Member OG 10: Full Circle

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Start: August 11, 2005
End: May 12, 2006
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: GORE-ILLA, Murasame, Fred, Golem, Yami Yoshi, Luigi of the Pipes, Gamechamp
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Introbulus, Lupus, Nijuka, Velvet Monkey, Eerie II, Gamechamp, Fred, EVIL Scientist Dude, Saru, Cerulea, SwordMaster, Chizu, Murasame, Vorpal, Kuria Eiren, Black Skull Dragoshi, Yddet and most importantly Old Insane Guy.
Archive: Read it here.


Member OG 10 is the finale to the Member OG series.
A number of things happen here, but without spoiling anything, the OGers square off against Lupus, not to mention Nijuka and his fearsome generals, as well as a laundry list of other ne'er-do-wells, besides fate and each other.

Plot Summary[edit]

Following the dimension-merger, the now vulnerable Authors are placed in the care of Mr. T, with the exception of Author 2 who hangs out with TWIFATIT. Dark Cloak invites the OGers to a party, which Yami Yoshi, SwordMaster, Fusion, Introbulus, Chizu, and Kantii attend. GORE-ILLA angsts over his past (told to him by the Party Goers at the end of MOG8) and refuses to go along after hearing that Dark Cloak is the one hosting. Arriving at the party, the OGers kill Shade and Dark Cloak reveals himself to be the Velvet Monkey. Due to the fusion of dimensions, he has lost his power, making Nijuka the most powerful being alive. Nijuka is seeking the Writer's Chair and the four stones that have sealed its power; Velvet Monkey has already convinced Saru and Cerulea to confront him and asks the OGers to do the same. They ultimately agree, though SwordMaster remains most wary.

Vorpal, Kuria, Luiigii (in Yoshiman's body) and Sapphire's soul arrive at Weisheit Manor (or at least, an imitation built by Lupus) to reclaim the rest of the Party Goers, but Lupus catches them and reveals that he has one of the stones. While GORE squares off with Gamechamp, whose memory was wiped by Team Monkey, the other OGers head to Australia to get the stone. The remaining members of Robot Team beat them to it, but are wiped out just before the OGers arrive. The OGers are in turn caught in a firefight between Lupus's minions and the First Iris Expeditionary Force, led by one of Nijuka's recently brainwashed minions. Introbulus slips away and joins forces with Vorpal and Kuria to take on Lupus, but are held back by Fred, Lithium, and Koopa. Lupus takes the opportunity to kidnap and recruit Murasame.

Nijuka abuses his new power on planets in the Larso System. Saru and Cerulea attempt to fend him off, but prove to be no match. Akujin comes to their rescue and is killed while they escape to Alpha Centari. Ritz follows them and keeps them busy until Nijuka arrives, but they manage to steal a piece of the Writer's Chair away from the former and escape to the Planet of Sharp, Dangerous Objects. Nijuka and Ritz send a a team of R-Diskuns after them and head for Mystery, where Yddet has already landed the troops and personally engaged his creator, Vlad.

To escape the fighting at the manor, Fusion fuses the group to the ground. They are attacked by the manor's gardener, but Fusion manages to defuse them; the gardener uses the fourth stone to turn a tree into a monster, which absorbs and destroys SwordMaster's OG Blade before Kantii finishes it off. Lupus then swipes the stone back and transforms Australia into the Giant Fighting Weisheit Australia Robot, which swallows the OGers. Yami and Velvet Monkey are separated from the rest and learn the history of the Writer's Chair before being surrounded by a number of robotic villains. The rest of the OGers face off against Murasame in Tokyo Tower. SwordMaster finds the Vorpal and uses it to hold him off until Fusion defeats him with a Master Pie.

After being caught and taken to ESD's lab (within the giant robot), GORE downloads himself into Gamechamp. He teams up with a backup of Gamechamp's memory to take out Protochamp, who had been reprogrammed by ESD to lock up the original memory. Though they are successful, Protochamp is transferred to GORE. While making their escape, GORE is forced by Protochamp to attack his companion; though Gamechamp manages to escape, he is weakened and reverts into MON-KILL's right arm. Robot Team recovers from their earlier loss and catches up to GORE, who are then sent falling down to join Yami and Velvet Monkey. They take out the robot duplicates and are picked up by the Robot Team jet, while GORE uses Gamechamp to replace his own missing robotic arm. Yami, GORE, and Velvet Monkey break into the robot's control room to shut it down, but the power core escapes. They hijack a train to follow it, but the train instead deposits them in Lupus's throne room.

