Member OG 7 Page 1

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Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OOC: Welcome to the seventh installment of the popular Member OG series, the on-going saga…starring you!

If any of you n00bs are confused, please read the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Q. Why is this Member OG 7?

A. The Member OG series originally began at VGF Forums. However, due to the inactivity of VGF’s OG Story Board, GORE-ILLA (Evil Scientist Dude) and I agreed to continue the series here at Gamehikers.

Q. Should I read Member OGs 1-6 before posting in this OG?

A. The storyline will start anew in Member OG 7. Therefore reading Member OGs 1-6 is unnecessary.

If you have any other questions regarding this OG, feel free to PM me. Now, let’s get this OG started!


Yami Yoshi’s house…

~Yami Yoshi walks into the kitchen.~

Yami Yoshi: Man, am I hungry…I think I’ll have the last piece of cheesecake from last night’s Thanksgiving party…

~Yami Yoshi opens his refrigerator door and squeezes his hand into the barricade of leftovers.~

Yami Yoshi: Hmm…let’s see…leftover turkey…leftover mashed potatoes…leftover yams……gasp! Where’s my cheesecake?!

~One by one, Yami Yoshi flings the contents of his refrigerator onto the kitchen floor until nothing but an empty plate remains.~

Yami Yoshi: My cheesecake! Someone must’ve stolen it! But who…

~Yami Yoshi notices a pair of smudgy fingerprints on the edge of the plate.~

Yami Yoshi: Aha! Those fingerprints can only belong to one person! That person is…


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Yami Yoshi: is... is... I give up!

Gorilla with Cool Cape: It was I, Goren the GORILLA OVERLORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@

Yami: Where'd you come from?

Goren: My secret underground lair in Western Europe, at the exact following coordinates! (Recites coordinates, then messes the room up a bit and disappears in a cloud of smoke.)

Yami: Crap! How am I supposed to find him now?

Author: Golem[edit]

Last time on Member OG 6...

~Author #9 lays on the floor, looking beat up. Maybe because he was beat up.~

Author #9: Well, that wasn't so bad.

~Author #3 stands #9 up.~

Author #3: Now get out of here, will ya?

Author #6: But, ummm,... who's writing for the Voice character that was just introduced?

~Everyone looks to each other, realizing that none of them have.~

Quote: ~Once again, in a mysterious realm...~

(The robot we all know as) Rhyk: The OGers are busy, while Akujin's army grows in power! Is now not a wise time for me to exercise my anti-VGF essence on Akujin?

Voice: It is not. Please, be patient. Your time to save everyone and everything will come. If you are going to undo anything, you must start at the proper place...

~The mysterious realm...~

Voice: Now, Rhyk.

Rhyk: It is time to defeat Akujin?

Voice: Yes.

~MPVP HQ, final battle room...

Rhyk floats above the action on the jets in his feet. From there he booms his voice over those below.~

Rhyk: Akujin!!

Introbulus: You again?

Akujin: Who are you?!

Rhyk: Deus ex machina. I am the only one present who has enough power to blast you back into your own dimension. ~reaches in his right pants pocket, whips out a pen covered in rubber bands~ Thank you for the sacrifice you are about to make, OGers.

GORE: Sacrifice...?!

Rhyk: Unfortunately, you will all be trapped in S-Space as well.

~Akujin loses his balance as Rhyk vanishes instantly.

The previously seen mysterious realm...~

Rhyk: What?!


Author #1: There, that's better. Rhyk is gone now.

And now to the feature presentation...

~Yami Yoshi turns around to run and get some help by way of internet. However, as he runs, he slips on the turkey and notices that a note was attached to it. He reads the note.~

Yami Yoshi: "Dear Yami Yoshi,
Interested in saving the universe? Meet me in town square tonight at 8:00 PM."

