Weenie Boy

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A drawing of Golem's that was brought to life to serve Team Rocket Omega as an evil minion in Party Goers 3: Tropical Bash!. Physically he is described as a "weird 16-year old" who is thinner than a palm tree. However, he is later killed by the end of the OG when Vectorman fires him into an edible hot dog with his laser eyes in Replaforce's grand entrance.

He reappears alive and well in Party Goers 11: When Sidekicks Kick Back. I guess when a drawing you brought to life is killed, there's nothing stopping you from just using the device to bring them back to life again. In this appearance he was working for Vorpal's Plumber People on Earth. Eventually it turned out his bosses there were holograms. When he found this out after being teleported to the true Plumber People HQ in the Sky Palace, he was enraged and quit, which led to him being tossed into the dungeon with the Party Goers. However, he rallied for escape, theorizing about a Giant Jim Carey. He was not mentioned again until the ending, when he landed on the mysterious world of Kutalal after being saved from the Flying Palace's explosion by Hairy and Para-Weenie. This presumably led to further adventures of them in the next OG but it's lost so we'll never know.

He also appears briefly in the non-canon future of Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely, where he and Rojo work together in driving a garbage truck for Team Rocket until they are splattered by the OGers' jeep bursting through it.


  • Has a trivial role in Lord of the Parties as the leader of the human barbarians who swear allegiance to Arab Dude.


Nrrator: With Weenie Boy...

-The debut of Nrrator in Party Goers 11.

Roy: Have a good time playing hero in the dungeon!

WB: Ok here's my plan. We get giant Jim Carrey to smash through these walls. And squash Vorpal here.

Golem: Great plan but how are we supose to get Giant Jim Carrey?

Vorpal: The time for the sidekicks to kick back is at hand. It would have been later, but Mr. Predict and Sgt. Flutter are ruining my plans.
-Mr. Predict and Flutter overshadow a great plan in Party Goers 11.

See Also[edit]