Party Goers 3 Page 1

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Pages in Party Goers 3
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Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: One day, after ending PG2, while riding in that sub Saph had from PG1...

Saph: Can I end a story soon?...Like this one?

Golem: Sure! Ummm... hmmm...

Saph: What?

Golem: Where could we party next?

Saph: Hmmm... on a tropical island?

Golem: That's it! Head strait for the sea!

Saph: You know, we could get lost that way...

Golem: I know! But there are always undiscovered islands with undiscovered ppls.!

Saph: Okaaaaaaaa-yyyyyy, if you say so...

Narrator: They head out into the... the...

Golem: The ocean closest to Maryland!

Narrator: Well, it looks like my geography skills are low. Anyway...
they rode out into the night. Finally, they found an island. Waitaminute, lemme get my suit on... big voice...
Who knows what kind of things could happen here? Is it really tropical? And one other thing: does anyone have adjectives for it?

Author: Yoshiman and Mr. Predict[edit]

YM: (Grumbling to himself) I KNEW I shouldve put armor on my invention!

Golem: Hey, Don't sweat it. At least were alive!


Saph: Gimme a break. I stopped the story before it turned to crap like The Really Big Thing.


KL: Speaking of which, where's Mr. P?

--- At the arcade. . .

Mr. P: HELP!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: And it's the ATLANTIC ocean. So Golem, now what do you suppose we do?

YM: We can't just leave Mr.P in there!

Golem: But what about our new storyline? I've already passed out copies of the script...

Saph: Oh brother.

YM: Script?? I didn't get a script!

Saph: Trust me... you don't want one! I say it's best we continue as we are.. according to my watch we will be meeting up with the Bombing Bombarders once again...

Golem: Why do you always have to be the one who makes sense all the time?

Saph: I'm not! Well...

YM: Now that we're here, what do we do?

Saph: I'm scared to hear what Golem will come up with next...


Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: O goodee! I'm a regular character now. But, anyways, meanwhile the Bombing Bombarders are planning their next attack...

BM: Okay, who's our partner this time?

Magi: Hmmmm... let's see...

Narrator: An evil Nintendo character falls from the sky. Who could it be? He looks small, and... oh well. Let's go back to the other group to hold the suspense for at least one scene.

Narrator: I love this!

Golem: Saph, that was last time! We already rescued him in PG2!

Saph: But... We were in that Hall of Fame thing two seconds ago...

YM: But we already rescued him!

Mr.P.: I'm still inside the VR!!!

Golem: See, Saph?!

Saph: See what?

YM: Aha! A time rip!

Narrator: It seems the Bombing Bombarders' drop-in has already taken action! Let's see how they're doing with it!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Look, it's...

the sidekick in question lands inside the flying sub.

Bomberman and MagiKoopa: Meowth again?!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right!

Just then, the sub's onboard computer recieves an incoming video transmission. The trio walks over and MagiKoopa turns on the PC camera.

Boss: Hey, guys!

Meowth: Hey, James!

Bomberman: What's out mission this time?

Boss: I've been keeping a close eye on these stories from afar. They keep ending abruptly! So, this time, your mission is to kidnap the one responsible for ending the stories prematurely, then end it yourself to take the credit!

MagiKoopa: We can take our time to execute Step 2, right?

Boss: Um... sure, why not? :D

Meowth: Yeah! Let's have some fun in the sun!

Boss: But remember your mission. Capture this person first.

an ARB (All Rockets Bulletin) appears on the computer monitor, displaying a picture of--

MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth: Sapphire!

Boss: I take it you're familiar with her?

MagiKoopa: Metal Mario, Bomberman and I tried to catch her in our pre-Rocket days.

Meowth: Now that you guys have got me on your side, you can't lose!

Boss: I'm counting on you. Don't let her end the story. That's our job! Over and out.

MagiKoopa: Well, you heard the Boss. Bomberman, find their coordinates!

Bomberman: Done. They're at that island over there.

Bomberman points out the window to a nearby island.

