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Author: Golem[edit]

Chizu: Be careful, the walls are probably fragile after the flooding!

Verde: ~shaking his head~ ...Naive.

~A beam of energy shoots up through the middle of the winner's circle, opening up a hole in the floor big enough for any of the fighters to get in. Kantii and Swordmaster look down into the hole to see a 9-foot-tall man made of diamonds and holding one decent sized sword in each hand entering a room below where Team Monkey fights the others. The giant prepares to make a swing at them, but everyone is too busy fighting to notice the giant, and SwordMaster jumps down through the hole, lands behind the crystalline giant, and runs up behind him, jumping up and latching onto his right arm.~

SwordMaster: Stop!

~The giant turns around, swinging SwordMaster off in the process.~

Giant: . . . Aggressor.

~The giant swings his right hand sword at SwordMaster, who blocks. A bit of white energy sparks out of the OG Blade where the giant's blade struck. Then he swings his left hand blade, but SwordMaster jumps up above the swing. The giant swings his two swords up and towards SwordMaster, who spins himself around rapidly--holding his sword up to his torso and parallel to his body--to deflect the swords on both sides. More and more sparks appear, and SwordMaster notices them going into the giant. Then SwordMaster realizes...~

SwordMaster: Daioshogun?! Is that you?!

~At this point, Kantii watches intently from above. Pharoah, hearing SwordMaster's voice, says~

Pharoah: SwordMaster! ~kicks Diskun aside~ Who is that?!

SwordMaster: It would take too long to explain, Pharoah!

AaronGuy: ~grappling with Mousie~ Pharoah?!

Pharoah: Delay the questions, including how SwordMaster knew it was me!

~SwordMaster kicks the giant's right shoulder, and he spins around, almost squishing Dark GORE under his foot.

In some shady room, Arcanist and Abbadon watch a glass ball that show the events in the basement through the giant's eyes.~

Abbadon: My my. All of these fighters are just piling on top of things. It's more like a confused riot than a tournament... And I can't believe a robot would have a soul, let alone a soul that strong.
What are we to do next, master? I recommend force #5...

~Arcanist nods.~

Abbadon: Force #5 it is. They ought to deal with the "Team Monkey" pests quite easily... And shall I increase the urgency of the search for the Wafflian and the element?

~Arcanist shakes his head side to side, as if to say "No."~

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~Super Fusionn tosses the stapler aside as lights, lasers, stars, rainbows, radiation, electricity, and other miscellaneous forms of energy emanate from his body.~

Super Über Omega Hyper Ultima Atomic Fusionn: AHAHAHAHA!!! I AM INVINCIBLE!!! YOU DON’T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST ME!!!

~Ingrid stands a chance against Super Über Omega Hyper Ultima Atomic Fusionn.~

Super Über Omega Hyper Ultima Atomic Fusionn: WHAT?!? IMPOSSIBLE!!! BUT YOU STILL CAN’T TAKE ME DOWN!!!

~Ingrid takes Super Über Omega Hyper Ultima Atomic Fusionn down.~

Super Über Omega Hyper Ultima Atomic Fusionn: NOOOOO!!!

~Super Über Omega Hyper Ultima Atomic Fusionn passes out and collapses onto the floor.~

Verde: Whoa, how did you dispose of that monstrosity so quickly?!

Ingrid: He wasn’t that powerful…he exhausted his power by focusing it on appearance rather than strength…

Verde: Hmm…I see…

Introbulusn: Hmph…I guess I’ll have to handle you three myself…Ultimate Prod!

~Introbulusn aims his index finger at Verde and fires a golden, spear-shaped beam at him.~

Verde: Exploding Stars!

~Verde rolls to the side and hurls several shurikens at Introbulusn.~

Introbulusn: ~smirks~

~Introbulusn holds the palm of his hand forward and the spinning steel stars freeze midair.~

Verde: What?!

Introbulusn: Hahaha! Anything composed of the substance metal is mine to manipulate and control! Stars, swords, knives, bullets…they’re all useless against me! Even your little robot friend’s metallic body is susceptible to my powers!

