Party Goers 3: Tropical Bash!

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Start: Uncertain Date 2000
End: Uncertain Date 2000
Timeline: Pre-Timeline Split
Writers: Golem, Yoshiman, Sapphire, Magikoopa, Megaman X.
Main Cast: Golem, Sapphire, Magikoopa, X, Yoshiman, Weenie Boy, Bomberman, Zero, Meowth, Vectorman, Mr. Predict, Talking Wing Cap Mario Toy.
Archive: Read the Story


The third installment of the Party Goers series. This story featured the introduction of new villains in the form of Replaforce and the villains brought to life by the Devious Drawing Maker. It also introduced Sapphire's side-switching ways and the running gag of her threatening to end the story early.

Plot Summary[edit]

Golem, Sapphire and Yoshiman are riding around in Sapphire's Flying Submarine (which she had stolen from the Bombing Bombarders at the end of the original Party Goers), and Sapphire decides that they should throw their next party on an island. They soon choose an abandoned island in the Atlantic Ocean (or "the ocean closest to Maryland" as Golem calls it) as the site of this party.

In Team Rocket Headquarters, James assigns the Bombing Bombarders (Magikoopa, Bomberman and Meowth) to find and eliminate whoever was responsible for prematurely ending Party Goers 2: VR Trouble!. Magikoopa accepts, even after he learns that the person is Sapphire. The Bombing Bombarders track the Party Goers to the island, and they are surprised when Sapphire comes to them. They are also surprised to find that they are not the only Team Rocket operatives tracking down the Party Goers on the island, as the enigmatic Weenie Boy upstages Magikoopa in his battle with the Party Goers. Sapphire actually offers to join Magikoopa's crew, but only on the condition that Magikoopa and Bomberman quit Team Rocket and drop Meowth. The Bombing Bombarders retreat to Cincinatti, Ohio to think over her offer, taking over the city in the progress.

Mr. Predict joins up with Golem and Yoshiman after freeing himself from the virtual reality machine he had accidentally been trapped in at the end of Party Goers 2. Golem confronts a quartet of villains (Weenie Boy, Hairy, Shela and Para-Weenie) whom he recognizes as resembling his old drawings. Mr. P soon uses his powers to make the four living drawings disappear. The three proceed to do "islandy stuff" until Weenie Boy returns. In the meantime, Sapphire mostly relaxes while threatening to end the story at any moment. Magikoopa, Bomberman and Meowth decide not to give in to Sapphire's demands and instead to stand up to her.

The Party Goers soon discover that the island contains a secret Team Rocket laboratory containing a Devious Drawing Maker that was used to bring Golem's drawings to life. Some new villains soon stumble onto the scene: Replaforce (X, Zero and Vectorman). X claims that the story will become serious from now on and tries to prove it by blowing up a turkey and frying Weenie Boy. Replaforce later interrogates Magikoopa's Talking Wing Cap Mario Toy. They use it to infiltrate the Rocket Lab and use a Total Annihilator to blow a hole in the island, causing it to sink into the ocean. The Party Goers are able to escape in a Flying Submarine, and this time it is Yoshiman who ends the story after Mr. Predict manages to retrieve Pikachu from Team Rocket.


"Golem: Why do you always have to be the one who makes sense all the time?

Saph: I'm not! Well..."

"Eat at Joes!

Meowth: What the.. ?!

Magikoopa: Whoopsie! Somehow that message keeps popping up..."

"Zero: I love it when you talk like Elvis! You guys know he's alive right?

X: Oh heck yeah! And someday, we'll meat him too! But never mind that right now, let's start asking it some questions."

Stories in the Party Goers series.
Main Series: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Holiday: Halloween - Thanksgiving
Spinoffs: Party Goers Heroes - The Party Goers!
Other: Nintenfreak's Comic - Partygoers.Keenspace - Bootleg OGs