Meowth: This'll be like taking candy from a Caterpie!

all 3: let's hit it!

The flying sub picks up speed and zooms across the surface of the ocean, then slowly heads underwater.

Meowth: Down periscope!

MagiKoopa: It's already down.

Meowth: [sigh]

Author: Sapphire[edit]


At the Island, Golem is running aound, Saph is sitting under a palm tree in the shade.

Golem: Now we can do some real islandy stuff!

Saph: Oh brother.

YM: What's "Islandy stuff"?

Golem: Well... like look for food, a place to stay..

Saph: I claim the sub!

YM: That's no fun!

Saph: What else do you want me to do?

Golem: Ut oh... don't make her mad guys. Remember last time...

YM: She killed the plot!

Golem: Hey, let's party! Come on YM, we can find some fun things to do! You can stay here if you want, Saph.

Saph: I think I will. The water's very pretty. I think I'll take a nap. Bye!

YM: She's no fun...

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Hey! YM! Let's go leave some prank messages on the Crazy Gang message machine!

YM: "Crazy Gang"?

Golem: Ummm... forget it... let's go!!!!

Narrator Yoshiman and Golem run off in search of a payphone.

Saph: Uhg, I guess I'll hafta keep myself company.

Narrator: A weird 16-year-old pops out from behind a palm tree. You see, he can do this, because he's thinner than the tree.

Strange Person(with a big grin on his face): Hello!

Saph: What the...

Strange Person: Th' name's Weenie Boy!

Saph: Where have I seen you before...

Narrator: Meanwhile, it seems that the Time Rip has ended... so far. And it seems that our "visitor" wasn't the cause of the problem... or maybe not...

Author: Yoshiman and Mr. Predict[edit]

YM: Found one!

Golem: Hey. . . This is a tropical island! there can't be payphones here! And if there were. . .

YM: That means it's suspicious?

Golem: No, that means its connected to a satellite!

YM falls anime-style

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

a camaflouged periscoped peeks over the surface of the water.

Meowth: So, what plan have you guys cooked up this time?

MagiKoopa: Me? Plan?

Bomberman: I dunno... we could play blackjack, I guess.

Meowth: No, no, NO! We hafta be serious about catching Sapphire and ending the story before she can! Now, listen up!

Bomberman, MagiKoopa, and Meowth huddle together for Meowth to discuss his plan. Meanwhile, on the island...

Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: Meanwhile on the island, it seems that Saph is not to happy with Weenie Boy.

WB: Okay! First off, where are you normally?

Saph: Normally with... hey, why do ya need these answers?!

WB: Oh, no reason.

Saph: Then go away!!!

WB: Sure.

Narrator: Weenie Boy walks to the payphone half-way across the island, shoves Golem and YM out of the way, and calls someone.

WB: I can't get any info. outa her, boss!

James: Well, keep working, Weenie Boy. With your scrawnyness, maybe I should'a made you a spy... that's it! Go down and spy on Saph! You hafta of gotten something by the end of the day.

WB: 'Kay boss!

Narrator: Weenie Boy hangs up the phone. Meanwhile, with the Bombing Bombarders...

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

Bomberman: Ready!

MagiKoopa: Ready!

Meowth: Let's do it!

The trio launches a massive torpedo from their submarine (currently underwater) and blasts half of the shore facing them! Sand flies everywhere, including Sapphire's face.

Saph: Hey, what the...?!

suddenly, two silhouettes appear on the surfaced sub in the distance.

Silhouette 1: Prepare for trouble!

#2: Make it double!

#1: To protect the world from devestation!

this goes on to the part where the silhouettes reveal themselves.

#1: Bomberman!

#2: MagiKoopa!

Bomberman: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

MagiKoopa: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! Gotcha, now!

Meowth tosses a Pokéball on the island near Saph. it opens up to release a Haunter!

Haunter: Haunter, Haunter!

Meowth: Go! Use Hypnosis!

The Haunter uses Hypnosis and puts Saph to sleep!

MagiKoopa: Everyone else is so far away...

Bomberman: They'll never know what happened!