Ingrid: …

Introbulusn: Now I’ll be returning these stars to you…

~Introbulusn points forward and the shurikens spin back towards Verde. Verde bends his body backwards and the spinning stars barely graze his green ninja jumpsuit before exploding into the wall behind him.~

Introbulusn: As you can see, your attacks are useless against me! There’s nothing you can do to stop me…nothing! NOTHING! NOTH—


~A golden electric ball collides into Introbulusn’ back and electrocutes him to a crisp.~

Introbulusn: ~twitch~

~Chizu walks up behind Introbulusn’ fried body and kicks him over causing him to fall flat on his face.~

Chizu: It’s about time someone attacked the bad guy in the middle of his speech…

Verde: Chizu! You’ve decided to help us?

Chizu: Well, it’s not like I had much of a choice. If he had defeated you two, he would’ve killed me and taken my soul. He probably would’ve taken your souls as well.

Ingrid: I don’t have a soul.

Chizu: ...why don’t you shut the hell up?


Author: Golem[edit]


~Author 1 opens up a door to find Author 9 sitting alone in a poorly lit room with the script.~


~The three black clothed men and men in cowboy hats wait in a shady corner of the basement.

A wall slides open slowly and silently. Revealed are fifteen plungers. They all shoot out at once, cables coming out of their ends and into the walls. With great speed, one heads for EVIL Scientist Dude, another Mousie, another Ol' Bessie, another Diskun, another Bullwinkle, and another one flies towards MON-KILL. Six others shoot towards the men waiting in the shady corner.

Dark GORE and MON-KILL grapple with each other, and Dark GORE stands in the way of the plunger headed for MON-KILL. The plunger strikes him in the back, causing him to fall downward. It then latches onto MON-KILL's chest and starts to reel him in. He attempts to rip it off, but cannot do so.

Those in the shady corner have similar trouble. They are drawn into the light, and the three men in ponchos arrive from seemingly nowhere. Then the final three plungers zip out of the wall and latch onto the three men in ponchos.

SwordMaster kicks off of the giant's chest and leaps towards the cable holding EVIL Scientist Dude. Upon landing, SwordMaster slashes his sword directly at the cable holding the plunger to the wall. His sword bounces off of the cable and SwordMaster almost loses control of it. After looking over his shoulder and noting that the giant approaches him, SwordMaster cuts off the part of Evil Scientist DUDE's shirt that the plunger latches onto, but to no avail. The plunger grabs onto DUDE's skin through his shirt. With that, SwordMaster does a 180 degree jump, once again ready to combat the giant.

The entire Team Monkey helplessly sinks into the wall, along with the three black clothed men, the three men in cowboy hats, and three men in ponchos, as Arcanist and Abbadon watch.~

Abbadon: Well, Goren had one good idea. Putting souls in plungers wasn't a bad idea after all.

~Back in the basement, Dark GORE has once again become GORE.~

GORE: Ungh... what happen ??

SwordMaster: ~latching onto the giant's left shoulder~ Why not use that trick on us? You could get rid of us now!

Pharoah: Are you nuts, SwordMaster? Don't give them ideas!

Abbadon's voice: The dragon has a point, "SwordMaster."

~Back upstairs...~

Ingrid: If the tournament coordinators can't dispose of the losing fighters, the tournament is defective.

Verde: Meaning we have to get out of here while we still can.

Chizu: I don't know about you, but I'm not about to let them get away with killing people. The climbing challenge at the beginning of this thing was enough to convince me of that.


~Author 9 sits, bound and gagged by a couple rolls of duct tape, in a plain wooden chair. Author 1 leaves the room, closing the door behind him.~


Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

The dark dimension…

~A pair of smooth white hands emerges from the hem of the Dark Cloak. The left hand opens revealing a red, demonic eyeball in the center of its palm.~

Dark Cloak: ~caressing the Akujin Eye~ Kee hyee hyee!! You and my left hand will make such a beautiful couple!!

~The Dark Cloak opens its right palm revealing an empty, bloody hole in the center.

Dark Cloak: You’re too kind, Akujin…allowing me to become the sole ruler of this dimension and ensuring my takeover of the other one!

~The Dark Cloak absorbs the Akujin Eye into its right hand.~

Dark Cloak: Kee hyee hyee hyee hahahahahaha!! Both universes are mine!!

Author: Golem[edit]

~Tenorvista Dagnernie's image appears before Dark Cloak.

Meanwhile, at the tournament...~

Yamina: Chizu and Verde, wait where you are. Saru and Ingrid, it's your turn to fight.

~Saru, who had been waiting beside the ring, enters the zero-g fighting field with Ingrid behind him. They enter the ring and whisper together, letting no one hear them. Ingrid then states loud enough for everyone to hear,~

Ingrid: I forfeit.