~Yami drops the note and runs towards his computer desk, where he commences communication with GORE-ILLA. The following is a transcript. GOREilla is GORE-ILLA and Yamigamer122 is Yami Yoshi.~

GOREilla: How goes it?
Yamigamer122: Not good
Yamigamer122: I lost my cheesecake leftovers
GOREilla: That sucks
Yamigamer122: Do you know anything about (insert coordinates here)?
GOREilla: You got an invitation too?
Yamigamer122: Yeah
GOREilla: Look it up on MapStuff and meet me there tomorrow at dawn
Yamigamer122: Thats kinda early
GOREilla: You're right. Let's meet at 1
Yamigamer122: Right
GOREilla: Cya then
Yamigamer122: Hold on...
Yamigamer122: You said you got an invitation. Did he take anything from you?
GOREilla: He's got PL-0TT
Yamigamer122: OK, tomorrow at 1
GOREilla: Right. Cya
Yamigamer122: Cya

~Yami Yoshi signs off and walks out to the other room to survey the mess he left when he threw food all over the floor. To his surprise, three men (of average height and width) are there, none of whose features are visible because of the extent to which they are covered in black cloth.~

Yami Yoshi: Who are you?

Middle man: You're coming with us.

~All three men lunge at Yami, but Yami simply whips his tail at their legs, tripping them up. One of the men gets out a tazer, but Yami whips that with his tail and sends it flying across the room. The three stand up and back away from Yami.~

Frontmost man: Consider this a warning...

~The men leave.~

Yami Yoshi: Wonder what they wanted.

~Yami Yoshi stands there for a few seconds, then walks over to the tazer and picks it up. It's black and sleekly designed to contour to a five fingered hand.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Yami Yoshi quickly gets bored and turns on the television. Goren appears on the screen.*

Goren: Are you a fighter looking for a challenge? Do you want to be the world's ultimate battler? Then come to Goren Goren's Ultimate Fighting League located above my secret underground lair in Western Europe, at these following coordinates! (recites coordinates) The champion will win both this piece of cheesecake and this toaster!

*Goren presents the cheesecake and PL-0TT.*

Goren: Any entries must report to the tournament tommorrow at three! That is all.

*End commercial.*

Yami Yoshi: Now how can I get my cheesecake back?
-Steal it.
-Fight your way to the top.

Yami: Hmm... the second one would last a few more pages. So why not? ...Oh crap, it's almost time for me to meet that mystery helper in town square!

*GORE-ILLA has just finished watching the very same commercial from his hotel room. Suddenly the door snaps open, and the same three men in black cloth enter.*

Frontmost Man: You're possibly coming with us.

GORE: Sure! ...Wait, you're evil, aren't you?

Middle Man: You could say that.

*The three man lunge at GORE standing shoulder-to-shoulder. So GORE grabs the head of the left man in his left hand, and the head of the right man in his mechanical right hand. Then he slams their heads into the middle man, dizzying them all up.*

Middle Man: Consider this a warning.

Backmost Man: At least I talk this time!

*The three stumble out of the room. GORE decides not to let these clues go and secretly follows them.*

Author: Golem[edit]

~GORE follows the three men out of "Hoshi's Inn" into Yoshi's Island's marketplace lit up with torches. The buildings are made out of dried mud bricks and the ground is dirt from being walked on so much.

GORE sees the three men turn a corner behind a banana stand and follows. However, all he sees when he turns that corner is a wide open area with nobody in it.

Save for Yami Yoshi.

GORE walks up to Yami Yoshi from behind and covers Yami's mouth. Yami turns around and GORE takes his hand away.~

GORE: ~whispering~ Did you see three guys come through here?

Yami: ~whispering~ No... why?

~Three men (of average height and width) in large tan trench coats (which are long enough to reach their shoes) and in cowboy hats (tipped down to cast a shadow on their face) walk up to Yami Yoshi and GORE.~

Yami: You must be the helpers.

Middle man: Right you are.

GORE: Helpers?

~Yami Yoshi shows GORE-ILLA the note.~

GORE: So, the higher-ups are on to Goren's scheme?

Leftmost man: He's a part of the problem, but he is inconsequential.

Rightmost man: We're focused on a way to save the universe like Rhyk had intended.

Yami: Waitaminute, you mean--

The Monkey's voice: You two are in the contest too, aren't you?

