Wario Jr.

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The eternal rival of Mario Jr., though he was actually in love with him or something. He was introduced by Mario Jr. in Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods, where he met Marin in an Underworld fortress after her encounter with Laura Mario. He revealed to her that he had killed Laura long ago, leading MJ to create a clone to replace her with (Marin herself), and gave Marin the Star Sword to kill Laura with again. When she failed to do so, he privately swore vengeance against her.

He returned as a shadowy figure in Gamehiker Member OG V: Hobo Meets Girl who took control of the recently formed Doomhikers...from the shadows. While pitting them against the Gamehikers with Yami's cheesecake as a MacGuffin, he also sent Kiffus to take care of them. With the heroes occupied, he proceeded to kill Andromeda and kidnap Urchin, MJ's wife and son. He then kidnapped Marin as well and strapped her to a rocket launched at the sun, claiming that it was to awaken her as a Neko deity, though she was rescued by Tiffa. Wario Jr. instead focused on his plan for Urchin, working alongside a Scientist Dude to turn the boy into a Cheesecake of the Gods-fueled warrior named Alphie.

Though Luiigii of the Pipes tried to lock Wario Jr. in a closet for the rest of the OG, he was freed by Jorge (who he sent hundreds of years into Galaxy Goers) and proceeded to kill his father by recklessly shopping the Stock Market to give him a heart attack. With Wario Jr. in control of his father's company (ooh, bein' vague), the Scientist Dude turned on him and locked him away again, revealing himself as EVIL Scientist Dude.

Wario Jr. escapes near the end and goes after Mario Jr., confessing his feelings and then getting rejected. Before they can proceed further, the time traveling of the others catches up to them, erasing Urchin's kidnapping and Andi's death. Using the Caykforce which was probably still laying around EVIL Scientist Dude's lab, Wario Jr. teamed up with ESD to take out the Gamehikers once and for all, but was beaten by the Septuple Tech, Blades of Frenzy, and disappeared.

He reappears in Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely after the Gamehikers decide to be jerks and send him to prison with the Shrack of Neely despite him being absent for so long. He is busted out by Dark Ditto and Murasame and joins the rest of the villains to form the Sweet Sixteen. He is teamed up with SteveT, WarioFan 13, and Lobsterio to retrieve Quez from Big Al, but when they fail to do so they instead go after the Author's Chair protected by Bat-Ear Mirawk. Doesn't do a whole lot since no one could really remember what he can do. When Old Golem's intentions are revealed, he sides with Golem and is poisoned by WarioFan 13.

Important Stuffs That Everyone Forgot[edit]

Wario Jr. wears a yellow trenchcoat and hat, as well as purple sunglasses that absorb the light around his face, causing it to be hidden in shadows until he takes them off. He had about the same physical build as Mario Jr., though he beefs himself up with the Caykforce at the end of GMOGV. Otherwise guessing he resembles his father okay it's Wario are you happy?

Taking after his father, he was physically powerful and nigh-immortal, able to punch holes in walls and take severe wounds without flinching. He carried with him some dark version of Mario Jr.'s Star Sword, the Black Star Sword. As mentioned above, he also used the Caykforce to power himself up further, though he never displayed any particular abilities with it. All of this would probably be a lot clearer if I could remember MJ's old OGs that he might have originated from.