Party Goers 3 Page 4

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Pages in Party Goers 3
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Author: Golem[edit]

Act 44:

Golem: Oh no... clouds are rolling in!

YM: Oh no! Isn't that bad?

Mr.P.: It might be good. If Mallow is causing it by crying, it would.

Arab Dude: Excue me. Is "L64" hee?

Golem: No, but I was with him when we were preparing for our party a while back!

AD: Here. You have 2 dollas change.

Golem: Thanx! ^^0

AD: Ey, can I come? I want an adventure.

Mr.P.: Sure!

~Meanwhile, Replaforce has been given enough time to make their...~

Mega: ...Total Anihilator!

Vect: Heh! Team Rocket's Secret Mecha Devious Drawing Maker worked perfectly!

Zero: Shyes!!! Now to make some white-out... That should be perfect!

Mega: Wait! We may not need to do that!

Computer: Total Anihilator activated. Will blow in 2 hours. If you want to stop this, forget it.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: Hmmm, It seems like they are losing their interest. The ending awaits...

Author: Yoshiman[edit]


YM: I shall end the story!
TA: Malfunction. . . 3 seconds to explosion!

X: Doh!


Gm: What was that?

Mr. P: It blew a hole in the Island!

WB: Gotta get outta here!

WB runs but trips on a rope held by Saph and YM.

YM: Sorry, THIS time the good guys win!

Mr. Predict: AND. . . I used my free time releasing Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pii!

James over Videophone: WHAT???? Bzzzz* fltzzz


Gm: To the Sub!

They run to the sub.

Magi: Hahaha! Beat you to it!

Mr. Predict Concentrating:

Those who are evil are now incompitent.
Those who are evil are now incompitent.
Those who are evil are now incompitent.
Those who are evil are now incompitent.

Magikoopa, Bomberman and Meowth start running around like freaks.

M,B,M: LaLaLa!

Mr. P: Hurry!

Everyone gets on the sub in time for the island to submerge.

Saph: now it's-


Saph: Hey!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Golem: But YM! I thought you were my friend!

Saph: That wasn't the ending I had in mind...

YM: Well it's done, I did it... ut oh...

Saph: Oh well! Even though there should have been some finale. But once it's ended, it's ended.

Golem: That's one less story on the board...

Saph: I should never have ended Party Goers 2.

YM: Now you regret it!

Golem: One thing. What happened to the Bombing Bombarders?

Saph: I guess we'll never know.

Golem: Hey! Let's go to Cincinatti!

YM: I just ended the story why are we still having a conversation?

Saph: See how I feel!

Mr P: It's over!

Golem: But I wanted to say 'The End'!

Saph, YM, Mr P: :\

Saph: The REAL end. :)