~Yami Yoshi and GORE turn around to find The Monkey.~

The Monkey: My master said you'd be here.

Yami Yoshi: You were obliterated!

The Monkey: But my new master found a way to rebuild me. For that, I have to do his bidding, which is taking you out of his way and out of the competition. Considering that "you" includes GORE, I don't mind that at all.

~The three men in complete black come up from behind The Monkey, poised to attack.~

GORE: Sorry cowboy men, but we've gotta take this!

~The trenchcoated men nod and walk backwards into the shadow. The black men also walk away.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*The Monkey, a cloaked gorilla, ignites his laser sword and sweeps it towards Yami Yoshi and GORE-ILLA. While Yami Yoshi uses an Egg Shield to block the attack, GORE dives beneath the swing to the ground and slides towards The Monkey's legs to trip him. But The Monkey uses his Jedi (Sith?) powers to leap out of harm's way in time. Yami Yoshi flutters towards The Monkey as he is still in midair and flings several explosive Dark Eggs. The Monkey drops his laser sword, blocks the Dark Eggs with his bare palms and then speeds his fall so he lands on his feet i time to reach up and catch his laser sword by the handle in a cool-ass manner.*

The Monkey: Do you see what you have denied, GORE? The power of the Force could have been yours.

GORE: Yeah, but you would have control of my body. You tricked me into thinking you were my real persona! You're just a crazy old nerd now!

The Monkey: You just went too far...

*The Monkey steams as he dashes towards GORE. But he's so focuse don GORE that Yami takes this opputunity to hip drop him from above, slamming him into the ground with such force that he's knocked out cold.*

Yami Yoshi: Now what do we do with him?

GORE: (shrugs) Look for a dumpster or something.

Author: Golem[edit]

~The next day at three, at you-know-where...

Yami Yoshi and GORE stand in a big yet crowded foyer on the first floor of a mansion. On the left and right of the room are staircases to a balcony above, which leads to two sets of spiral stairs that go upward to other levels.

Goren walks out of a door on the balcony and stands at the railing.~

Goren: Now for your first test. ~exits through a door behind him~

~Yami Yoshi and GORE look to each other, puzzled. Then they look down to find a liquid rising at their feet, then up to find that most others are heading up the stairs. GORE motions to his back, and Yami Yoshi climbs on. GORE then jumps up in the air and kicks his metallic leg, activating a stream of fire from his foot and propelling him upward.

They make it up to the fifth floor (and a blue liquid has drowned the first floor) when GORE decides to land on the balcony. As he levels himself beside the spiral staircase, a blonde haired man in a red jacket and blue jeans runs by and punches GORE in the stomach. GORE's foot jet turns off and he starts to fall, but Yami grabs onto the rail on the staircase and whips his tongue out at GORE, catching him by the torso. GORE starts his jet up again and he goes straight upward, hitting Yami quite hard upwards. Yami lands on the staircase, seconds away from getting stampeded by the mass of people rushing upwards, while GORE jets right into the blonde man. Seeing Yami, GORE picks up the blonde man and tosses him straight at the front row of the mass, then dashes down, picks up Yami, and jets upward. At this point, others with jet packs and wings have flown upward, too.~

Author: Aaronguy[edit]

~A few floors below~

AaronGuy: ~clutching onto Culex~ What a great way to start the tournament...

Culex: ~Flying them both up~ It's just that Gorilla-mans way of weeding out the weak.

AaronGuy: Hmph. More like weeding out the ones that can't fly. Those stairs are too crowded. Still, though. That prize...

Culex: Yes, it was PL-0TT. No doubt about it. Then again, this might mean that we may run into some familiar faces as well.

AaronGuy: ~Looks up~ ...Hey, what do you know? It's GORE and Yami! Let's catch up to them!

~Near the ceiling of the room, a scrawny figure peers down at the many fighters trying to climb the stairs~

Dragon Familiar: Look at them all.. Scrambling to the top like a bunch of rats. Still, though, I wouldn't want to be near that liquid either. Sticky stuff, gets in your pores.

Figure: ...

Dragon Familiar: Oh, don't you just want to spectate for a while? Fine, fine... You do that thing you do. I don't think a soul is necessary here, though.