Meowth: Neither will Saph!

MagiKoopa: Now, let's get out of here!

Bomberman and MagiKoopa carry Saph back to the sub, while Meowth follows after getting Haunter back.

Meowth: Ha ha! We're winning!

back on the sub...

Bomberman: Now that we're here, we can use her for anything! We could even get money with her unconcious help!

MagiKoopa: I've got it! Let's steal her ATM card!

Bomberman and MagiKoopa fall over anime-style.


MagiKoopa: aw, heck.

Bomberman: So, let's start typing the ransom note.

Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: Meowth starts typing:

Dear Brats,

BM: NO! We wanna sound polite!

Meowth: Oh. Yeah!

Dear Twits, We have your deer

Magi: De-A-r, she's not an animal!

Dear Twits, We have your dear Sapphire.

Narrator: This could take some time, so let's get back to YM and Golem.

YM: Hey, who was that guy?

Golem: He looked sorta like one of my drawings... but how is that possible? My drawings can't come alive and besides my 16+ drawing books are in the sub!

YM: Somethin' tells me not all is right...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Golem: Oh well. We still have to think of something fun to do.

YM: Well, we could go and explore that cave over there...

Golem: I'm liking this already!

YM: Figured you would..

Golem: But wait. It looks awfully dark in there.

YM: What are you so worried about?

--Thay start advancing towards the cave when all of a sudden a rock comes hurtling towards them.

Golem: Huh??

YM: Look out!

~Back in the sub~

Meowth: There, I'd say that is a pretty good letter.

Bomberman: Um, one problem.

Meowth: What's that?

Bomberman: The twits probably don't have any money to begin with!

~Meowth and Magikoopa fall over~

Magikoopa: The point is to prolong the plot so that it will be impossible to end... until there's clearly no point to going on.

Meowth: Right. Last time we had such a brilliant storyline too.

Bomberman: I have an idea! Let's blow up the island with my new and improved super bombinator!

Magikoopa: When did you come up with the time to make another one?

Bomberman: Um, well...

Meowth: What do we do with the note?

Magikoopa: Let me configure it onto the sub's computer and when we fly over they will see the message.

Eat at Joes!

Meowth: What the.. ?!

Magikoopa: Whoopsie! Somehow that message keeps popping up...

Meowth: Where's my note?

Magikoopa: Hold on hold on.

Dear twits,

Meowth: Well? Where's the rest of it?

Magikoopa: There! (The ship displays the message, which promply erases itself) What the..?!

Bomberman: You pressed the erase button you dolt!

Magikoopa: I know this ship from top to bottom! Inside and out!

Saph: Obviously not well enough.

Magikoopa, Bomberman and Meowth: O.O

Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: Meanwhile, with Weenie Boy...

Weenie Boy(nearby a cave): Eat at Joe's! Yes, my message was sent to the boss!

Narrator: Do the Bombing Bombarders know of this?

Magi: Huh? The sub reads Thank You For Being Duped By Weenie Boy of Team Rocket! HEY!!!

Meowth: Uh-oh, the boss has sent someone into our territory!

Saph: Great, double trouble.

Magi: Did someone mention a certain SNES game?

BM: Uhg, I don't know why I decided ta stay with you! Aaaaaaanyway, I almost forgot!

Meowth: What?!

BM: WE hafta blow up the story! Remember?!?!

Magi: Oh yeah!

Narrator: Meanwhile, it looks like our fun-searching teens have run into a problem...

Golem: Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! How do we escape?!?!

YM: I dunno!!!!!!!! Use somethin'!!!

Narrator: The boulder stops.

WB: Hahahahaha, I've got ya now! Hand over Saph!

Golem: Uh, she's not with us, she's relaxin' under some palm.

WB: 0.0 I checked there already! She's not there! Oh, nevermind! >:0 Just tell me where she is!

Golem: WE DON'T KNOW THEN!!! ...Wait! She's gone... then THEY got 'er! Oh no!

YM: Ummmmmm... guys? Why did the boulder stop?