At the throne room, Velvet Monkey passes out from overexertion and Yami and GORE are quickly subdued by Lupus. Lupus is distracted by Clear, giving them a chance to recover, though they then begin to attack each other against their wills due to Yami's cheddarnite leg and Protochamp. Yami holds off Lupus and steals the stone back while GORE enters his memory and, with help from PL-0TT and Dark GORE, purges himself of the invader and a MON-KILL-based controller. Yami uses the stone to warp them out of the robot as it sinks, where they then join up with Robot Team and the OGers (who had picked up Introbulus). SwordMaster, Chizu, and Kantii remain behind to aid Lila, Legion, AaronGuy, and Culex with the resistance in Japan, while the rest use a portal in the Statue of Liberty to go to Mystery.

Fred and Lithium (and ESD) are left behind in the robot with the Party Goers, where they are attacked by Cat. Cat fends them off and restores the Party Goers's souls to their bodies, though Syphnity/Rhyk turns on him. While the Party Goers hold him back, the Anti-Space influence of Dark Ditto causes Cat to transform into Black Cat. They team up against the Party Goers and attempt to escape the robot, only to learn that it's submerged. They become caught up in battle with Fred and Lithium, until Fred tips over a vat of generic chemical goo in an attempt to wipe them all out. But they all survive anyway.

Saru and Cerulea are joined by Key on the Planet of Sharp, Dangerous Objects and take a space-worthy Chevy to Mystery. On Mystery, the OGers are faced by Nijuka, Ritz (vs. Fusion), Olive (vs. Robot Team and GORE), and Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t (vs. Yami). The stone that Nijuka was carrying turns out to be the Regression Stone/Rainbow Sword, which has revived BSD in his villainous persona. Introbulus drives him away before taking on Nijuka; with his gauntlet gone, Introbulus begins to lose control of his power. The two nearly destroy the planet, but Key teleports them back to the Planet of Sharp, Dangerous Objects and reveals that he is the Writer's Chair.

Thinking Introbulus dead, Yami lets his guard down and is impaled by BSD. Saru and Cerulea crash down on GORE and Fusion before they can run to help him. While the villains argue in Nijuka's absence, Key pulls the Rainbow Sword away and BSD regains his senses. They take a moment to mourn Yami before fighting off and killing the surviving generals. Having spent too much time near the Velvet Monkey, GORE loses control of himself and kills BSD. The other OGers, meanwhile, fight off Spaze and Raze and make their way to Mystery.

Introbulus and Nijuka continue to fight, until Nijuka takes the upper hand and sits in the Writer's Chair. In doing so he releases and is possessed by Eerie I, the creator of the universe, who explains metaphors. Introbulus kills him with the Writer's Chair, but is then possessed by Eerie and returns to Mystery as well. With Nijuka dead, Velvet Monkey begins to regain his power and either he or GORE kill Fusion, Saru, and Cerulea (it was off-screen).

Lupus, having followed them the entire time, makes off with Yami's body. The newly arrived OGers follow and assault him, but he absorbs cheese from Mystery until he has become giant. Chizu uses Yami to absorb the cheese and kill Lupus, then GORE sucks the cheese out of Yami before going berserk again. Enraged by the Vorpal, SwordMaster attacks him. They're interrupted by Velvet Monkey, Eerie, and Silver, who have teamed up to finish them off. The Robot Team returns and learns that Silver is actually Dr. Nyteen, but choose to destroy him with help from Brown rather than be assimilated by him.

Culex uses the regression stone to restore Introbulus and create James, a humanoid Jim now possessed by Eerie. With help from Yami, Fusion, and BSD's souls, Culex sends them into another universe. Introbulus unleashes his power and destroys it, killing himself and Eerie. With Eerie dead, his metaphors all lose form, including the Velvet Monkey. In the aftermath, both GORE and SwordMaster have gone missing and the dimensions have been separated again. GORE is revealed to be held by a fused Fred and ESD (FrESD), who is working to ressurect Lupus. GORE separates the two and escapes, paying his final respects to Yami before going completely mad.

Summary Summary[edit]

Yes that was too long.

Shut the hell up


  • HikerWare, Inc. will be mass-producing the "Punch a Hole in BSD" microgame this Fall. Or next Fall. Or whenever. Or maybe never.


Old Insane Guy: Shut your filthy mouth if you ever want to see your parents again!

GORE: Uh... I don't... ~passes out in pile of cheese~

Yami Yoshi: Well.

Lupus: Hey, wanna merge again?

What became of the authors, is still unknown. It is said that they fumbled off into obscurity because that was a bad sideplot wait I guess they dissapeared too when the OG ended last post by the way WHO THE HELL WAS JAMES