Figure: ~Nods, and stands near the ledge of their perch~ ~It holds one hand down over the ledge, and the other high in the air. As it balls both hands into fists, a curious thing happens down below. Some of the liquid begins to clump up, taking in various parts of the room with it. The end result is a massive serpent, with curtain-like frills and many sharp wooden teeth formed from pieces of the stairs.~

Familiar: Not bad, considering what you had to work with. Okay, let's let 'em have it!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~Yami Yoshi, GORE, and the other combatants approach the end of the staircase.~

GORE: We’re almost there…

~A loud hiss followed by several screams are heard behind Yami Yoshi and GORE.~

Yami Yoshi: What the?!

~The water serpent finishes gobbling up a group of combatants and slithers up the staircase towards Yami Yoshi and GORE.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

~Yami Yoshi conjures a black Yoshi Egg in his hand and hurls it at the serpent’s head. The Yoshi Egg explodes and incinerates the serpent’s wooden teeth.~

GORE: Primate Punch!

~GORE winds up his fist and punches the serpent’s toothless face. The serpent lets out a hiss of pain before dissolving back into a puddle of water.~

Yami Yoshi: Yeah! Take that, you stupid snake!

~Meanwhile, the Dragon Familiar and the Figure watch from the top of the staircase.~

Dragon Familiar: Impressive…did you see that?

Figure: …

Dragon Familiar: Yeah, yeah, I know. They still don’t stand a chance against us…but let’s monitor for little bit longer, shall we?

Figure: …

Author: Golem[edit]

~Goren walks up beside the Figure and his familiar.~

Goren: Why did you do that?! Do you know how much it's going to cost to rebuild that?

Figure: ...

Dragon familiar: Yeah, you were going to have damage from the flood anyway.

Goren: ~to dragon familiar~ Tell your master that if he interferes anymore he can consider himself dead...

~Down below, in the water floats a man with long, black hair covering his face (save for a nose that protrudes through the hair). He wears a loose shirt, but each arm is decorated with countless black feathers. Each foot is adorned with a boot with steel hooks on the end of the toe and heel to hook into ground or walls.~

Man: ~cough, spitting out the blue liquid~ What'd you do THAT for?!

Yami: Uhhh...

Man: I had him on the ropes! This is a great dishonor to Lord Kantii!

GORE: Who?

Man: Me, the presumably human Lord Kantii of the Crows!

Goren: ~shouting down from the very top of the staircase~ Then you'll be glad to know that there's an opportunity to regain your honor, such as it is!

Lord Kantii: Mm?

Goren: For your next task is to find a key down in that! ~points to the blue liquid~ Don't worry... ~turns to dragon familiar~ It's only water.

Author: Aaronguy[edit]

Familar: Hmph. It LOOKED different from water. ~sticks his tounge out~ C'mon, let's get out of her.

Figure: ~grabs onto the Familar~ ~Gets a ride out of the room~

~The many aspiring fighters dive back DOWN into the water they were previously escaping.~

GORE: Just one key? This isn't going to go well. ~splash~

Yami: Blublblblblbububullb.

GORE: ~Nods~ ~Swims over to one of the windows and punches it~

Water: ~slowly drains out of the room~

Yami: There, that's better. Now, where could that key be...?

Goren: ~Calling down~ I never said it would just be in this room! There's plenty of doors all around the place! Feel free to look in any!

Lord Kantii: Kyeah hyeah hyeah! The cheesecake shall be mine! ~leaps high up onto the third floor, and bolts into a random door~

Yami: HEY! You aren't going to get a single bite of my precious cheesecake, you feathered fiend! ~Flutter Jumps up after him~

GORE: ~Rolls his eyes, and tries a door on the first floor~

Goren: ~Turns back to the figure~ So as I was saying, Archanist. If you wish to keep your life, you'd best stop meddling with my plans like that.

Familiar: Pfft. Like we would worry about a damn dirty ape like you. And it's not like you bought the lair in the first place...

