Party Goers 11: When Sidekicks Kick Back

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Start: July 2000
End: July 31, 2000
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: Golem, Vorpal, Sapphire, Flutter, Ditto McCloaker, Yoshiman, Magikoopa, S-Cargo.
Main Cast: Flutter, Vorpal, Ditto McCloaker, Guisseppie, Yoshiman, Mr. Predict, Golem, Sapphire, Shigeru Miyamoto, Metal Mario, Roy, Tech Sgt. Toad, Dead Misty Sisters, Weenie Boy, Magikoopa, Bomberman.
Archive: Read the Story


The eleventh story in the Party Goers series. This one featured Vorpal's emergence as a major force in the Party Goers world, the first excursion into S-Space and the introduction of Ditto McCloaker.

Plot Summary[edit]

Golem and Sapphire to decide to throw another party, so they go to Arab Dude's Party Store to see who is running it now. But as they enter, they are jumped and captured by Magikoopa and Bomberman, who are soon joined by the rest of Team Rocket Omega. Yoshiman, Mr. Predict, Yoshi 64 and Rhyk attempt to rescue them, but fail. The two are later released by Team Rocket when they instead decide to follow a different scheme in Las Vegas.

After some debate about what do next, Golem decided to explore a new universe with the TASTS. They wind up arriving in the Sky Palace in S-Space. The electrical field disables Yoshi 64 and Rhyk, who are kept in the TASTS's healing center and not heard from for the rest of the OG. The Sky Palace turns out to be the headquarters of Vorpal and his group of disgruntled sidekicks ready for their chance to "kick back" (they would become known as the V Team in their reappearance in Party Goers 15). Vorpal said that he reprogrammed their TASTS to take them to his Sky Palace in the previous OG, and imprisons them all in the dungeon.

Mr. Predict is able to escape and meets up with Flutter, who arrived via catapault while looking for treasure. However, Vorpal activates a mind control chip he had planted on Yoshiman and Mr. Predict to make them into his mind slaves. Flutter escapes to the S-Space version of Earth, where he meets a group of video game heroes led by Shigeru Miyamoto. Flutter learns that he had a counterpart on this Earth, a video-gaming hero who died a martyr.

Flutter chooses Luigi, a fellow sidekick, to aid him in the battles with Vorpal. Vorpal's Sky Palace is destroyed, but he soon returns with a new one. Miyamoto is critically wounded during the battle. However, Ditto McCloaker saves him and nurses him back to health. Miyamoto also discloses the location of a Dimensional Crossover which the Party Goers could use to return to their own universe after defeating Vorpal.

Mr. Predict and Yoshiman are able to break Golem, Sapphire and the others out of Vorpal's dungeon, but Vorpal soon places them under his control again. After they once again escape his control, Vorpal turns up his frequencies in order to produce evil twins of Yoshiman and Mr. Predict. I'm not sure if they're ever mentioned again after that post.

Vorpal has a crisis of concience when he is about to kill Roy, as another voice referred to as Stryke urges him to stop. Flutter manages to distract Vorpal with a rainbow lollipop while planting a time bomb on the Sky Palace II. In the meantime Luigi had saved all the prisoners from the dungeon, and he and Flutter escaped as the Sky Palace exploded. But Flutter felt bad about this victory, as he saw Vorpal was starting to turn good in his final moments.

Sapphire, Yoshiman and Mr. Predict walk down the street after their ordeal until Dr. Emmett L. Golem arrives from the future and takes them to the next Party Goers in his TASTS in a Back to the Future reference. In the final final scene, Weenie Boy (whom had been one of Vorpal's minions) finds he survived the explosion of the Sky Palace in a mysterious place called Kutalal. He soon meets his saviors- Hairy and Para-Weenie.


  • Notable as possibly the first OG with a "fake credits" section (and, just as importantly, the first Back to the Future parody).


Hyper Mecha Sonic: Hey, wasn't there a sixth guy with us?

MagiKoopa: Shoot. what was his name? V---V---

Bomberman: Victor?

Meowth: No, that wasn't it. Maybe it was--

Sapphire: [ahem]

Flutter: 99, 100. There should be an X around here. Ah ha! Wait there is no treasure. *sits on the x. Which is a catapolt* Hey this thing is a... Whaaaaa. *thud* The secret flying palace. Now I can fight steal and get rich.

Dead Misty: Halt.

Flutter: I'm on my way to get rich.

Dead Misty: We don't have any treasures.

Flutter: Oh. I'm going to sleep.

in his dream...

Kirby: Welcome to Dream Land.

Flutter: Woah nightmare. Better wake up. *wakes up*

Vorpal: The Vorpal Sword. After I found this sword I was no longer a human, but became Vorpal. After a failed Team Missile, the sword instructed me to build this palace. But where the sword brings life, it also brings death. Your death.

Dead Misty: With one mighty blow Dead Fake Misty is dead.

Vorpal: This sidekick will not kick back after all.

Weenie Boy: Ok here's my plan. We get Giant Jim Carrey to smash through these walls. And squash Vorpal here.

Golem: Great plan but how are we suppose to get Giant Jim Carrey?

Roy: I' sorry about the lollipop, sir.

Vorpal: It's not the lollipop! It's the principle! I lost my lollipop just like my whodad thingy!

Roy: Where exactly did you get it?

Vorpal: It was one of a kind. I found it at Rush Limbagh's Garage Sale.

My Very Own Scene-Setting Guy: In a secret underwater hideaway, safe from the trials and tribulations of the outside world, a mysterious figure takes his place in a high-backed chair before an ornate desk. An insignia of a Goomba is carved on the back, with the word DITTO carved over it. The chair obscures our view of him, save that he wears metallic gloves, and he is stroking a black cat ~no, scratch that~ a talking '?' block named Guiseppie.

Vorpal: Crap. <Changes station>

Willie Nelson: On the road again... Just can't wait to get back on that road again... Goin' places that I never been, seein' thangs that I may never see again... Just can't wait to get back on the road again...

Vorpal: Willie Nelson? Um... Excellent.

Stories in the Party Goers series.
Main Series: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Holiday: Halloween - Thanksgiving
Spinoffs: Party Goers Heroes - The Party Goers!
Other: Nintenfreak's Comic - Partygoers.Keenspace - Bootleg OGs