevant, where PL had somehow fallen into the hands of Princess Lila and seemed to have undergone some sort of reprogramming. PL reacted violently whenever someone other than Lila or GORE commanded it. It crashed on Earth and forced GORE to listen to messages from Saru and Lila.

PL-0TT afterwards accompanied the OGers until switching over to accompany and protect Lila when she went to fight that war in Japan. In the ending it was mentioned that PL had been confiscated by the enemy forces. By the time of Member OG 10: Full Circle, PL had somehow reunited GORE and accompanied him throughout the beginning of the OG, particularly in helping GORE with that whole Gamechamp issue. Then PL was forgotten by the plot and his fate afterwards remains unknown.

Other Appearances[edit]

He also appeared in the Party Goers Bootleg OGs, where he was a watch I think and redubbed the Rescripter because nobody loved his name sadface.

His name should be pronounced like Peel, so it fits with banana peel. Believe it!