Holiday Goers: Bane of Turkey's Existence

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Start: November 2000
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: (unsure) Golem, Magikoopa, Masamune, Sapphire, DVGBC, Dude
Main Cast: Golem/Cat, Ditto McCloaker, Magikoopa, Turkey, Masamune, Dodo, Murasame, Krunk, Snipes, Sapphire, Dude, Pikachu.
Archive: Read the Story


The second installment in the Holiday Goers subseries. It is the last part of the series to have been saved, as the later installments were deleted in VGF's server crash.

Plot Summary[edit]

It's Thanksgiving time, and Golem (referred to as Cat later in the story) is hosting a Thanksgiving feast. Everyone makes preparations. Magikoopa and Birdo travel to Crystal Tokyo and bring some guests in the form of Sailor Moon characters. Their plane nearly gets trashed, but they are saved by Tails.

In the meantime, a Turkey escapes from Magikoopa and begins tormenting the Party Goers, taking them down one by one. The Turkey's presence is announced through canned laughter. Turkey Dunditto eventually intervenes and attempts to capture the Turkey, enlisting Golem as his assisstant. Dunditto's hunt fails, and he ultimately decided to hunt down a frozen turkey at the store where he works.

Masamune and Dodo whip up their own food for the feast with the aid of Sailor Man. However, Murasame outdoes him by bringing in Chef Torte with a master pie, his evil plan being that the pie would make the Party Goers thankful for him. Eventually everyone sat down to Thansksgiving dinner and, at Masamune's fervent demand, recited what they were thankful for.

As for the Turkey, it lived on, ready to strike again another day...


Saphire: *suspenseful music* *walks up to the door*

Audience: Don't go in there! NOOOO!!!

Saphire: *turns the knob, slowly pulls the door open* AIIIEEEE!!!

Turkey: *canned laughter* Behold! The Pokedance!

Saphire: *covers her ears, closes her eyes shakes her head violently while screaming in horror*

Masamune: AUGH!!

Dodo: *flaps in* What's wrong!?

Masamune: The ham... its smiling at me! How can I cook the poor pig?

Dodo: You must... it is your destiny!

Masamune: It's scary! Make it go away!

Ditto: ...Heard ya'll we're havin' trouble with a ferocious woild tuh-key... *waves the blunderbuss. Everyone flinches* I'll land yer tuh-key fer ya... and Oi'll clean 'im fer free...

Dodo: Good! Here's a knife. *hands him a little knife*

Ditto: *chuckles* That's not a knoife... *Whips out a hugh-jass machete with niches carved in the handle* Now, this... is a knoife...

Sailor Man: Heh heh heh! I cooked a Spinach Caserole! *smells it* Whew! Well blow me down!

Dodo: Ughhh... it blew me down *runs to the bathroom*

Ditto: Ah. Would you please pass the crescent rolls?

*Everyone looks around* Ditto: Oh, my. Did someone forget the crescent rolls? *everyone looks at each other*

Ditto: I said... *pulls out his blunderbuss and jumps on the table, waving it violently* DID SOMEONE FORGET THE FREAKIN' CRESCENT ROLLS?!?

Rhyk: *suddenly grabs a roll and shapes it like a crescent* H-Here you go.

Ditto: Oh! Good. *takes it, and calmly sits down* Ahhh, crescenty goodness..

Stories in the Party Goers series.
Main Series: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Holiday: Halloween - Thanksgiving
Spinoffs: Party Goers Heroes - The Party Goers!
Other: Nintenfreak's Comic - Partygoers.Keenspace - Bootleg OGs