~She walks out of the room and is led to where Chizu and Verde wait.~

AaronGuy: You're not even going to try to disguise your partnership with her?

Saru: After what happened in the cubedoormaze challenge, what's the point?

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

The dark dimension…

Dark Cloak: Well, if it isn’t Mr. Human-Lover…I see you’ve returned to our dimension...or should I say…MY DIMENSION!! Kee hyee hyee hahaha!!

Tenorvista: Nijuka! What have you done with the emperor’s soul?!

Nijuka: Kee hyee hyee! Akujin’s soul…no longer exists!

Tenorvista: So you killed him…

Nijuka: Heavens, no! Even though we were eternal rivals, you know as well as I do that we both lack the sufficient power to defeat him! It was the OGers who brought upon his demise!

Tenorvista: Where is Akujin’s third eye now?

Nijuka: …kyee hyee hyee…

Tenorvista: Answer me!!

Nijuka: …so you were after the Akujin Eye as well…I’m sorry…but you are too late…kee hyee hyee…

Tenorvista: What?!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

"Nikuja": SYKE! I'm not even this "Nikuja" guy. I DID kill him to steal his eye. And of course I have the third eye as well.

*One eye shines from beneath the hood as his white fists also glow.*

Tenorvista: Then... who the hell are you?

Dark Cloak: Someone much... much worse.

*Tenorvista's eyes widen as he realizes the truth. He tries to escape, but he's surrounded by copies of the Dark Cloak.*

Dark Cloak: I don't think you can leave just yet. I still have use of you.

*Dark Cloak extends his palm towards the shivering Tenorvista's forehead without touching it.*

Dark Cloak: Be careful- you know physical matter breaks down with my even more unbelievably invincible touch...

*As he speaks, Dark Cloak's white gloves and crack and shatter. Tenorvista's scream echo throught the black void. A few minutes later, Tenorvista reappears in the real world- but he has a large "V" carved into his forehead, and all trace of his hair is gone.*

Dark Cloak's Voice: Now obey me, my puppet...

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Meanwhile on an unknown planet…

~Carrying the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ on his saddle, BSD flies into a pitch-black cave and takes cover behind a stalagmite.~

BSD: ~panting heavily~ Huff…huff…huff…that Fusion freak has been chasing me for THREE months straight now! I think I may have finally lost him…

~BSD unravels the ropes tying the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ to his saddle and sets the machine down next to him.~

BSD: Now to finally make my wish!

~BSD prepares to climb into the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ when a rainbow light flashes behind him and illuminates the dark cave…~

Author: Golem[edit]

~BSD hops in the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ before the rainbow light dies down. When it does die down, only Fusion is left in the cave.~

Fusion: Gah! Too late again!

~Fusion grabs a small device that hangs on his belt and looks at it. On it is a screen with a flashing dot.~

Fusion: Well, at least he hasn't detected my Lilitian tracking device yet.

~Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room back in Goren's mansion on Earth, Abbadon and Arcanist sit at a table with a crystal ball on top.~

Abbadon: The battles are done, since Goren is dead and we are fairly sure Fred will not show up. Shall we utilize PL-0TT now?

~Arcanist nods. Abbadon pulls PL-0TT out from under the table.~

Abbadon: You want to end this story in our favor now, correct master?

~Arcanist nods.~

Abbadon: PL-0TT, follow the following orders.

PL-0TT: Yes sir.

Abbadon: Extract all of the souls from those still participating in the contest.

PL-0TT: Bzzzt. Cannot complete.

Abbadon: What?! Why not?!

PL-0TT: There is a greater plot device interfering with my plot abilities.

Arcanist: .....

Abbadon: A Holy Plot Device?

Arcanist: .....~reverb~

Abbadon: Right, The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~.

~Elsewhere, in a lonely room of the mansion...~

BSD: Why can't that Fusion understand that The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ has made me good...?! ~looks around~ Well, time to meet the natives...

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OOC: Sorry, GORE. Snooze, you lose.

Yamina: All right, folks! That’s it for the teammate versus teammate battles! Remember, all of you combatants who didn’t team up with a partner will automatically advance to the next round!

Sword Master: ~thinking~ I guess I’ll be up soon…I hope I have the strength to defeat him…

Bat-Ear: ~thinking~ This round will be a piece of cake…especially if I’m matched up against him!

Yamina: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for round two!