Goren: ~Fumes~ Why.. you.. kght... argh... get out of my sight.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~Yami Yoshi chases Lord Kantii into a small rectangular room. A stone pedestal lies in the center of the room and atop the pedestal lies…~

Yami Yoshi: The key!

Lord Kantii: Kyeah hyeah hyeah! The key is mine!

Yami Yoshi: There’s no way I’m letting you get your West-Nile hands on that!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Lord Kantii, which blasts him against the wall. Yami Yoshi runs over to the pedestal and grabs the key.~

Yami Yoshi: Now to get GORE and get outta here!

~Yami Yoshi turns to leave the room when a black feather flies out of nowhere and stabs him in the arm.~

Yami Yoshi: ~drops the key~ ARGH!

~The key clatters to the floor.~

Lord Kantii: Kyeah hyeah hyeah! I’ll be taking that!

~Lord Kantii swoops in front of Yami Yoshi and snatches the dropped key.~

Lord Kantii: Sayonara, sucker!

~Lord Kantii flies out of the room leaving a wounded Yami Yoshi behind.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Kantii glides out of the room and caws in victory as he flies down the hallway. However, a door to his right opens suddenly. Kantii slams right into it and slides to the ground in traditional comic fashion as GORE walks through the door and catches the dropped key in his hand sd hr wonders what the hell he just did.*

GORE: Sweet!

*Elsewhere, a fighter named Runto assembles a group of fighters in the main room, right under Goren's nose.*

Runto: So when the key-holder walks through this room, we club him to death and take his key! He can't beat us in numbers.

Snoopy: Yeah!

*The second GORE rushes through the door with key in hand, he is jumped by Runtar's group and violently beaten. GORE angrily begins trying to desperately fling them off him, but they swipe the key and fling him against the wall. The group is about to leave when they realize that there's only one key and a horde of them. Runto picks up the key.*

Runto: I have the perfect plan to decide who gets the key... (dashes away) I got the key, Goren!

Snoopy: That no good punk!

*Runto doesn't get far until one of the fighters tackle him, and soon everyone piles on top of him. The fighters are all caught in a death battle for the key. Snoopy, with the looks of a stereotypical gangster, simply removes his double-guns and pumps the crowd full of lead. They all drop to the ground and drop the key. Snoopy picks up the key and smirks as he makes his own mad dash. However, he finds his path blocked by a sword-wielding youth.*

SwordMaster: Halt! In the name of... SwordMaster, Defender of Cheesecake! (fanfare) I must make sure that no wicked fiend misuses the cheesey prize!

Snoopy: You don't know what yo messing with, *****...

*However, a fireball erupts between SwordMaster and Snoopy. In the smoke, a figure slips through and swipes the key. He has spiked-up red hair and wears a ninja gi of some sort.*

Saru: Enough of this! I need this "toaster" for my own purposes!

*By this time, GORE, Yami Yoshi, Aaronguy, Culex, SwordMaster, Snoopy and the other fighters have returned to the main room/recovered. Just as Saru is about to hand the key to Goren, Kantii swoops past, garbs it, and drops it into Goren's hand. Saru replies by flinging a fire spear from his middle finger that whizzes past Kantii's feathery head as a warning.*

Goren: The winner!

Kantii: My honor is preserved, losers! KRAAAAAAAAAAAAW!

GORE: So... what does he get?

Goren: Nothing but honor! See the true purpose of this test was not to promote the winner... but to weed out the losers. The first preliminary didn't... disqualify... enough people. (He motions to the dead bodies of Runto and his men spawled across the floor)

Chizu: This is horrible...

Yami Yoshi: Chizu! When did you get here?

Chizu: I noticed GORE's robot and suspected wrongdoings... I was right.

Goren: Out of the hundreds that entered, only thirty-two remain. You will now be assigned rooms, and the fights will begin tomorrow! I'll see you then!

*The fighters slowly leave the room while a janitor sweeps up the dead bodies.*

Author: Golem[edit]

~Most of the other fighters begin to descend the steps and exit the mansion. The OGers, however, stay.~

Chizu: How could this many people kill each other...?!

SwordMaster: They didn't. Let me show you...

