Member OG 7: Neogenesis

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Start: November 26, 2004
End: April 2, 2005
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: Yoshiyami, GORE-ILLA, Golem, AaronGuy, Tyler, Fred, OtakuBell.
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Nijuka, Tenorvista, Goren, Velvet Monkey, Fred, Failed Lupus Clone, Akujin, Bat-Ear Mirawk, SwordMaster, Chizu, Saru, Introbulus, Snoop.
New Characters: Sklssdasdk you're kidding me
Archive: Read the Story


Member OG 7 is the first Member OG written at Gamehikers.

Wow, thanks whoever posted this. That explains basically NOTHING.

As said above, Member OG 7 was the first Member OG written after the series moved from VGF to the Gamehiker Forums. Thus the "VGF" of "VGF Member OG" was dropped forever starting in this installment. This is notable as Fred's return to the series after being absent since the second version of Member OG 5 due to being banned from VGF.

Plot Summary[edit]

The premise is a Tournament set by the Villanous villain who is indeed a villain and not just chillin', Goren, who is a talking ape. He steals Yami Yoshi's Cheesecake and GORE's Plot device, PL-0TT in order to force them to come, and they fight alongside SwordMaster, AaronGuy, Culex and Chizu in order to get the job done, as no one else is around. They meet such characters as Snoop, Bat-Ear Mirawk, a female Yoshi named Ihsay and Kantii while fighting in the tournament. Also in the tournament are Saru and Fred, who has brought along his new companion Lithium Debater to wreak havok. On the way they meet the strange Tenorvista, a man with a strange obsession with televised ratings. They also meet two groups of men - one set in black, and one with cowboy hats, each of which works for Author Nine, and fight the gang.

When the losers of each round are taken away, suspicions rise and Goren has the fight taken to him by the OGers. Ihsay and Yami Yoshi fight Goren in a secret, underground lab where he reveals he is a scientist named Theodorik Loki, an absorber of powers and souls, including that of Ihsay's brother, Ihsoy, who lost in an earlier form of the tournament and was absorbed on purpose. Fred and Lithium Debater unplug the machine and kill Goren. Black Skull Dragoshi gets in with the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) and then all hell breaks loose when the S-Spacer Nijuka shows up to the party, and Tenorvista reveals himself to be an S-Spacer as well.

The ensuing battle ends with the mansion being totalled by lava, with casualties including Mirawk and BSD. However, BSD is able to transfer his soul into the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) and uses its power to save the OGers, teleporting them all to safety in America but totalling the Plot Device in the meantime. They soon find themselves caught up in a turf war between Team Rocket Omega and Fred's gang, who turn out to be working for a Failed Lupus Clone. The OGers proceed to split up. Half of them go after Team Rocket's boss, Giovanni, and find that he is dead with his body being used as a puppet by Akujin's Dark Cloaked boss. They are able to destroy Giovanni, but the Black Smoke from the Dark Cloak escapes and possesses Mirawk next.

In the meantime, Legion and Sergeant Shy Guy make a return appearance to fight off Team Rocket Omega's men. Fusion makes a brief appearance to reclaim the Holy Plot Device (Reverb). Introbulus also came back, being reveived from his stasis in einsteinium sandwhiches by Cerulea. The other OGers proceed to storm the Failed Lupus Clone's hangout and destroy a whole swarm of Lupus clones. Fred and his gang proceed to retreat to Lupus's new base, the Cheese Star. The OGers and all the other surviving protagonists are reunited in time to be pulled into S-Space, where the possessed Mirawk battles them. The ones still in R-Space are left battling Author 9's gangbangers. Mirawk is ultimately destroyed, and the OGers are able to return to reality.

The OGers proceed to celebrate. However, Rhyk and the three men take this oppertunity to recite exposition revealing the whole S-Space deterioration business and how the OGers or one of the big baddies would have to be killed with the TASTS in order to prevent it, although their mission becomes difficult when Author 9 is apparently taken out of the picture by the other authors.


SM: We do not "Go" to parties. - Fred on page 7