~The crowd cheers.~

Yamina: The first match of the second round is…Frederick von Bisquick versus…~drum roll~…the Masked Organism!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: *cuts Yami*

*The Authors' Dimension*

Author #4: So it's agreed. My Dark Cloak character will exist as a differant character-

Author #1: But he cannot interfere with Nijuka. What's so special about this mystery villain, anyway?

Author #4: Well, he hasn't shown his true personality yet. In time you'll see.

*Back in the OGing land, Yami's group has caught up with Chizu's.*

Yami Yoshi: We have to let this tournament continue.

Chizu: But if could just tell the fighters about Goren, we'd end this slaughter once and for all-

Yami Yoshi: No, we'd incite a riot which would threaten people on a wider scale. It's best to let them things go normally in the meantime.

Chizu: Fine. But how can we keep up this farce without Goren?

Ishay: (points) Isn't that Goren?

*The OGers get into fighting position, but they quickly drop their guards when they see who it is.*

AaronGuy: That's just GORE.

Yami Yoshi: Hey... that gives me an idea!

GORE: Whuh...?

*Later, GORE walks through the halls with a purple cape made from a curtain hanging from his back, and he has pieces of a brown rug taped over his mechanical parts.*

GORE"n": Oh- Yamina!

Yamina: There you are, sir! We've decided to start the next round early so no one would notice the turmoil in the halls. I assume the rabble-rousers have been retained?

GORE"n": Why of course- they're locked in that dungeon.

*GORE"n" motions to a thick steel door.*

Yamina: I see, sir. Such a pity too, that yoshi was so cute- too bad the same can't be said about that good-for-nothing Ihsay. Well I'll be leaving now.

*Yamina adjusts her glasses and walks away.*

GORE"n": (thinking) Doesn't she remind me of someone?

*Inside the "dungeon", Yami, Ishay, Chizu and AaronGuy are playing Four Swords Adventures between pizzas while Ingrid and Verde watch silently. It seems the OGers took a large advantage of Goren's fortune in renovating this room.*

Aaron: Hey you three, what happened to those guards you were fighting?

Verde: Oh! They got tired of their asses being kicked and united to charge up for their... Ogner Fistn. But they spent so long charging, we just walked away. They're probably still charging now.

*Saru sneaks into Goren's office, which is filled with portraits of famous wrestlers, boxers and martial artists. Hanging behind the desk is a giant portrait of the most legendary fighter of all time- The Great Gonzales. Saru removes the portrait to reveal a safe- except that the door and PL-0TT were both missing.*

Saru: Damn! Someone beat me to it!

*Hearing approaching footsteps, Saru replaces the portrait and disappears as GORE"n" enters. He immediately tears the room apart in search of the same object as Saru, too amazed by the Great Gonzalez's portrait to check behind it.*

Dark Cloak: Looking for something?


Dark Cloak: You should be more careful not to misplace things. Is everything going according to plan?

GORE"n": Why... of course.

Dark Cloak: (chuckles) So you've eliminated them?

GORE"n": In... a most brutal matter.

Dark Cloak: Excellant. Keep up the good work... GORE.

*GORE"n" winces, only to notice that the Dark Cloak has already gone.*

Author: Golem[edit]

~Kantii leaps into the room, bumping into GORE"n," muttering something about a cheesecake.~

GORE"n": Yami got it.

Kanti: ...GORE?

GORE"n": Keep it low, it's a semi-penetrated disguise, okay?

Kantii: Right then. ~turns around and dashes to Yami~

~Meanwhile, a figure looking like Masked Organism but with a curtain draped over his body comes close to the zero-g arena.~

Yamina: Masked Organism! We await the arrival of Frederick von Bisquick.

Masked Organism: ~throws curtain off of himself, revealing himself to be Black Skull Dragoshi with The Holy Plot Device (reverb) tied to his waist~ Fred?!

Yamina: Masked Organism! Your... well, your mask!

~In Arcanist's shadowy room...~

Abbadon: So Goren told absolutely no one that he was Masked Organism...

Arcanist: ......

Abbadon: It's being taken care of right now.

~Back near the zero-g arena...~

BSD: I'll go looking for that goofball.

~A plunger flies out of a small hole in the wall and latches itself to BSD's stomach.~

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Yeah! I win!

Aaron Guy: That’s not fair! You didn’t pause when I went to the bathroom! And I STILL got second place!

Thedorik’s Voice: Hahaha! You ALL lose!

~The wrinkled, prune-like face of Thedorik Loki appears on the screen and grins at the OGers.~

Yami Yoshi: What the hell?! You’re dead!