~SwordMaster walks over to a patch of blood on the wall. He presses his blade up against it horizontally, and a vertical blade juts out from the wall instantly. The blade pushes SwordMaster's sword out of its way, and as soon as the sword moves, the blade in the wall recedes into the wall.~

SwordMaster: These traps are scarce down here, but grow more in number as one ascends.

~Meanwhile, Saru is on the second floor and heading downwards. He sees Goren heading the other way down the stairs, takes out a series of maps stapled together, and throws them down before the OGers.

Below, Yami Yoshi spots the maps and picks it up.~

Chizu: What is it?

GORE: A map of all of the floors in the mansion, it looks like...

Yami: It's got all of the traps put on here in detail, too.

~Goren, walking by the OGers, overhears this and walks towards them.~

Goren: I'm impressed, you must be resourceful! ~studies the group before him~ Do you all travel together?

Yami Yoshi: Kinda sorta. We do at the moment.

Goren: Well, then, you can all come with me. I want to show you something. It's on the roof, so let's take the elevator.

Chizu: ~studying the map~ Elevator? There's no--

~Goren walks underneath the right staircase and punches it. Suddenly a vertical split in the wall underneath the elevator becomes visible and from it two doors slide away.~

Author: Aaronguy[edit]

~The OGers pile into the Elevator. Goren follows.~

Chizu: So, what's on the roof, anyhow?

Goren: You'll see. ~Doors close~

~The elevator slowly ascends. Eventually, it comes to a halt. The doors open again, and Goren exits the elevator. The OGers try to follow but-~

Goren: ~Shoves the nearest OGers back~ Sorry, but this isn't your stop.

SwordMaster: What? What's going on?

Goren: I don't think having a group in the tournament would be fair. Not enough crushed spirits or broken bodies, you see.

Yami: Why you-

Goren: ~pushes another button~ So long!

Elevator: ~begins to drop rapidly~

Audience: ~gasps~

GORE: GAH! Not good! Not good!

Yami: We're gonna die! And I'm never going to get my cheesecake!

~There's a loud screeching outside, like metal on metal. The elevator begins to slow. Then, with a sickening crunch, it crashes onto the ground floor. The elevator itself crunches downward slightly, but no serious damage happens to those inside.~

AaronGuy: ...Ugh.. that was strange.

GORE: Yeah. Why'd it start slowing down like that?

Voice from the outside: Because of me!

GORE: Huh? Who's there?

Yami: Oh no..

~A hatch in the top of the elevator opens up. A long trail of black hair preceeds the face of the helper...~

Lord Kantii: Are all of you all right?

Yami: ~groans~

GORE: Er, we're fine. How did you find us?

Lord Kantii: A funny story, that is. I was on my way to take a bath before sleeping, when the wall opened up. I looked over, and I saw an elevator coming up. I heard some people yelling, then the elevator dropped down. So, I dove down, dug my feet into the walls, and tried to stop it.

Chizu: Why'd you help us, though? We'd just be a few less people to face in the tournament?

Lord Kantii: It's like they always say: 'There's no honor in death by an elevator'.

Yami: I don't think anyone says-

Lord Kantii: Shush. So, you're all in a group then?

GORE: Yeah, we need to get PL-0TT back.

Lord Kantti: PL-0TT... you must mean the Toasterheaded thingy they have beside that SUCCULENT looking Cheesecake..

Yami: ~angrily~ Which is MINE!

Lord Kantii: Kraw..? You mean you all are trying to get back prizes that were stolen from you in the first place? Strange... strange indeed...

GORE: True. Well, whatever the dark plot is, it can't be anything compared to Akujin. ~pries open the wall to let everyone out~ I say we sleep on this, and just wait until tomorrow.

Yami: Good idea.

Lord Kantii: Very well. Good night. And I promise you, I would be happy to let you have your toaster back if I happen to win it.

GORE: ~nods~ Thanks. That's good to hear.

Lord Kantii: But the cheesecake is mine! KYEAH HYEAH HYEAH!! ~glides off~

Yami: GRAR! ~chases~

Pages in the Member OG 7 Archive
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