Señor Abbots

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Señor Abbots
Real Name Señor Abbots Belmont
Species Human
Birth Year Unknown
Origin Mexico
Creator Director
Debut The Loophole 2
Relatives Enchilado: Brother

A rogue prosecutor who's apparently a descendant of Juese Belmont and always somehow manages to end up on the wrong side of the law.


*Señor Abbots bursts in*

Señor Abbots: Aye Carumba, I want to prosecute!

Pee Wright: No, arrest him.

*Policemen arrest Señor Abbots* -Director in The Loophole 2


*Senor Abbots burst through the double doors*

Abbots: Am I mucho late for Judge Picnic 2007!?

Everyone: Yes arrest him!

*The bailiff tasers Abbots and wrestles him to the floor, then takes him away in handcuffs.*

Glenn: You know I actually enjoy doing that.

-Quote from the Loophole 3 Judges 2008.


  • Abbots has a brother named Enchilado.
  • Abbots' first name is Señor. Weird, huh?
  • Abbots has a squirt gun shotgun.
  • Abbots sweats every minute of every day, probably because he's so fat.
  • Abbots has a "little friend" named Pepito.
  • He is totally the best OG character ever.
  • Abbots' last name is Belmont. Weird, huh?

Other Appearances[edit]

He had his own Spinoff OG, and it was Castlevania based!