Thedorik: Hahaha! Didn’t my real life counterpart tell you anything about me?

Ihsay: Wait a second…I remember Thedorik saying something about meeting him again in a virtual world…

Thedorik: Hahaha…that is correct! Professor Loki’s master created a virtual world in the mansion’s main computer, the Matrix Bizounce!

Yami Yoshi: ~sweatdrop~ What kind of name is that?

Thedorik: Shut up! The Matrix Bizounce is a virtual world of matriculated bouncy excitement! Professor Loki planned to release the game worldwide…before you bastards murdered him!

Aaron Guy: If you’re not Thedorik, then who are you?

Thedorik: I am Thedorik! Or at least a virtual avatar created in the likeliness of the great professor! An avatar that would never age nor die…but would live and thrive eternally in a virtual world!

Yami Yoshi: Hah, you still look old!

Thedorik: Shut up! As an avatar in the main computer, I can also control every single mechanical device in this mansion! See this Gamecube? Now, it will give you a game over!

Yami Yoshi: That was lame.

Thedorik: Shut up! DIE!!

~Two Gamecube controllers coil up like snakes and lunge at Yami Yoshi.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a pair of Dark Eggs at the lunging controllers, which blasts them to pieces.~

Thedorik: WaveBirds! Attack!

~The other two controllers, wireless WaveBird controllers, hover up to the ceiling.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

~Yami Yoshi hurls another pair of Dark Eggs at the hovering controllers who merely fly a few feet to the side to avoid them.~

Yami Yoshi: Damnit!

~Before Yami Yoshi can produce another pair of Dark Eggs, the WaveBirds swoop down and knock him onto the floor. The WaveBirds wrap the cords of their fallen controller comrades around Yami Yoshi pinning him firmly against the floor.~

Thedorik: Use your built-in rumble packs!

~The two controllers press themselves to Yami Yoshi’s face and vibrate violently. Yami Yoshi twitches and convulses crazily as his eyeballs roll to the back of his head.~

Thedorik: Hahaha! How humiliating to be VIBRATED to death! Say “hi” to Professor Loki for me when you meet him in Hell!

Chizu: Shouldn’t we help him?

Aaron Guy: Don’t worry…we’ll see what several hours of continuous game play does to them…

~Suddenly, the two WaveBirds freeze midair and drop lifelessly to the floor.~

Thedorik: What the?!


~The WaveBirds’ back covers are knocked off and two pairs of Duracell batteries roll out.~

Thedorik: But I thought they kept going and going! Grrrrr…I’ll just kill you in one fell swoop then!

~The Gamecube’s lid pops open and the Four Swords Adventure disc spins towards Yami Yoshi like a buzz saw. Yami Yoshi unleashes his tongue and threads it through the disc’s center hole. The disc twirls for a few seconds on Yami Yoshi’s tongue before slowing to a halt. Yami Yoshi tosses the disc aside and withdraws his tongue back into his mouth.~

Aaron Guy: Yami Yoshi! Destroy the TV!

Yami Yoshi: But that cost us over two thousand dollars!

Thedorik: Hahaha! I see you’re still wrapped up in those cords…I’ll electrocute you in the pelvis and work my way up!

Yami Yoshi: On a second thought…Dark Omelet!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a barrage of Dark Eggs at the TV.~

Thedorik: Hahaha…even if you destroy the television, you still won’t destroy m—


Author: Golem[edit]

~BSD struggles with the plunger near the zero-g arena. He reaches for The Holy Plot Device ~Reverb~, But to no avail. The plunger restricts the movement of his belt and thus his access to the plot device. He struggles for a few more seconds, managing only to delay the plunger and not escape its grip. As he draws within a yard of the wall, BSD lets out an extremely high-pitched screech.

With Yami and the others...~

Ihsay: What was that?!

AaronGuy: We'd better check that out.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: That flamboyant, high-pitched scream could only belong to…Black Skull Dragoshi!

Aaron Guy: BSD?! How on Earth did he get…on Earth?!

Yami Yoshi: Who cares? Let’s go check it out!

~The OGers dart down the hallway towards the arena when a steel door slams shut in front of them.~

Yami Yoshi: The other way!

~The OGers are about to turn around when another steel door slams shut twenty feet behind them.~

Sword Master: Damnit! There’s no way out!

Verde: We’re trapped!

Yami Yoshi: ~rolls eyes~ Well…duh…

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